Article on the Palestinian question (polemic) published in the International Worker Organizer N° 15 November, 2011 -FLTI
Those who vindicate the so called “Israeli indignados” ... support the imperialist plan of Obama of “Two States”
As regards the “protests” in Israel
The only and true “Indignados” are the the Palestinian working class and people occupied by the zionism!
The Palestinian National Authority, led by Abbas, has launched an international campaign for the "recognition of a Palestinian State within 1967 borders", that it is just to recognize the existence of the Zionist State of Israel. With this plan, they intend to show progressive for the Palestinian people, the State of Israel – gendarme of imperialism in Middle East – owner of the best land confining Palestinians to Bantustans, which are real "open sky prisons ", surrounded by walls and seals watching over by one of the more powerful and fascist armies in the planet. The new Israeli offensive of October 30 that bombed from the air the Gaza Strip killing 10 Palestinians is the irrefutable proof that the plan of "two states" is to support and strengthen this imperialist enclave to slaughter the occupied Palestinian nation and the proletariat in the region.
The policy of imperialism to "recognize" a Palestinian State: a farce against the Palestinian masses.
The great revolution that erupted in North Africa and the Middle East rolled Mubarak, Ben Ali and Khadafy’s heads, still threatens al-Assad’s head and strongly questions the existence of the fascist Zionist state of Israel. The revolutionary combats of the Egyptian masses broke up one of the most important Palestinian Arab masses device of the imperialism to contain in the region: Egypt. Now, Syria another of these devices is threatened, it is the regime of al-Assad which, making agreements with the bourgeoisie of the region contains the Palestinian masses upsurge, separating them from the West Bank and Gaza’s masses in their fight against the State of Israel.
If Syrian masses with their heroism overthrow the killer al-Assad, the Palestinian exploited quickly could enter in revolutionary maneuvers. Those who are as refugee in Jordan, Syria, and the South of Lebanon escaping from the horror of fascism imposed by Israel could get unified together with the workers and peasants of Gaza and the West Bank to carry out a common combat against the Zionist fascist State of Israel. It is the danger seen by the world bourgeoisie.
Thus, to prevent the Palestinian masses from uprising, and to sustain his gendarme in the region, the US imperialism launches such counterrevolutionary plan commanded by the “democratic” Obama of “agreements” of peace and “recognition of Palestine” within the 1967 borders. A lot of things have been said about the last UN conference, every government, members of it, has set its position on the Palestinian question, and the bourgeois press reflects the debate in an intense way during the last period. Some – it is said- support that the international organisms (UN-NATO) “arbitrate” the plan of recognition of the Palestinian State and others agree with Obama’ and US imperialism’s opinion that the negotiations must be bilateral. However, behind the apparent differences, what they try to mask it is the same counterrevolutionary policy against the Palestinian masses: the recognition and absolute sustain of the Zionist fascist State of Israel.
Beyond what the imperialist butchers or the lackey “Bolivarian” Governments and their left spokesmen say, this policy does not mean any "peace "for the Palestinians. It is the same policy applied by the imperialism making work, on the one hand, the State of Israel, slaughtering the martyred Palestinian people and threatening to attack Iran. On the other hand, it raises the need of "peace" between these "peoples" which could be only achieved through an agreement between the PA (Palestinian Authority) and the State of Israel. They use the legitimate right of the Palestinian masses to fight for the recovery of their nation with a preventive policy to try to strangle the historic struggle of the Palestinian masses. They do not recognize, and they should not do it, the Zionist State of Israel. The plan of the "two states" led by the worldwide imperialism and bourgeoisie is none other than the legitimacy of the occupation and the massacres this fictional state is carrying over on the martyred Palestinian people.
Obama orders and all obey. From Al Fatah and Hamas to the World Social Forum and its left leg, the renegades of Trotskyism, support the imperialist plan of the "two states"
Both Hamas and Al Fatah abandoned the struggle for the destruction of the State of Israel. As Ghazi Hamad, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hamas said: "Nobody of Hamas is against the State right. We are all fighting to get a State within 1967 borders. But the question is whether we can be sure that the occupation will end after the declaration (state formation) "(Al Jazeera English. 17/09/11. Translation ours).
The native bourgeoisies throughout the region and the Bolivarians support the plan of Obama and the imperialism. This is not surprising ... the left of the fake Trotskyist too. Everyone is behind Abbas and his definition of this deceiving plan to impose the two states: "Palestinian Spring going with the Arabian Spring".
All global reformist left, the social-imperialists and the renegades of Trotskyism in Latin America, recognize the state of Israel and support the plan of the imperialism. They are Obama’s left. They are and it must be clearly said, the new Stalinists supporters of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churhill’s agreement of Yalta and Potsdam, at the end of World War II. They are followers of Stalin who in 1948 approved the implementation of the "state of Israel" in the historical territory of Palestinian nation.
Down with the plan of the "two states"! Down with all the pacts among Arabian bourgeoisies, Zionism and imperialism supporters of the State of Israel! Down with the pact between Al Fatah and Hamas! Palestinian National Assembly with one delegate for each 1000 Palestinians in the entire Palestinian Diaspora (Gaza, West Bank, inside the occupied territories, refugee camps in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt)!
The Palestinian working class and people must be ready to fight! We must break down the oppression Zionist walls that surround the concentration camps where the Palestinian masses are confined!
The working class of North Africa and Middle East has risen up against their governments and regimes.
They are the allies of the Palestinian masses in the square of the martyrs in Tripoli crying out; now we have to go to support our Palestinian brothers to fight against the Zionist occupant!
The revolution must go forward expelling the Zionist occupant and every collaborationist government.
For the destruction of the Zionist-fascist State of Israel!
For a free secular, democratic and non racist Palestine, which can only be guaranteed by a Worker and peasant Government based on the workers’ and peasants’ armed organisms of self-determination of the Palestinian masses, as part of a Federation of Worker and socialist Republics of the Middle East!