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To all the groups of the FLTI

In this moment, the news we are getting is that Mubarak would be asking for political refugee. The masses, because of the revolutionary crisis, have left many martyrs for smashing the counterrevolutionaries bands that continue killing, while the imperialism seek an ordered transition to the walking out of Mubarak.

Heroically, the masses defended the struggle position. But, the fact that the army controls the access to the territories of the cities guarantees the action of the fascist bands, because the army is in the streets to prevent the proletariat armament. This is also done by the “democracy paladins” of El-Baradei and the Muslims Brotherhood.  They search inside the bags of anyone who enters in the square, so they control nobody have any weapons. This is the “neutrality of the army”, which is just to guarantee that the masses do not arm to allow the actions of the counterrevolutionary forces. 
The armed masses quickly would take the factories, banks and oil wells. They fight for freedom… but for BREAD and JOBS. This is the freedom that the masses want, the one to be able to eat; and for that they are overthrowing the murderer Mubarak, with a great revolution.

To imperialism is a matter of life or death that the masses armament does not generalize, because on the runaway of Mubarak, only workers militia and the army divided horizontally in their ranks can guarantee the seizure of power of the exploited ones.

The key of the bourgeoisie and petit bourgeoisie leadership, organized in a “democratic front”, is to prevent the masses armament and the destruction of the official caste of the army. Now, they will be the guarantors of the private property of the entire fractions of the bourgeoisie and the imperialism in Egypt. This is the warranty that gives this fraction of the bourgeoisie to Obama, Mubarak, Zionism and the world bourgeoisie: that the working class will not take power.

The counterrevolutionary “democratic front” has started to play its full role to abort the revolution and conspire against it. The result is yet to be seen. We have seen it in dozens and dozens of revolution strangled and expropriated, such as in Bolivia, Honduras, so on. The defeat of Mubarak is a victory of the masses. This can develop and untie the trust of the masses in their own forces and break this new device which is placed in the front as a real Trojan horse to prevent the victory of the revolution and for the masses not to move forward to take power, which is the only way to conquer the national independence, bread and jobs.

Mubarak, supported by Obama, sent the counterrevolutionary bands. The other agent of imperialism, the officers caste of the army, guaranteed that the masses do not arm themselves, or not use the weapons that the masses have to smash the counterrevolutionary forces of the secret police, the police without uniform and the paid lumpen. Meanwhile, El-Baradei and the Muslim Brotherhood are preparing to make a national unity government, even with the vice-president called yesterday by Mubarak.

This is the plan to close the revolutionary crisis that was opened in the top and that the masses do not take power, in moments that Mubarak has already prepared his runaway to Montenegro (Yugoslav), imposing this as a first partial victory the exploited ones.

The moment is critical. The leadership crisis is exacerbated. But the action of the masses is an example, despite and against the leadership that have in front.

The concentration centers of the masses could not be taken. They fight in all the cities. Such as in Tunisia with Ben Ali, Mubarak’s head started to roll.

We are before a counterrevolutionary device where each agent of imperialism plays its role, with Mubarak running away, the “democratic front” preventing the armament of the masses and supporting the officers caste of the army, that at the same time guarantees the disarmament of the masses, so those cannot take power when Mubarak runs away.

The generalized armament of the masses, smashing the counterrevolutionary forces, the call to the soldiers to break with the official caste of Mubarak –that cover the murderous bands-, the call to a congress with delegates of the entire working class and the exploited ones fighting in the streets and who occupied the police station and the factories in the Tahrir Square (“the revolution square”) of Cairo and in each region or city must make it now. The revolutionary popular committees must call to this congress now! This congress of the armed masses in struggle, under the leadership of the working class must not recognize any government elected on the back of the masses in struggle, from the embassies and from NY and Berlin! Who are they to rule in Egypt?
The ones fighting really for bread, jobs and national independence are the ones that must take power in their hands!

The forces of the revolutionary masses of Egypt are not brought by the servant of Obama, El-Baradei, or the parties such as the so called “Muslim Brotherhood”, who agreed with Mubarak and the Zionism, with the ones that want to impose together with Obama the rendition to the Palestine masses. The allies of the Egypt masses are the exploited ones of Tunisia, the ones that follow their path in Yemen, in Algeria, in Jordan and the ones that with their uprisings stand up as sparkle that cross the Mediterranean Sea to burn France, Greece, Ireland and to set up again the anti imperialist struggle the US working class.

The fight for bread and jobs is the power where the sparkle runs to burn the Middle East and must burn the entire world. This is the task of the Trotskyists and the ones that fight to re-found the 4th International

In Egypt, it is necessary to break the device that have placed the bourgeoisie to prevent that the masses take power to the fall of Mubarak, with militias and masses self organized to take power!
The moment of the revolutionary crisis and power empty is reaching its peak. Or the masses that were fighting take power or the bourgeoisie and will strangle the revolution.
“Democratic front” disarming the masses and the fascist bands that continue kidnapping and killing the best leaders of the masses in struggle... we have to stop it!

The men of the World Social Forum, the left servants of imperialism, as alchemists, take their recipes to the bourgeoisie to tell them to make right now a Constituent Assembly that legitimate the national unity government, not elected by nobody, of the Mubarak, El-Baradei and the Muslim Brotherhood ministers, under the mandate of Obama.
The Trotskyists affirmed that cannot even have national assembly, bourgeoisie democracy up to the end, or public freedom that is smashed by the fascist bands, without the generalize armament of the masses and if they do not take power. Their government is the only one that has legitimacy to take power.

The masses are the majority. They are the ones that defended the streets and the square against Mubarak, its murderous police and the officers caste. A national unity government, emerged on the back of the masses, voted in the embassies, in Wall Street, in London City or Berlin and with the blessing of Zionism, has no legitimacy to assume power in Egypt. They are only to keep the property of the exploiters and guarantee the submission of Egypt to the imperialism.

The bourgeoisie and imperialism seek to keep the continuity of dominion against the insurrected masses, imposing a sweeten poison to the imperialist capitalist dominance in Egypt and the entire Middle East. In Yemen, Jordan, Angelia we are seeing that is coming the fall of the prime ministers, anticipated elections, so on. Enough! All the power to the masses! Long live the unity of the working class of Middle East and the North of Africa! Let make bunt again Athens! Let Mazar-i-Shariff and Fallujah stand up again and the invader troops are smashed in Iraq and Afghanistan!

For a federation of socialist republics in Middle East!
For the unity of the world working class! Long live the proletariat revolution!

We think that this program is placing us to at the level of the events that are being defined quickly. Yesterday, comrade Pe of Chile and Hu of Brazil sent a letter with the events of the violent clashes between revolution and counterrevolution the previous days. It is already translated into English. We are sending it attached, as well as all the slogans which LOI-CI, together with the POI-CI leadership are participating in a demonstration that is going to start in a few hours.

A warm hug,
Pe, Joa and CM on behalf of the FLTI




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