Stop the massacre against the masses in Syria! Let's set up all the internationalist forces of the world working class, cordinate and centralize them, together with the statement and the call from the militias and revolutionary workers of Libya, to break the fence imposed against the heroic and tormented masses of Syria International Correspondence of the International Ejecutive Committee of the of the FLTI March 14, 2012
Comrades of “El Topo Obrero” (The Working Class Mole) in Venezuela, We write you from the International Executive Committee of the FLTI. We know of the fraternal relations that have been established with our colleagues from Colombia, the group "Los Comuneros" of that country. We know that you have uploaded to your web page, different statements on Libya, Syria and others that at the international level have been developed and published by the FLTI. Especially in the question of Libya, it would seem to be that we have agreements. We have seen your polemics with leaders of currents that long ago have parted away from Trotskyism and have positioned as Trustees of the "boliburguesías" as Chavez or Morales, and delivered the Trotskyist Transitional Program for them to serve as a coverage of a sinister bourgeois politics to control the masses. Having agreed on the Libyan issue and on Syria, isn't a small point at a time when all the world reformist left, and in particular the Renegades of Trotskyism, have positioned in Syria on the side of Al - Assad, or in the barricade of the "CNT´s" and the "CNS" under the pseudo-theory of "democratic revolution" or "spring of the peoples", so giving their blessing to the "democratic Trojan horses" that imperialism sends to expropriate the revolutionary mass struggles, as it did in Libya and Egypt. There is the Declaration of the Watan Coalition, where the French NPA belongs; while the true "ground troops of the NATO" i.e., the murderer Al – Assad’s assassins are massacring to blood and fire the Syrian masses in Homs and other workers concentrations, that Declaration calls to fight for "democracy" in "peace", "without violence" and so on, which demonstrates that they are not in Homs where the workers, including their children and women are killed by the counter-revolutionary élite troops of Al - Assad, Hezbollah and the Iranian Ayatollahs. In the heat of these historical events, we welcome your courage to delimit yourselves from the current The Militant of Alan Woods which you come from. We welcome that in due course you have repudiated the support that your former current has given to the letter Chávez sent to the Iranian workers, when they were crushed in 2009 for having rebelled against the Ayatollahs for bread, for their wages and against unemployment, such as today do the workers in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, etc. Now it cannot be hidden that capitalism in crisis has concentrated all the treacherous leaderships of the masses for saving it from the revolutionary onslaught of the world working class. This time Syria has been isolated and besieged. The calumnies of the lackeys of imperialism that thought that NATO had won in Libya and not the revolutionary masses which executed Khadafy (though this revolution has been expropriated for now by the CNT), had a clear and precise counter-revolutionary goal: today when the masses of Syria are standing up against "Socialist" Al - Assad they are orphaned from the support of the world proletarians as the workers militias were in Libya, and equally reported to be "ground troops of the CIA and NATO ". However those that fight -sometimes with only stones and knives or obsolete firearms against the well-armed counter-revolutionary elite troops of Al – Assad, are workers and rank-and-file soldiers. The exploited in Syria have been isolated and encircled. The bourgeoisie knows that were the Syrian masses to succeed, the borders of Lebanon and Syria would fall apart that grant "peace" to the Zionist fascist State of Israel. The bourgeoisie and imperialism, with the Syrian masses isolated from the world proletariat, have now a free hand to make Al - Assad do the "dirty work" for all of them, by massacring the masses. The charlatan Chávez has organized a March in the streets of Caracas on March 3rd in support of Al - Assad. Just a month and a half ago, the leaders of the UIT, particularly Orlando Chirino of the UNT, signed "individually", along with the Tunisian Stalinists and some Spanish Socialist independent personalities, a note in support of the Syrian masses. They, as the LIT and the French NPA, remained satisfied and in calm conscience. However, in spite of the weight they carry in Venezuela, they didn’t even attempt to plan a serious activity or systematic campaign from the trade unions they lead or influence against Jackal Al - Assad and his accomplice Chávez. They are who acclaim the "boliburguesías" (Bolivarian bourgeoisies) and remain silent about the capitalist restoration being carried by the Castro brothers in Cuba, which have already fired from their jobs 500,000 Cuban workers. Thus acted Gaddafi murdering workers and crushing any attempt to set labor organizations and strikes in Libya; there the masses were working under conditions of total slavery and labor flexibility in the "Socialist" companies of Gaddafi and his friends the sheikhs, all of them millionaires. It is time to concentrate the forces of those who really want to break the siege of the Syrian masses and stop the progress of this imperialist counteroffensive, which tries to prevent the development of revolution in North Africa and the Middle East. Of course, this counterrevolutionary offensive is also aimed at preventing this revolution from encouraging the Palestinian masses to revolt and reach the heart of Jerusalem, not to speak about it being coordinated with the struggle of the European working class in the imperialist metropolises. If Syria is crushed, the revolutionary processes of Libya, Egypt and Tunisia will retreat. Imperialism will intensify its attack against the American, Japanese and European working classes in particular. With the victory of Al - Assad "Socialists" in the words but repressive and anti-worker in the doings of Cuba and Venezuela will be strengthened for violently attacking the working class in the Americas, including the Caribbean. In our view, no current that keeps quiet and does not put all its strength in confronting this vile betrayal to and isolation of the Syrian masses and that doesn't fight hard to break the siege imposed to massacre them, will be able to speak anymore in the name of socialism. We call you to coordinate our forces to set up a Committee of international struggle in all countries of the world around this statement, driven by the revolutionary fighters of Libya which today face the CNT and the Gaddafist Generals, and call to deepen their struggle uniting their forces with their class brothers and sisters in Syria and all the exploited of the world. This appeal must reach all countries. The internationalist forces of the world working class should stand up, coordinated and centralized, without any delay. Then, let’s set up on the basis of this statement, a Committee of International Action and regroup again the forces that had supported the Libyan militias. This is not a time for only words, but for organizing, fighting and acting alongside the Syrian masses. This appeal comes from the most advanced combat of the masses in the North of Africa and the Middle East. We propose to you and to all currents that speak on behalf of international revolutionary socialism, to endorse it and take it to the heart of the world working class movement in all countries, and to consider this as the flag guiding their daily struggle. Of course, we know that perhaps we have many differences. Some we know and other will surely arise if we deepen a joint international action. But none of it can be an obstacle for the world working class and their organizations to raise the war cry: stop the massacre of the murderer serving the interests of imperialism, NATO, the Arab League and Zionism, Al - Assad in Syria! Weapons and ammunitions for the Syrian resistance! International brigades by the workers organizations of the world to go and fight in Syria! Let’s put siege to the Syrian embassies in all countries! Let’s bring as a motion to all organizations of the world working class the demands of the workers, women and children massacred in Homs and their cry of "justice", so it is lifted as a battle flag throughout the world by the whole working class. Carlos Munzer and Laura Sánchez |