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Stop the massacre against the masses in Syria!

Let's set up all the internationalist forces of the world working class, cordinate and centralize them, together with the statement and the call from the militias and revolutionary workers of Libya, to break the fence imposed against the heroic and tormented masses of Syria

International Correspondence of the International Ejecutive Committee of the of the FLTI


Dear comrades of the JRCL,

We are sending you the presentation of the Editorial Board of the paper "Libyan Revolution Day By Day". It is being issued from the most important cities of Libya. Its Editorial Board who signs such presentation is formed by vanguard’s sectors of the militias and factory’s committees in Libya. This paper will be published in Arabic and it is a paper we are working in all the countries of the world, in 4 languages (English, Portuguese, and Spanish apart from Arabic).
We also send you different correspondences written by the revolutionary workers and militia-men from the fighting front line. 

This paper tries to unify firmly and to organize the revolutionary wing of the militias and the factory’s committees in Libya as in Tripoli Port or in the Misarrata steelworks, whose workers rose up with a list of demands and a series of harsh struggles against the Qadafist boss managers who are still at the head, this time under the command of the CNT, of the enterprises so-called "Socialist" companies in Libya. In these so called "Socialist" companies the bosses exploited-and today still are exploiting and enslaving workers, equal to or worse than in China, while in the times of Qadafi they fired or killed workers who dared to walk out on a strike.
This time the workers are armed, (many of them have died in combat as members of the militias, as it has happened to 54 of the workers of the port of Tripoli, just to give you an example), and start to fight not only for their demands but also to begin to expel all the bourgeois Qadafist boss managers from the companies in Libya.

We are also sending you an urgent updated statement released by Libyan militias in support of the massacred masses of Syria and for the defeat of the assassin Al - Assad.
This assassin regime and its government are being used to do the "dirty work" of massacring the insurgent masses for the sake of imperialism, Zionism and the Arab bourgeoisies. Al-Assad has been and is being supplied with weapons till the teeth by Putin and Hu Jintao, the biggest agents of the world imperialism. Their “differences” with the rest of the imperialist powers in the UN where they would rejected a military attack on the part of NATO is nothing more than a theater’s play carried out in that then of thieves to give time to Al Assad to carry on a relentless genocide against the children and women of the Syrian working class.

Everybody wants masses to believe that Iranian Ayatollahs went to a confrontation in the Mediterranean with USA and the State of Israel. That was no more than a smokescreen. Their ships surrounded all the ports of Syria and while Hezbollah millionaire sheikhs from Lebanon, closed and sealed the borders so that Al - Assad could massacre until the last of the combatants in Homs, Hama and Damascus. Since the overthrowing of Al-Assad in the hands of the revolutionary masses would mean a break with the “peace’s frontiers” that the coward Arab bourgeoisies, either Sunni or Shiite, guarantee for the Zionist-fascist Israel from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.

Surely you are following in the bourgeois press the terrible massacre being perpetrated by murderous Assad after brutally bombing with his army and paramilitaries for more than 21 consecutive days the main working-class neighborhoods in Homs, Damascus, etc. It is a counterrevolutionary action of extermination, and from that action they try to punish the world working class showing them what will happen to them if they dare to rise up again like yesterday in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, etc.
This extermination of the rebellious masses is now being applied in all the Syrian cities. It is a true global counter-revolutionary offensive by the imperialist-national bourgeois front to cut the string of revolutions that from Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria, etc. are threatening not to leave stone on stone of the imperialist rule in the region. Assad’s genocidal rampage is a counter-revolutionary action to chastise the world working class so that never more workers in the United States, Greece, Spain or France think about raising there to fight as in Egypt or Libya; it is an exemplary punishment to show those worker what would happen to them if they dare attempt to throwing down the imperialist Governments that implement plans equal or worse than Mubarak, Khadafy, or Ben Ali against their own working class.

This counter-revolutionary offensive is centralized by a "Holy Alliance" sealed by NATO, the UN, the Arab League and the main imperialist powers and the world bourgeoisie, which have planned to let Jackal Assad and his regime do the "dirty work", as we have already said, performing a genocide against the revolting Syrian masses. Once -and if- this purpose is fulfilled the different imperialist powers will be ready to stabilize and apply the “cemeteries’ peace” on Syria.
The fact is that the imperialists and their allies of the Arab bourgeoisies, we insist, cannot allow the falling down of Al - Assad's regime by the hands of the armed masses, because this regime supports from the "left" the status quo with the counter-revolutionary State of Israel. If Al – Assad in Syria falls by the revolutionary actions of the exploited, it can also collapse the control of Hezbollah over the combatant workers’ and peasant masses in the South of Lebanon. Hezbollah guarantee the guard of the Northern frontier for the sake of Zionism, and all together they guarantee that Palestinian masses be in concentration camps in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, and in the South of Lebanon, and also at a great extent, under the murderous boot of Al-Assad.


