October 2011
Against starvation, chronic unemployment and the sell out of Syria to imperialism
Down with the murderous regime of Bachar al assad!
Supported by imperialism, the jackal Assad guarantees the stability of the Sionist-Fascist State of Israel and imposes discipline to the Palestinian masses, like in Lebanon and Jordan.
Workers and soldiers militias to defeat the counterrevolutionary army of Assad and discharge the provisory governments that the same imperialism that support the Murderous Assad is organizing to try to expropriate the revolutionary fight of the Syrian masses!
For a provisional government of the militIas, workers organizations, poor peasants and rank and file soldiers!
Syrian revolution is a main link of the chain of revolutions that shook Northern Africa and Middle East. As in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen and the subjugated nations in the region, the masses in Syria are pushing to smash the government in the fight for bread, jobs, against the cost of living and the opprobrium regime of the murderous El Assad, a lackey of imperialism. The fight of the Syrian rebels is decisive as an episode of this single revolution, since if it dislocates this device, then the tormented Palestinian masses could enter in the picture; if this happens the defeat of the Zionist gendarme (Fascist State of Israel, imperialism’s counterrevolutionary main agent) will be posed even more in the agenda. Thus the proletariat and exploited masses on Northern Africa and Middle East are questioning the imperialist dominance, whose transnationals plunder and bleed out the nations there in the planet. There, revolution and counterrevolution are facing faces.
Long live the fight of the working class and exploited of Syria who are fighting by thousands against the brutal massacre of Bachar El-Assad and his infamous regime!
In Syria, 80% of the population lives under the poverty line. The 30% of unemployment is mainly suffered by the youth, who not by chance are the vanguard of the revolutionary fights against the regime of El-Assad. This murderous bourgeoisie has been making business with imperialism selling the wealth of the nation and slave labour for to imperialist transnationals for over 40 years.
For the last six monthes the Syrian masses are fighting against the regime of El-Assad. They are following the way of their class brothers and sisters in the region; they know that in order to get food they must defeat and fully destroy the government, state and regime of El Assad, who is a servant of imeprialism, starver and muderous of his people.
Every day of combat there are thousands of revolutionary youth and workers in the streets in the main cities of Syria like Daraa, Damasco, Homs, Hama, Latakia, Aleppo, etc. Each of them are also suffering a brutal suppression of the Syrian regime with over 3000 martyrs, with hundreds of prisoners and missing. However, exploited’s tenacity is so heroic that after every slaughter the number of manifester who go out to fight multiplies. Because the revolutionary energy of the Syrian exploited and masses is given for the unbearable cost of living, unemployment, starvation and plunder.
At the heat of the revolution hundreds of rank and file soldiers, corporals and sergeants broke with the army forces and the answer of the regime was executing those who dare to step on the side of the revolutioanry masses. Day after day the number of “deserters” in the army increased; they refused to slaughter women, kids and the unarmed masses. Many of them ran away after shooting in the air or in the walls to prevent reprisals from their officers, since the government gave the order of chase and shoot them for betrayal wherever they find them, without any previous trial.
Others take their day off that they have to visit their family and they run away to Turkey. Most of them, before they leave, have given their guns to the people in the villages and cities attacked by the army.
A sector of the average officers, who broke with the generals of El-Assad, leads the rebel soldiers and they “organize” the security guard of the demostrations. Thus, these average officers are trying to place themselves at over the exploiteds’ and rank and file soldiers’ fight to prevent the generalized army of the rebel masses.
The proletariat draws revolutionary lessons of the fights in Libya. Imperialism, which sees its dominance threatened in Northern Africa and Middle East, tries to prevent the revolution from following its course
The lackey government of Syria and imperialism has drawn a great lesson of Libya: they must prevent the revolutionary masses from breaking the army, be armed, loot the arsenals, set up militias. They must prevent the armed exploited masses to be the ones who defeat the government and smash the infamous regime of El Assad with their revolutionary combat.
The centre of the insurrection is in the city of Homs, where all the people have risen up. Sometimes they march peacefully and some other times they clash every day with the army and police. The bourgeois media says that those who are starting to fight and have taken the weapons or are looking to get the arms are starting to call themselves “revolutionaries” and they say that the only way of overthrowing the regime is by civil war.
Entire sectors of the revolutionary masses are starting to draw the conclusion that whoever has the weapons has bread! That’s expressed in a report reproduced by the newspaper Al-Jazzera: “After Libya, many people say that it was a mistake having a peaceful revolution and if they would have done as the Libyans, they would be free”. Besides, the masses, in order to defend themselves from the offensive of the counterrevolutionary army of El-Assad, have set up Local Coordination Committees.
