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Stop the slaughter in Libya!

For the defeat of the counterrevolutionary government and the regime of Khadafy-Obama, murderous and jackal of the Middle East masses!

For the triumph of workers’ and exploited masses’ insurrection!

* Down with Gadaffi and his tribal councils of the regional bourgeoisies, whom supported by decades the murderous regime and in the selling out of the nation to imperialism!
* Out with the imperialist fleets from Mediterranean Sea that are trying to fence the rebel Libya!
* Out from Bahrain 5th Fleet of US imperialist butchers!
* None military intervention of the UN assassins!

For a revolutionary government of the working class and exploited rebel masses, selforganized and armed,
to break with imperialism, expropriate all oil companies and Gadaffi’s and regional bourgeoisies’ assets!

- We are before a catastrophe and bankruptcy of imperialism. We need to expropriate the true plunderers of the world: Wall Street, their banks, transnational companies and all the imperialist powers!

The European working class is already fighting together with its class brothers from Northern Africa and Middle East! Long live with the Greek general strike!

With the war cry of: “People of Libya you are not alone!” and “Libyan people, do not give up, we are with you!”, the Greek masses fight against the Papandreau government.

For a revolutionary general strike in the entire Europe to stop the slaughter in Libya and defeat the attack of the imperialist!

The working class and the exploited masses of Northern Africa and Middle East are writing pages of glory in the world working class with their revolutionary fight.
The revolutionary insurrection of Tunisia for bread spreads through the region as wildfire have pushed the exploited masses to great revolutionary uprisings and insurrections as in Egypt, Yemen, Algeria, Morocco, Bahrain, Djibouti, Iran, Palestine.

Today in Libya, the world proletariat confronts a decisive fight. In this country, the revolutionary insurrection of the masses for bread have clashed against the imperialist attempt and Khadafy regime to smash the exploited ones to disperse as spread like wildfire and the revolution does not reach in the heartland of the imperialist Europe. 

Imperialism shakes before the revolutionary Libyan masses that with their insurrectional actions, leaving thousands of martyrs and wounded in the streets, facing the officer caste, the shock forces and hired guns. The masses start to divide the army and conquer the armament of the militias to defend the slaughtering untie by Khadafy and his murderous officers.
The rising masses in Libya do not give up. They do not accept to die of starvation because they know that underneath they have “black gold” of oil, which is plunder by the imperialist multinationals. They would rather die fighting than keep living under the misery and repression.
The more martyrs fall spilling their blood, the revolutionary masses rage gets more strengthen. With their fights in Benghazi city (second biggest city in the country) the masses won the rank-and-file soldiers who claim “there are no loyal forces to Khasafy” in the city. This is the exact same situation lived in Al Baida, Darna, Ajdabiya and other cities, where the masses looted the ammo warehouses, got armed with guns and control the region, including the border with Egypt and the oil wells.
The armed confrontations have already arrived to Tripoli, the Capital city and the Keep, where the murderers of the Air Force of Libya bombed on the insurrected masses, which, in return, set on fire the main office of the government, the Parliament, the Ministry of Justice, the public TV and radio. These heroic revolutionary actions of the masses were the reason for which the pilots of the Air Force refused to repress, and fled into exile in Malta with their planes. Battalions of the army in the most important surrounding cities of the country switched sides and now are with the insurrected masses.

On February 22th, Khadafy spoke for two hours calling to smash the mass rebellion, urging the officers caste and their counterrevolutionary bands to imprison, shoot the protestors and retake the control of the cities taken by the insurrection. This way, imperialism and their servants try to make an example by perpetrating a massacre against the revolutionary masses of the north of Africa and Middle East.
Long live the uprising and the heroism of the revolutionary masses in Libya! We need to break the army up to the end in the whole Libya and crush the murderer officers caste! For committees of rank-and-file soldiers!
For workers militia to be set up, centralizing the rising armed masses and those soldiers committees, to fight back and defeat the massacre of Khadafy and the Imperialism!

The armies and their officers’ caste under the command of imperialism are true counterrevolutionary occupation troops in their own countries. They are to massacre the exploited, who rise for the bread and freedom. That is why the working class in Libya, in defense of their right to the bread, legitimately defend themselves giving their lives and dissolving entire units of the army, going to search the rank-and-file soldiers, armed children and brothers or sisters of the workers and ruined middle class.
Masses are legitimately arming in order to defend their lives, stop the massacre and conquer bread.