Today, before the present events, a stunned world working class notices the workings of the world reformist left, which is trying to dupe all the exploited of the world saying that the insurrected Syrian masses are actually "ground troops of NATO and the CIA", "zealots of religious sects", etc. The Bolivarians, the Renegades of Trotskyism, the Stalinists, etc., wanted to convince the exploited that, at any time, NATO would intervene in Syria against Al - Assad, as -according to them- NATO had already done in Libya. They LIE! The nakedly counter-revolutionary massacre of Homs exposes all slander, lying and servility to the imperialism forged by the traitorous leaderships of the world proletariat. The Arab League came to Syria to treacherously indicate the objectives and coordinates of the resistance to Al - Assad, to then say that "nothing could be done" to stop the massacre.

NATO said that it would not deliver weapons to the resistance because this was a group of "military deserters and uncontrollable vandals". Hillary Clinton declared the US was sending peace messages to Syria, but not weapons. That ghost called Syrian National Council having taken refuge in Qatar, remained along the entire process -and still remains- in the furthest place possible from the armed masses fighting in Syria. This is the truth. Combatants in Homs, in Damascus, in Deraa, are workers, toilers, the ruined middle classes, exploited youth and rebel soldiers who have refused to kill their own people.
The SNC was only prepared and gets prepared to try to expropriate the struggle of the revolutionary workers if they achieve to smash Al-Assad.

We are facing a “Holly Alliance” formed by Hu Jintao, Merkel, Putin, and Obama, from the SNC to the Arab League too who have plot together, pretending they don’t notice, looking to another side, and posing like “opposition” to openly support the murderous Assad so that him to do the “dirty work” of all of them: to assure that the open worker and socialist revolution in Syria not to triumph. Or can any sensible worker say that the murderous regime of Assad is “Socialist”, as the scraps of the counterrevolutionary forces say at international level? Masses have risen up against the starvation, high cost of living, inflation, and brutal exploitation of that “socialist” regime in words but bonapartist and counterrevolutionary in life.
From behind, the silent Japanese imperialism, but not less cruel and murderous, keeps his relations with the Iranian Ayatollahs that guarantee him their business and energy’s resources like petroleum. They also want to make the Japanese and Asian working class believe that the solution to this conflict is the UN.

All the imperialist powers and the possessing classes in the planet have distinguished with clarity their enemy: the working class and popular, impoverished masses in the cities and countryside. Facing this fact, and to smash the triumphal insurrection and for Syria not to be a new Libya, they have launched a true Kornilov-action against the exploited.

Here the lies and calumnies end of the world treacherous left against the revolutionary masses of Libya. It is crystal clear that in Libya NATO intervened just to prevent the masses come to Tripoli and seize the power when they smashed Khadafy. NATO intervened to strengthen the CNT and so it could put under its political discipline all the Gaddafist officers. That's what NATO was up to in Libya. Moreover, they wanted to put a limit to Gaddafi for him not to enter Benghazi as he could be crushed by the masses, what finally happened. Then the revolution was still alive and the masses of Egypt and Tunisia were on the rise, and in July-August 2011 the exploited masses of Greece staged another uprising and the movement of the "indignados" in Madrid and USA was very hot. They fought the Spanish Crown and Wall Street bankers while the working youth burned Tottenham in London.

Today the situation is different and for that reason, all the imperialist and bourgeois forces sustain the counterrevolutionary action of Assad. The Syrian masses have been enclosed. The rise in Greece was arrested to clean sticks against the workers by the thugs of the unions of the Communist Party, to prevent the exploited from burning the Parliament and defeating the Papandreou Government on the streets. This counteroffensive began against the global working class in Europe. It then continued with the attacks and provocations against the revolutionary masses of Egypt in Port Said Stadium, and now with the massacre in fenced Syria.  This counter-offensive also began at the end of 2011 in China with the massacre of 10,000 workers and peasants in the provinces of the southeast of that country, at the hands of the army of the "red Mandarin" Hu Jintao, one of the most active lackeys of imperialism.

We are facing a real counter-offensive of the counter-revolutionary forces of imperialism and their lackeys in the labor movement, to prevent and curb the revolutionary offensive of the masses that began in Northern Africa and Middle East and was threatening to spread to Europe and the United States. Meanwhile there was a world pre-revolutionary situation opening with the Chinese masses entering into combat and Russians exploited taking to the streets against the new electoral fraud of Putin. Syria is the point where the imperialists concentrated their forces to give, then, a bloody lesson to the world working class.