With this scenario of repeated fights of the exploited masses, the policy of imperialism with El-Assad is slaughtering the Syrian people. In the meantime, as the other face of the same coin, imperialism, together with the native bourgeoisie, has set up the Syrian National Council, which pre-emptively is in Istanbul (Turkey), in case the masses with their revolutionary action overthrow El-Assad. Imperialism won’t allow Syria becoming a new Libya.
Syrian working class and exploited, despite and against their reformist leaderships, keep fighting strenuously; in order to win they have to break the army, set up workers militias and committees of revolutionary soldiers to defeat the murderous regime of El-Assad and expropriate imperialism
The Syrian regime, a counterrevolutionary device that for imperialism is key to divide, contain and smash the Palestinian masses’ fight
Even the imperialist media admits, without any consideration that: “Libya – says the Spanish newspaper El Pais - is an oil country with a sort of economic influence, and therefore political influence in Southern Africa, but without a part on the leadership aming Arab and Muslim world. Syria, on the other hand is regional powe, with a key role in Lebanon, an strategic alliance with Iran and with ascendant on all the events in the area, included the Palestine-Israeli conflict. Historically it has been considered as a pilar in the balance of the Near East, its capacity of disseminate its problems across the region is still considerable, including Israel to which it shares bordiers.”
In revolutionary words, this means that Syria is a significant counterrevolutionary device in the region, which guarantees the imperialist monopolies’ control of the national wealth and the exploitation of the working class.
Plus the Syrian regime supports –together with imperialism, Obama and native bourgeoisie of Middle East- the Zionist Fascist State of Israel. El-Assad supports the government led by Hezbollah in Lebanon. They both, together with Al Fatha and supported by Hamas, prevent the unification of the Palestinians of Syria, Jordan (a country in which half of the population is Palestinian) and Southern Lebanon with those of Gaza and the West Bank. Syria is an enemy of the fight of the Palestinian masses for destroying the wall of Rafah together with their class brothers of Egypt and that they rose up against the Zionist State of Israel. El–Assad has made a pact with the Iranian Ayatollhas to support and the government of the US protectorate of Iraq, closing its borders to prevent the arming of the resistance of the Iraqui masses against imperialism.
For this reason, Obama, the commander in chief of NATO, together with the French, German, British, etc imperialists, couldn’t allow the advancing of the revolution in Syria and they can’t allow making any further “democratic” concessions, since this would mean the explosion of this device. Masses already blew up one of the devices of counterrevolutionary control: Egypt, with the fall of Mubarak. Imperialism needs to keep the revolution aside in Syria, since the fall of the Syrian regime would mean that the Palestine masses enter into combat, together with their class brothers and sisters of Egypt and the entire region, against the Zionist Fascist State of Israel.
One of the big battles that revolutionary masses of Northern Africa and Middle East have ahead is defeating the gendarme of imperialim, i.e. the Zionist Fascist State of Israel that has been fully armed by the yankees. In order to conquer bread, jobs, houses and national independence the Zionist Fascist State of Israel must be destroyed.
Part of the imperialist plan to prevent this prospect is Obama’s policy of “two states, returning to the borders of 1967”. This plan is nothing but the “democratic” way to recognize the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territory and also means recognizing a cut up Palestine with the working class in concentration camps at open fields under the Zionist boot (see box).
The slaughter in Syria is part of the counterrevolutionary plan of imperialism: two ends of the same rope to strangle the revolution in the North of Africa and Middle East.
What it is at stake, therefore, in the Syrian revolution, is not the national revolution, but a fundamental link of the chains of revolutions of the North of Africa and Middle East. This was understood by imperialism and for that reason it made its plans in Libya, Palestine, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia and Syria too.
Seeing that their dominance in the region was threatened, because of the revolutionary blows, imperialism had to put to work a counterrevolutionary plan in order to prevent that the masses win in their fight. Using different agents, on the one hand it launches the worst slaughters and repression, and on the other hand it sets up “democratic” transitional governments, in order to impose to the masses their rendition and put them at the feet of those bourgeois governments. This policy is like two ends of the same rope with which imperialism want to prevent the victory of a worker and socialist revolution, which has already started.
So, when the revolutionary masses overthrew Ben Ali and his regime in Tunisia, imperialism and their henchmen rushed to install a government of “democratic transition”. The same was done in Egypt when the working class and the exploited ones moved forward to establish bonds with the army and defeated Mubarak. They set up a transitory government, the Supreme Council of the Army. At the same time, the king of Saudi Aabia, on behalf of imperialism, launched a brutal counterrevolutionary raid against the revolts in Bahrein, where US has its 5th Fleet. This slaughter plan was also launched in Yemen.
In Libya the revolution got the furthest, with the masses setting up armed militias together with the rank and file soldiers, disarming the police and taking control of entire cities. There it was where the counterrevolution was concentrated. Imperialism used its “fascist” agent Gaddafi to kill the worker and soldier militias as much as possible, while, together with the officers “that went” at last to the side of the insurgents, they set up the National Transitional Council, its “democratic” agent, as an alternative bourgeois government after the fall of Gaddafi.