As the revolution in Madagascar (Southern Africa) taught: The ones armed, have the bread!
If the masses don’t completely guarantee their armament, the counterrevolutionary armies, under the command of Obama, will crush the exploited and their fight. This is what today is being played in Libya, where the imperialism uses their agent Khadafy to crush the masses and, if he doesn’t finish his task, they might use the murderous troops of the UN in the name of the “peace”, to finally crush the revolution.

To get bread, decent work and national independence we must leave not a single trace of the regimen and the murderous government of the imperialist servants and their oil companies. The revolutionary uprising of the masses must succeed! The working class and the exploited must take the power! Expropriation of all the oil companies, transnational and the assets of the native bourgeoisie without compensation and place them under workers control! For a revolutionary government of the working class and the rising masses, based in their self-determination armed organs!

The immediate tasks of one single socialist worker revolution in the North of Africa and Middle East

We have to stop the massacre in Libya! If the murderous officer body of the army, commanded by imperialism ends up imposing, smashing the exploited masses, the Egyptian army -a true occupation troops paid by Obama and a continuity of the Zionist fascist state of Israel- will try to smash the revolution; the same in Tunisia and all across the North of Africa.
On the contrary, a revolutionary victory of the mass insurrection in Libya that end up seizing the power, will be a decisive step forward in the combat for the destruction of the Zionist fascist state of Israel, the defeat of the imperialist occupation troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and finishing extending the socialist worker revolution at the inside of the imperialist powers.

We have to unite Tunisia, Egypt and Libya in a single combat!
In Egypt and Tunisia the immediate task is to go all the way in destroying to the officers body of the army, centralize the struggle organizations of the armed masses at national level together with the armed committees of soldiers and impose, throughout a successful insurrection, a revolutionary government of the working class and the self-organized and armed masses organizations that expropriate imperialism and the native bourgeoisies.
The working class must seize power! That is the immediate aid the insurgent exploited from Libya need.

In Bahrain and in Djibouti we must destroy the military bases and the US troops so the working class and the masses of all the north of Africa and Middle East take those weapons!
The worker and socialist revolution must be extended to all the African continent so the riots for the bread in Mozambique and Zimbabwe achieve victory; so the strikes return and the proletariat and rank-and-file soldiers fights; to break the fence of the great revolution in Madagascar and defeat all the governments and pro imperialist regimes of the Stalinism and the native bourgeoisies.
We are facing the beginning of a single socialist worker revolution in the North of Africa and Middle East. We are facing enormous mass insurrections that now as in Libya, for the bread and the work is facing imperialism, Wall Street, the bunch of parasites, the grain companies, oil industries and all the transnational monopolies that plunder and spread starvation to the majority of the planet. For the revolution to succeed and conquer the bread, work, and the national independence, we have to expropriate the transnationals, imperialism and the Wall Street parasites!
Thus this revolutionary combat will definitively succeed imposing the unity with the central countries' working class to give the final stroke to imperialism. The North American and European working class must rise up! 

The Greek proletariat returns to the General Strike
The spark of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Athens must set on fire the whole Maastricht's imperialist Europe!

Congress of all the European worker's organizations in Athens to prepare the revolutionary General Strike now!
To stop the massacre in Libya and defeat the attacks of the capitalists: Victory for the mass insurrection in the whole North of Africa and Middle East!

The Greek proletariat is staring a new and powerful general strike with barricade combats facing the repression of the anti-worker Pappandreaus' government that commands the attack from the capitalists to the masses. We have to fight in Greece and in all Europe as in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya!
The working class of the imperialist powers has the obligation of standing up in a revolutionary European general strike now, for bread, against the massacre in Libya, for the revolution in the North of Africa and Middle East to achieve victory, to defeat Maastricht and all the imperialist butchers. The European imperialisms together with Obama plunder all the wealth for the oil and the gas in the Middle East, they starve and lay off to their own working class, attacking its conquers, at the same time thy starve to the world's exploited and impose and support counterrevolutionary governments and regimes murderers of the masses.
The Middle East masses and the North of Africa have initiated enormous revolutionary processes. For the European working class itself, these fights' destiny is a matter of life or dead. The proletariat from all the imperialist powers must say: “The enemy is at home!”

¡Shoulder by shoulder with the insurgent heroic masses from Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and all the Middle East!
Shoulder by shoulder with the Palestinian masses, tormented by the counterrevolutionary Zions-fascist state of Israel, as or more assassin that Khadafy and the rest of the imperialism servant of the region! For the destruction of the Zionist-fascist state of Israel!