This terrible massacre is part and continuity of the counter-revolutionary offensive carried out in 2009 by the butcher Obama against the Palestinian masses in the Gaza Strip, which he called "Operation Cast Lead", and was also part of the brutal attack on the European working class and its historical gains, causing layoffs, slashing wages and benefits, etc. with which imperialism aims to make them pay for its crises and bankruptcy. It is a “Operation Cast Lead II" but this time, against the Syrian masses to change the force-relationship withy the world working class, and establish firmly the policy of snatch all their gains from them in the middle of the crisis and crac of the international finance capital.

The masses of Syria have been fenced, smeared and separated from the world working class. The betrayal of the struggle of the working class in Spain, Greece, Portugal, etc. have left imperialist hands free to prop up the current slaughter by their watchdog Al - Assad in Syria.


When the revolutionary processes of Tunisia and Egypt were diverted with parliamentary elections, as in Yemen, the reformist left called that "spring of peoples", "Velvet revolutions" and other affable phrases to conceal the expropriations of the revolutionary processes by the bourgeoisie and imperialism.
But when in Libya the masses armed themselves and the exploited of Syria followed their way, a world "Holy Alliance" of the “Bolivarian”, the Stalinism and the renegades of Trotskyism stood up against the revolutions that the working-class had begun with masses destroying the army and getting armed as the only way to give steps forward to conquer bread and confront the executioners and imperialist looters of the North of Africa and Middle East.

This "Holy Alliance" has concentrated its forces, firstly, besieging Libya and slandering the armed exploited masses saying they are “agents of then CIA” leading the working class of Egypt and Tunisia to the dead alley of the parliamentary deviations and submitting the European working class’ struggle to a policy of “pressure to stop the attack” as the reformist unions have done. Thus, at the moment, they have achieved paralyzed the forces of the world proletariat and fence the insurgent masses in Syria so that Assad massacre them.

There has never been so much silence and cynicism from reformism and the treacherous leaderships of the labor organizations of the world, in front of a massacre as which today develops in Syria against the working class and the exploited.
Since several weeks before, the workers with their children and women are bombed and massacred in Homs and none organization of workers led by the traitors has carried on any action to prevent it.
The solidarity till now with the Libyan masses has emerged from the base of the masses in struggle. 

In Egypt the workers spontaneously surrounded the Syrian Embassy - as shown in the video that we sent you previously - and as is also evidenced by the Declaration that we send you again on Libya

Comrades, this imperialist counter-revolutionary offensive is not only based on the need of crushing the chains of revolutions arose in 2011, but also the cycle of expansion some time ago unfolded -as counter tendency to the global crash- in China, Brazil, India, etc. is coming to an end. In those countries imperialist banks have accumulated financial and real-estate bubbles. Huge masses of capital are withdrawn from production because the profit rate has fallen. And this, together with the European recession threatens to lead to a generalized recession of the world economy. The most powerful powers are already imposing the minor powers, including the imperialist powers collapsing by the economic crash, as Greece or Spain humiliating conditions of surrender as in the "Treaty of Versailles". If this is the treatment they give each other the usurers and bankers of the imperialist powers, what won’t they be capable of inflicting to the masses?

That is what we see in Syria. An offensive and a counter-revolutionary fascist putsch of crushing, genocide and razed land against the exploited that dared to rise up against the power of those who speak and say to themselves "Socialists", as bloodthirsty Al - Assad, the largest servant and agent of large companies of telecommunications and computing of Silicon Valley in the United States, direct partner of the current President of Lebanon, one of the richest sheikhs in the Middle East, who leads Hezbollah.

Imperialism and bourgeoisie need to defeat the proletariat and snatch all its gains so that they can get acute the plunder of the oppressed peoples, increase the surplus value rate and create the conditions for a new cycle of investment. Without destroying other imperialist powers, without smashing the proletariat and without new wars, capitalism will not go out from the world crac in which has entered in 2007-2008.

We get anger together with all the workers with authentic class consciousness when we see the massacre of our brothers in the bloody streets in Syria. Rarely the planet has seen so much deception, sand in the eyes thrown and smokescreen mounted against the world working-class so that it would not intervene decisively in favor of the masses of Syria who are being massacred. In Argentina, as well as in Europe and Africa, the forces of the Renegades of Trotskyism claim that if we support the uprisings in Syria, "we risk destabilizing Iran that is confronting USA." Lies! Pure lies! The only thing the famous Iranian Navy did was fencing the Syrian ports so that Al - Assad with the help of murderers Putin and Hu Jintao, could go on slaughtering the insurrected masses.

