17/06/2010 Comrades of ZINASU The Trotskyist youth of the International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction (ILTF) shout with you: Out the bourgeoisie and its agents from our struggle organizations! Because we won’t get bread, jobs, decent education with Mugabe nor MDC, nor any native bourgeoisie; like the so called “Bolivarians” in Latin American as Chavez who poses as “anti-imperialist” and sells oil to USA supplying its war machine; or like Mandela’s black bourgeoisie in South Africa, which with its regimen of reconciliation of apartheid kept untouched the officer caste of the army that assassin the exploited in all Southern Africa and also kept Anglo-American property; they have guarantee the worst slavering and repression against the working class. They are the ones who on behalf of imperialist parasites impose us plans of misery and slavering, they guarantee the plunder of our nations by imperialism. They aren’t our allies, they are our enemies! They are the same bourgeoisies that guarantee the impunity of those who massacred the working and the youth in the past, by calling to reconcile with the assassin of apartheid in Africa and with the assassin militaries in Latin America. No reconciliation with our executioners! No trust on the servants of imperialism! Therefore comrades the path your are showing is the one that has to be followed by all youth vanguard and working class all over the world: to break with the bourgeoisie and bosses parties to face the brutal attack of the imperialist pirates against us to make us pay the cost of the crisis with millions of unemployed, low wages, misery and over-exploitation, while they increase the plunder of the oppressed nations, propel wars like Iraq and Afghanistan, and coups like in Honduras and Africa; in the meantime they are preparing a higher offensive against the working class and the masses. Part of such attack of imperialism is the massacre made by the Zionist-Fascist State of Israel, agent of assassin Obama, against the convoy that was delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza. They murdered in cold blood 10 volunteers, and then massacred 7 Palestinian militiamen in the border of Gaza. It is the same Fascist State of Israel, gendarme of imperialism in Middle East, which has massacred, expel from their land, use as slave labour force and make them live in concentration camps (as Gaza and the West Bank are) to the Palestine masses, which would made Hitler and the assassin regime of the apartheid to envy those. Comrades, we have received your statement on this massacre and we would like to tell you that the state of Israel is a fake state created, armed and financed by imperialist powers, headed by USA, based on the genocide of the Palestinian People to oppress all the masses in Middle East and Magreb and guarantee the access and control of the oil routes. Therefore to imperialism the counterrevolutionary role of the Zionist state is a central role in stabilizing the region; first of all to smash Palestinian masses and therefore fence the heroic resistance of the exploited in Iraq and Afghanistan against the invader troops. The fascist State of Israel could never be pressured to be more “democratic” or “merciful” with the Palestinian masses because its only aim is to exterminate them! UN was the one that “legitimized” the establishing of this enclave which is the state of Israel in 1947; while USSR Stalinist bureaucracy was the first on in recognizing it formally and today CP’s still support it. That cave of bandits with its “blue helmets” which occupy south of Lebanon and Haiti, which approved imperialist massacres like Iraq 1991, Kosovo and Serbia 1999, Afghanistan 2001; endorsed the aggression of British pirates on Malvinas (Falkland) Islands in Argentina. That is why that cave of bandits called UN, a true ministry of colonies of imperialism, will never condemn nor sanction the State of Israel, as it has never done before, it’ll do as it always did, just the opposite. The rest of the “International community” won’t punish Israel either. They are just a bunch of imperialist powers dressed as “democratic” like Germany, Spain, France or Italy and they have put up the wall against the Palestine people massacring together with Bush and the Obama the heroic masses of Iraq, Afghanistan and the whole Middle East; they subject to genocides and fratricide wars the oppressed peoples of the world. The oppressed masses of Middle East will never have “peace” as long as that enclave of imperialism exists in the region. The rest is nothing but a “peace of the cemeteries” as the one extolled by everyone with the “Road Map” and “Oslo Agreements” with the counterrevolutionary policy of “two states” that means recognizing the state of Israel, fully armed, and they call states those Bantustans where the Palestinian masses live all piled up, without water, food, meds, electricity, among rubble, condemned to live as pariahs in their own land. Such is the policy of imperialist powers