Shoulder by shoulder with the resistance of the Iraqi masses! For the military defeat of the US imperialism in Iraq and Afghanistan!

The workers and the masses that combat in the North of Africa and Middle East are an inseparable part of the European working class. Their combat can't be isolated.

Down with the labour aristocracy and bureaucracy and the socialimperialist parties, servants of the exploiters and plunderers of the European working class and the semicolonial world! These leaderships, centralized in the World Social Forum, coordinate their actions to siege and drown the revolutionary processes that started. They are Trojan Horses that went in boat to Gaza to impose the surrendering of the Palestinian people in exchange of “humanitarian aid”. They are the ones that guised the murderous officers caste of the Army of Egypt as “neutral” and “democratic”. They are the ones that divide the fight of the working class of northern Africa and the Middle East from their class brothers and sisters in Europe. They are also the ones that divided the fight of the European proletariat struggle country by country to subordinate it to the bourgeoisie, under the policy of “making the imperialist rectify the attack”, thus guaranteeing layoffs and liquidation of workers gains in Europe.

Enough with tying the hands of the working class and not letting it fight!

Congress in Greece of all the workers organizations of Europe, now!

As in Athens, we must take over the streets of Paris, Rome, Berlin, Lisbon, Madrid against all the counterrevolutionary imperialist governments! We have to stop the imperialist military apparatus that slaughters our class brothers and sisters in northern Africa and the Middle East!

If we are crushed in Libya, imperialism will move forward in imposing those conditions to all the world working class!

We have to block the docks, boycott the weapons, organize international brigades to cross over the Mediterranean sea, taking medicine, guns and supplies to defeat the counterrevolutionary attack in Libya!

Revolutionary general strike in the whole Europe now!

Expropriation of all the oil companies and imperialist transnationals! They are the ones funding the ones that are killing our class brothers and sisters in Libya, Mubarak, Khadafy, Israel and they command the attack of the governments against the world working class. They want us, the exploited, to be the ones paying their crisis, with starvation, misery, death and barbarism! That should be a demand of the working class in the imperialist centres and from all the world.

The fate of the world working class is decided in the fight in northern Africa and the Middle East.

Let’s siege the Banks and imperialist monopolies! Paralize the war machine!

Congress in Egypt of all the workers organizations and the masses in struggle to stop the massacres and counterrevolutionary blows!

Long live the workers socialist revolution!
Socialist United States of Northern Africa and Middle East!
Socialist United States of Europe!

Working class organizations break with Obama and the Bolivarian governments!

The US working class must rise, breaking with Obama and expelling the traitors of the AFL-CIO. The million men march must take the streets again against the massacre of imperialism and Obama’s attack on the US workers. The Oakland dockworkers must block the docks against the war that the butcher Obama has declared on the world masses.

In Latin America, we have to continue the path of the working class and the poor peasants of Bolivia, that defeated the starvation attack of Evo Morales, “the Bolivarian”, the same attack that Mubarak and Ben Ali launched.

All native bourgeoisies end up as Khadafy: being agents of imperialism, dealers of slave workers for the imperialist powers, junior partners of the transnational companies in plundering the subjugated nations and as murderers of their own working class.
Therefore, the Bolivarians, such as Ortega in Nicaragua, are now coming out to support butcher Khadafy, which calls to smash the workers and socialist revolution. The same thing does Fidel Castro, who denounces the revolution in Libya as an “operation of imperialism”, because his restoring capitalism in Cuba himself, dismissing one million workers, selling out the conquers of the revolution to the transnationals and imperialism. They all see that Obama’s tomb, that of the Bolivarians and the Castroite bureaucracy as well is in the victory of the workers socialist revolution in Northern Africa and the Middle East.

Break with Obama and the Bolivarians! Stand together the working class of Tunisia, Egypt and Libya!
Let the workers socialist revolution stands once again in Latin America!


Secretariat of International Coordination of the International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction

Integrated by:

- Liga Trotskista Internacional from Bolivia
- Liga Trotskista Internacional from Peru
- Partido Obrero Internacionalista (CI) from Chile
- Liga Obrera Internacionalista (CI) from Argentina
- Fracción Trotskista - Vanguardia Proletaria from Brazil
- Workers International Vanguard League from South Africa
- Workers International League from Zimbabwe
- Committee for the refoundation of the 4th International from San Pablo

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