Lies! Iran will confront the imperialism? If in the middle of the “crisis” facing the supposed Zionist attack, the Ayatollahs get tired of selling oil to Japan, Germany, and the very USA, Enough lies! If the Syrian masses are smashed and if the Iranian Ayatollahs’ lackey policy of imperialism is imposed, the zionism’s and imperialism’s attack will come not only against Iran but against all the oppressed peoples that dare to rise up. The Iranian Ayatollahs are as repressors and make starve their own people as Gaddafy, Ben Ali, and Mubarak, and as assassin as Al-Assad. Those  Ayatollahs so brave to repress the working class of their country, and so coward with imperialism like Saddam Hussein, are not the ones who will lead to the victory the anti-imperialist struggle of the masses of the North of Africa and Middle East.
The advanced front of the struggle has been taken by the working class initiating revolutions throughout the region; they make shake the pillars of the world capitalism when they threaten with get linked to the revolutionary fight of the proletariat in the imperialist powers.    

No doubt the scoundrels as Assad and the Ayatollahs, are those who have granted to the United States an orderly withdrawal from Iraq, because they are now the real Government of the US protectorate in Iraq. They and the “guards of the revolution” in Iran guaranteed the disarm of the Shiite masses in Basora and the South of Iraq that had expelled the English troops from their territory so that then they can enter to the government of the US protectorate together with the Kurda and Sunni bourgeoisie in Iraq. It is time to speak clearly to the masses. 

And no doubt if the exploited masses of Syria are crushed, the Zionist State of Israel will be in better conditions for, backed by and together with US, attacking the Iranian nation, as well as Turkey will be in excellent conditions, thanks to Obama, to attack and recover one of the largest reserves of oil in the world, arming Azerbaijan to the teeth to take the enclave of Nagorno Karabakh and crushing again the Armenian nation.
The break with the grasp of imperialism by the oppressed countries of North Africa and the Middle East, won’t come from the hand of the Iranian Ayatollahs, who were killing and shooting workers when they sent to the shooting squadron and the gallows all the leaders of the shoras, that were who really made the revolution defeating Shah Reza Pahlavi in the ´80s.

Let the Iranian Ayatollahs lie no more, and his partnerships: the repressive “Bolivarian” bourgeoisies in Latin America! Let all their lackeys inside the workers movement lie no more! This coward Iranian bourgeoisie guarantees the State of Israel’s borders in peace- from Lebanon to Syria to Jordan, along with the assassins commanded by the King of Jordan.

We must not allow that they defeat the Syrian masses! We must regain the streets of Homs defeating Jackal  Assad and breaking the siege imposed to the Syrian masses! We must return to revolt in revolutionary Egypt and Tunisia! The militia of Libya must be already enlisting along with their class brothers and sisters in Tunisia and Egypt! It is necessary to call the European proletarians, betrayed by the social imperialist parties, union bureaucracies and worker aristocracies, to break the corset imposed by the treacherous leaderships to their fighting! Only taking off their shoulders the crockery of the treacherous leaderships which lead them towards powerless policies of pressure on the Governments and bourgeois regimes country-to-country, the European workers will be able to start a real counter-offensive of masses and go in support of their brothers and sisters in Syria and Libya.
All ports and ships that load weapons and food to the killer A-Assad, should be stopped, and instead they should board and bring food and weapons to the heroic resistance of the Syrians!


The American working class, that in Wisconsin, Oakland and New York, occupying Wall Street, have launched the war cry: "We have to fight like in Egypt!", has a great obligation: stopping the massacre in Syria, setting up the movement against the war, denouncing and attacking, a million times more, the murderer Obama and its banks, which are those who finance, along with his minions Hu Jintao and Putin, the rotten Jackal Al - Assad.

Japanese workers must understand, in our view, that if workers and socialist revolutions which have begun in the North Africa and Middle East are crushed to blood and fire and imperialism advances in the region, the latter is going to be a field of disputes for the imperialist powers, those which are gaining from the crash, and above all, of those who are losing from the same. We insist Japanese imperialism is silent; it is quietly plundering a large portion of Iranian oil. It is which wants more stability in Syria and Iran.
That is why from behind, and behind the scenes, Japanese imperialism backs the Ayatollahs so that they crush the masses there where they control, from the Lebanon to Syria to Iran. This is the business of blood stained oil. The fight against the imperialist war that the advanced workers of Japan drive daily, will become powerless if the imperialist powers succeed in crushing the revolutions of North Africa and Middle East, and like vultures, even pecking each other, will wrangle for the booty.