today; imperialists that dress as “pacifist” and “democratic” like the Turkish that massacred workers in Northern Iraq and the Kurdish people, which is the other end of the same rope to impose the surrendering to the Palestinian masses and guarantee the survival of the Zionist State as imperialist gendarme in the region. Over and over again the Palestinian and Middle Eastern masses fought to kick out the invader from the Palestinian lands. From 1986 and almost for 7 years the Palestinian exploited (from 8 year-old kids and the elderly) fought against the troops of the fascist Israel with the only thing that there are plenty on the ghettos: rocks of rubble. Palestinian masses, after this magnificent upraising called “Intifada”, lightened the 21st Century with a huge revolution seizing police stations, disarming the assassin police of the Palestine National Authority and retaking the combat against the assassin State of Israel. In 2006 the Palestinian masses that live in camps in Southern Lebanon fought back the invasion of Zionist troops with a monumental military victory and made world fifth most powerful army to run away as rats. However, this heroic combats were sold out by the Palestinian bourgeoisie (jailkeeper of their own people) and by Islamic bourgeoisie, collaborationist with the Israel state. They disarmed the masses constantly and made a pact with the State of Israel and imperialism. Today they organize fences and walls of ignominy and slavery; like the wall of Rafah in the border with Egypt that torment Palestine working class and masses. Comrades: if the combats of the Palestinian exploited, Iraqi and Afghani resistance are defeated, imperialism will be in better conditions to double its offensive against the world exploited. We can’t let this happen! We are all Gaza! Long live the combat of the heroic Palestinian masses! In order for the exploited to eat, break the blockade and recover their land, Zionist-Fascist State of Israel must be destroyed and imperialist occupation troops must be expelled from Iraq, Afghanistan and the whole region with the most powerful missile that the working class has: the triumph of working and peasant revolution in all Middle East. In order to break the fence and return to the combat in all Middle East to expel invaders troupes and destruction of State of Israel: For a National Worker and Peasant Palestine Assembly, from Southern Lebanon, the West Bank and Jordan with delegates from the Iraqi, Afghani and Palestinian resistances! For a revolutionary provisional government to guarantee a free, secular and democratic Palestine! Let every Jew worker with class consciousness break with Zionism and Histadrut and join the Palestinian unions and the combat for the destruction of the Zionist state of Israel. We call on the students of Zimbabwe to fight together and rise together with the heroic and tormented Palestinian people for: the destruction of Zionist-Fascist State of Israel! We won’t be able to destroy the blockade to Gaza with convoys of humanitarian aid. Let’s break the fence imposed to the Palestinian masses with the methods of the working class: let’s take the streets with demonstrations, strikes, boycott and other actions! Let US, European and Japanese workers paralyze all docks with strike pickets and workers militia so not a single ship of war supply for the Zionist army of Israel and other counterrevolutionary armies that massacre the masses of the world sails! Let workers of the imperialist powers load all the ships that supply food, medicines and guns to the Palestinian resistance and the whole region! Middle East must be grave of imperialist invaders and Zionist-Fascist State of Israel! Comrades of Zinasu: let’s launch together a call to every workers organizations in the entire world to take in their own hands the task of marching from Egypt to overthrow the wall of Rafah that submit the Palestinian people and to coordinate and centralize the workers ranks together with our class brothers of Palestine to break the fence and conquer a place in the front line of combat to destroy the State of Israel. Let all workers organizations of the world set up internationalist brigades! For an immediate International General Strike to break the fence and walls of apartheid and check points in the West Bank! Free the anti-imperialist fighters from the claws of butcher Obama imprisoned in Guantanamo and CIA secret prisons! Free the prisoners from the Palestinian resistance in hands of the State of Israel! Comrades: we have to stand up because the youth of the world has to look ourselves in mirror of the conditions imposed to the heroic Palestinian masses. That is the only thing that this rotten system: “The young want a trade, and when (rarely enough!) it consents to give them one, it is only to chain them the better to a machine which tomorrow will stop and let them starve beside the very riches they have produced. The young want to work, to produce with their hands, to use their strength, and capitalism offers