January 18th, 2013

Tribute from the FLTI to its comrade and militant Abu Nur from Brigade Leo Sedov, fallen together with the thousands of martyrs of the working class of Syria fighting the murderous Al Assad

We received the news that Abu Nur died fighting. He is a member and militant of the internationalist Brigade Leon Sedov that together with thousands of popular and worker fighters combat side by side the heroic Syrian masses.
A new revolutionary man has died together with the masses in Syria under the banner of the Socialist Revolution and the 4th International.
From the FLTI we have the honor to share this fight with this new revolutionary generation that gets into the international class struggle.

Make sure to strength all the comrades with our revolutionary support. As you know this support from all of us that are in the most advanced barricades of the fight at international level is unconditional. Our comrades is just another one from the dozens of thousands of workers and youth that anonymous are killed by the jackal Al Assad on behalf of the imperialist powers and the exploited in the entire region.

Our comrade is part of an International Trotskyist current that fights not only directly the counterrevolutionary forces but also the sirens chants of the popular front and the treacherous leaderships who, sold out to the great capital, have left isolated and alone the tormented masses slaughtered in Syria.

We will hunt this scum of the worker movement that is the worker aristocracy and bureaucracy and their parties, paid by the great capital, and the murders of our comrades and the best of the world proletariat. We will hunt them every day and minute of the history supported by the revolutionary masses that undoubtedly will settle account with them and will make justice for the martyr of the world working class and Abu Nur among them.
As Leon Sedov, Rudoph Klement, Ta Tu Tao, our comrades are in the history of the best fighters of the 4th International.

A new generation entered to the battle field and the class war, and some of them won´t have the necessary time to contribute their brave will to the cause of the world proletariat.
They won´t do it directly, but they will do it through the organization with which they fought giving their lives for the cause of the world proletariat.

Together with our martyrs of Syria, they will never be forgotten. They will have that honor.
Those who will be forgotten and will be through to the trash of history are the opportunists, the arriviste who pass to the revolutionary movement of the working class to live from it and not to fight and die for it.
Our comrades, as all the martyrs of the proletariat, are the banner and the example of fighting, admiration and courage.

The militants of the 4th International have tied our fate to the life and death of the world working class and Syrian working class particularly.
With Abu Nur we pay tribute to the tormented Syrian masses slaughtered by Al-Assad on behalf of imperialist powers because we are part of their history and life.
The bureaucracy and social-imperialist parties talk from their chairs administrating unions or from their parliamentary armchairs, or from the halls of the Ministers where they kneel down before the bosses of the bourgeoisie, or they advice the bourgeoisie who they call progressist and deceive the workers and the people.

We, who fight for the re-foundation of the 4th International, in the situation of Syria, fight with the working class who has no water, power, heating in the middle of the winter, who gathers by hundreds and thousands in the refugee camps.
The bourgeoisie throws the crisis to the masses, as the bankrupted imperialism does to the world working class.

We fight in the hunger Syria where there is a huge devaluation and the high cost of living is unbearable.
Before the devaluation, 8 loaf of breads cost 50 Turkish Lire and now 250.  This is what a worker earns per day…
8 loaf of breads and nothing else to survive, get dress himself and the entire family.
We fight in the resistance a thousand times betrayed by the puppet generals of the Free Syrian Army, who even shared among themselves and with Al Assad’s officers the cloth, weapons and food of the fallen fighters.
It is the revolution in retrocession, sold out and betrayed.  We were the first ones to arrive in the battle field and we will be the last ones to abandon it.

The revolutionaries and the working class suffer and bleed, more and more and it is high time that the traitors suffer and bleed together with the ones that pay for them, the exploiters.
Otherwise, let ask to the workers of Tonghua and Linzou who have the honor to see their boss’ head roll off through the stairs, to the workers of Suzuki, India, to the managers of Lonmin and to Khadafy and his family that luckily are no longer healthy.

Trotskyits are part of this class war which will be defined in the next historical period. We insisted that it is not about one revolution but a chain of revolutions, which will give us a thousand times of opportunities to reach masses.

Reformism, who talks on behalf of socialism, betrays the proletariat, and pacts with the bourgeoisie every day, today are witnessing their ground getting narrower. The workers of Lonmin, Marikana of the Anglo American in South Africa showed how to fight against the scabs and strike breakers of the bureaucracy of the unions as COSATU in this country.


For now, the reformist leaderships have enclosed the citadel of power…to defend it, to prevent masses from taking it by assault.
 They tied their fate to the fate of the rotten world imperialist system.
The internationalist revolutionaries have tied our fate to the victory of the socialist revolution.
Between them and us, between them and the revolutionary masses, there is already a river of blood.
They gather in the big World Social Forums. They say that a new world is “possible”. Rotten remains of Stalinism; social democrats; renegades of Trotskyism or bourgeois sellers of illusions like those who will gather in February/March in Tunis walk around the planet with their meetings to centralize the counterrevolutionary action of all the treacherous leaderships, those agents of the finance capital.
They, as the Castro brothers, sold out the conquest of the Cuban revolution to Obama and the imperialism.
The masses from Venezuela under the government of the World Social Forum of Chávez and his “socialism of the 21C” suffer the same high cost of living and depriving of provisions than the Syrian masses; thus, they cling so firmly to the fate of the murderous Al Assad.

The managers and bosses on account of the TNCs of the Chinese CP- the party of the “red” Chinese enterprisers- try the enslaved masses of the most inhabitant country of the planet similar or worse than the murderous Al Assad. All of them are under the orders of the imperialist powers. All of them get gathered in Tunis today like they did in Qatar yesterday to isolate the revolutionary processes and throw stabs from behind against the masses. 


They betray and decentralize the fight of the working class of the Maghreb, Middle East and all the tormented Africa from their class brothers of the imperialist powers and semi colonial world.
That then of thieves, agents paid by the capital, is not the leadership the world working class deserves to have.
For that reason it is our fight for the refoundation of the Fourth International and for such banner Abu Nur gave his life.

Syria must be a sample where the worker movement must mirror itself. If the international socialist revolution doesn’t advance and doesn’t conquer victories, the reformism will not resolve the situation in favor of the bourgeoisie but it will be fascism and the general’s ´sables who will try to smash the proletariat once workers are demoralized and demobilized by the treacherous leaderships.


The murderous attacks against the South African miners, the counterrevolutionary attacks of the French imperialism in Mali, the massacres of Al Assad in Syria are the other side of the rope like it is the reformism with their electoral traps in alliance with the Arab or Muslim bourgeoisie to strangle the fight for bread and the worker and socialist revolutions that started two years before in the entire Arab Maghreb and Middle East. Abu Nur has left a vacuous in the struggle; workers of all around the world hugging the revolutionary socialism´s banners will take his path.
All our effort is also concentrated on it.

Comrade Abu Nur:
Forward to the victory of the international socialist revolution!
Forward to recover the Fourth International!
Forward to the victory! (¡Hasta la Victoria siempre!)

IEC of the FLTI


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