In Syria, as it is seen, the imperialist plan is to slaughter. It is not possible an agreement, even though they pre-emptively set up the SNC, under the orbit of Erdogan (Turkish President), who poses as anti-Israel and pro Palestinian.
In spite of the imperialist drive, the North of Africa and Middle East is boiling. The revolutionary Libyan masses do not disarm themselves. In Tunisia, the exploited ones have already overthrown two transitional governments. In Egypt, every day the military government confronts the revolutionary hatred of the working class and the exploited ones. In Syria, the slaughter cannot stop the revolutionary fervor of the masses. Imperialism could not yet solve the situation to its favor, and therefore the alternative between revolution and counterrevolution is still open.
The left of Obama is on the opposite side of the revolution in the North of Africa and Middle East.
The imperialist plan to contain, abort and smash the revolutions in the North of Africa and Middle East has also a significant aim: to prevent the revolutionary spark from getting into the European imperialist powers. To do that, it has the complete collaboration of the labour aristocracy and bureaucracy of the European continent and reformist parties.
The forces of the revolution in the Maghreb and Middle East live in the heart of the imperialist Europe, this means, in the fight of the worker youth that burns the main cities in England, with the British students that burnt down the offices of Tories, in the revolutionary fight of the Greek masses, in the fight of the outraged ones in Spain, in the revolutionary fights of the immigrants in Lampedusa. The European working class that confronts the attack that their governments and imperialism have unleashed has to take the demand of the worker and socialist revolution which started in the North of Africa and Middle East to take it to success. But in order to get rid of the leadership of the old conservative apparatus.
In Europe, the social imperialist leaderships as SWP and NPA contain, isolate and divide the working class of the old world, separating it from the fights of their class brothers in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Syria. They are enemies of unifying these fights. They are enemies to fight against their own bourgeoisie, and this turns them in the support of the imperialist governments and regimes. They prevent the revolution to come into the heart of the imperialist European powers. They are enemies of saying “the enemy is at home”, “Down with Sarkozy, Cameron, Berlusconi, the Labour, the English and Spanish crown! Down with the 5th Republic! Down with Maastritcht! It is necessary to expropriate all the transnationals!”
In Libya, for example, those parties that speak on behalf of the working class “denounce” the intervention of NATO. Some of them, as the WRP (UK) are openly pro Gaddafi and El Assad. Other ones, as NPA or SWP denounce the NATO and claim it was NATO who overthrew Gaddafi regime, denying that it was the militias and the revolutionary masses the ones that split the army; they armed and set up the militias shaking the regime in Libya.
While the exploited and revolutionary masses were killed in Tripoli and in Syria, they did nothing to stop this bloodshed. They did not call to make any action in support to the revolutions in the North of Africa and Middle East.
If they really had been against the NATO troops, they would have called the European working class to boycott the imperialist war machinery. They would have called to a continental general strike to confront their own governments that are the ones that command NATO. For that reason they do not denounce Obama, NATO chief, the responsible of the plan that is being applied particularly in North of Africa and Middle East. This shows that they are far from being in the side of the revolutionary masses, and they are at the feet of their governments and imperialist regimes, murderer of their people, and it cannot be in any other way because they are the “left” of Obama and Wall Street!
Facing the world economic crack and the bankruptcy of the imperialist states which came to save the financial capital, the Trotskyist of the FLTI affirm together with the 4th International that “The economy, the state, the politics of the bourgeoisie and its international relations are completely blighted by a social crisis, characteristic of a prerevolutionary state of society. The chief obstacle in the path of transforming the prerevolutionary into a revolutionary state is the opportunist character of proletarian leadership: its petty bourgeois cowardice before the big bourgeoisie and its perfidious connection with it even in its death agony.” (The Transitional Program)
In order to destroy the murderous officer caste of the Syrian army and finish spliting the army: Rank and File Soldiers committees that together with the revolutionary masses disarm the police and guarantee the generalized armament!
It is necessary to develop, extend, arm and centralize the Local Coordination Committees that started to emerge. In each town, region and at national level it is necessary to choose delegates of the factories, establishment, school, university, of the poor peasants and the rank and file soldiers that are in the barricade of the revolutionary masses to set up a National Council of the Coordination committees. No trust in the mid-rank officer recently past to the masses in struggle nor to the SNC! For a proletariat leadership of the civil war that the exploited ones impose!
No transitory government servant of NATO and the butcher Turkish bourgeoisie, who watched to the other side while the heroic revolutionary masses were killed by thousands! For a revolutionary provisional government of the self organized masses! Only in this way it is possible to conquer bread, work, housing, expropriating the land of the landlord and the assets of the lackey bourgeoisie and the imperialist transnational companies without payment and under worker control!
LOI-CI - Democracia Obrera
Member of the FLTI |