The fate of the revolution and counter-revolution globally is played in the streets of Syria, across North Africa and the Middle East. Revolutionary militias of Libya have brought an appeal to break the siege at Syria. From the FLTI we are pushing it, enthusiastically and spiritedly, among the world working class. We propose to make it yours and so we work together to unite the forces of all class conscious workers of the world to break the encirclement of our brothers and sisters being massacred in Homs, Deraa and all over Syria.
We must now, call to set up an International Congress of worker organizations to defend the Syrian masses today massacred by imperialism and its lackey al - Assad, and defeat the imperialist counter-offensive which hangs over North Africa, the Middle East, Europe and all around the world! This Congress could be convened by the heroic revolutionary militias in the insurrectionary Libya! It is necessary to open a corridor through which can send food, medicines, weapons and ammunition for the Syrian insurrected masses and defeat the counter-revolution now! For international brigades of all worker organizations in the world to go and fight in Syria now! We must take the embassies of murderous Al - Assad around the world! The European working class, composed also by millions of workers from North Africa and the Middle East, should stand up. For a centralized General Strike of the European working class to crush the bankers, confront their imperialist Governments and take the streets alongside their brothers and sisters brothers in Syria, North Africa and the Middle East.!

The revolutionary militias from Libya are right. They say: "we know that millions of brethren subjected to all kinds of humiliation and exploitation around the world, begin to stand up and proclaim that "we must fight as in Libya". We say yes, but to do so, the oppressed of Syria should succeed, crushing the bloody offensive by Al - Assad… It is in our hands to make this reality.  We especially call the (worker) organizations in these countries that are today militarily supporting the massacre on the Syrian people to rise up against their regimes.
We know that the only way to stop the massacre in Syria is to follow the steps of what we did to Qadafy, i.e. win this war against Bashar. We fight to take this step together and soon, because every day that passes makes hundreds of new martyrs.  We must break the siege tended on our brothers of Syria. A determined, coordinated and unified action of all the oppressed of the world is the path. For Weapons and international brigades to break the encirclement of the exploited and oppressed in Syria, and for defeating murderous al - Assad!"

Comrades of the JRCL, let’s continue fighting together, beyond the borders and along with the heroic revolutionary masses of the planet! We propose you to take in common and transform in banner of the working class’ struggle the statement of the brave militias and workers of Libya that want to break the siege of the massacred brothers in Syria.

Our class brothers, with their women and children, are massacred in Syria. We will not allow that. The accomplices of this crime against the exploited and deprived, the world reformist left and the Renegades of Marxism cannot speak more of socialism and of the working class. Today they want to depict al - Assad the murderer, the lackey of imperialism and Zionism as "progressive" and "Socialist", as yesterday they tried to embellish that servant of British Petroleum and the Italian ENI, murderous Gaddafi. The Renegades of Marxism peddle him to the world working class, claiming that Al - Assad killer troops are attacking the "reactionary troops of imperialism and the CIA" in Syria. They are a bunch of scoundrels.

The major lackeys of imperialism and the biggest slaveholders for the sake of the transnationals such as Putin and Hu Jintao are arming Al - Assad to the teeth. Under the counter, they agree with the imperialist powers, to veto the sanctions written against the Syrian regime at the UN. Meanwhile, with the Arab bourgeoisie they would be looking for a "negotiated solution"; that course today is also supported by Obama, Sarkozy and other imperialist butchers. But Al - Assad is still massacring up to the last working class exploited who dared to revolt in Syria. More than 300,000 refugees are on the borders with Lebanon and Turkey where they are received and also killed by Iranian "guards" and Hezbollah fighters who decimate the best of the resistance. These two act to the rear of Al - Assad as a true fifth column that backstabs the Syrian revolutionary masses, as Stalinism in the Spanish civil war in the 1930s. Meanwhile, all the border gates have been mined with anti-personnel mines. And so, with tanks and the latest techniques of modern warfare, they have bombed and reduced to rubble the workers slums and the dwellings of all the exploited rebels across Syria.
It is time to enrage against so much massacre, silence, siege, lies and slander against the exploited Syria. And that is what we do from the FLTI. Our battle cry is that of the combative Libyan militias, which must be proposed to all worker organizations in the world.
If this counter-revolutionary offensive of imperialism is imposed in Greece and first of all in Syria, the exploited in every corner of the planet are destined to suffering the same plight that now suffer the masses of Syria and the entire region.
You have the floor.  

Revolutionary greetings,

Carlos Munzer, in the name of the Executive Committee of the FLTI

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