3/11/2011 Letter to all the militant comrades that promote the internationalist campaign in solidarity with the rising masses of Libya and their vanguard, the militias of Misrata Please receive my warmest greetings as well as greetings from many Libyan comrades to whom I’ve spoken about the launching of this exemplary campaign in their defence and support. The imperialist dogs from UN, NATO, NTC and all the Gaddafist generals and officials that today are under their command are unifying to chase, mud, spit, denigrate and annihilate the rising masses, particularly their genuine heroes, i.e. the militias from Misrata. I have faith that we will all be able to defeat and expose these vultures (from UN, NATO, NTC) and their followers across the globe that want to isolate the true authentic revolutionary Libyan masses. Count on me for whatever I can be useful, contributing, as usual, my grain of sand to this whole sea of anti-imperialist fighters that carry out proletarian internationalism. A warm hug Yusseff Mohammad al-Arjentiny