them the perspective of unemployment or of “the execution of work in conditions other than the normal conditions of production,” (…) “The young want to learn, and the way to culture is barred to them. The young want to live, and the only future offered them is that of dying of hunger or rotting on the barbed wire of a new imperialist war. The young want to create a new world, and they are permitted only to maintain or to consolidate a rotting world that is falling to pieces. The young want to know what tomorrow will be, and capitalism’s only reply to them is: “Today you’ve got to tighten your belt another notch; tomorrow, we’ll see ... In any case, perhaps you’re not going to have any tomorrow.” (Youth International Conference of 4th International, 1938). That is how capitalists treat the youth in Zimbabwe and the rest of the world. Comrades of Zinasu, we have followed the fight you are carrying on and we give our solidarity to you before the fierce attack that you are receiving from the murderous government of Mugabe and MDC. They are closing thousands of education centres while they impose workers and exploited –who don’t get their salaries- slave jobs on fields or they have to emigrate to other countries to work as slaves, which also pay with a tax an “incentive” to the teachers so their kids can go to school; and for those who want to face the attack are beaten and imprisoned. No more prosecution and repression against students and workers! Immediate release the students of Zimbabwe! Down with the bogus charges and end all prosecution to the textile factory of David Whitehead! For self-defence committees of struggling workers and peasants to defend from the police repression! Immediate opening of all schools and universities that were shut down! Down with the fees and incentives taken from the working class! Expropriation without compensation of all private education facilities to place them at the service of the exploited! Free, secular and public education at all levels! One million students in the streets of Chile already made the motion in 2006: Education first to the worker’s son, education then the bourgeois’ son! In order to guarantee the best conditions for the entire youth to study: 4 hours of study and 4 hours of work, paid by the bosses and the state for the working youth, as a part of the combat for decent jobs for our parents and all workers with a wage equal to the cost of living. The money to finance these and all our demands is the one that imperialist monopolies steal: Expropriation without compensation and under worker control of all transnationals, bloodsuckers that plunders the wealth of our nations, their natural sources, minerals, etc., as it is the Anglo-American that plunders southern Africa! Progressive taxes to the big fortunes and no even one single cent for the foreign debt of the imperialist usurers! Enough with universities and schools at the service of imperialist monopolies! In order for the science and technique to be at the service of exploited and their needs –instead of the voracity for profits of a bunch of exploiters- imperialist monopolies and their managers within university must be expelled. A revolutionary fraction of world youth motioned with its combat the way forward to all the workers of the world who today fight for facing this attack: the students of the Technical University of Oruro (TUO) who in 2004 –in the middle of the Bolivian revolution- rose, organized and imposed a tri-government of students, teachers and education workers, with student majority, supported by miners of Huanuni and workers and peasants organizations. The revolutionary students from UTO proclaimed a “University at the service of the exploited and students, connected to social production and headed towards proletarian revolution”. With their pickets together with miners they face police, occupied the university and Rector’s office, force him to resign and kick out bourgeois Rosca and with their committees of defence of the university and they general sovereign assemblies took the solutions of their problems in their own hands. The attack must be stopped! For immediate assemblies in all faculties and schools to vote a unified struggle plan occupying all schools, universities, with strikes and roadblocks! In order to put the foot on bosses’ chest and kick imperialism out of Zimbabwe, students must join the working class, which is the only class that can touch the pockets and profits to slavering capitalists. You, comrades of Zinasu, have in your hands the chance to weld workers-students alliance calling to a Workers, poor peasants and revolutionary students Congress from all over Zimbabwe. You have in your hands the chance to take this motion and take it to all currents, unions and parties that speak on behalf of the working class, to call them to break with the bourgeoisie and conquer right now that congress, to be able to fight for all our demands, unifying the majority of the nation, while we conquer the unity of the working class and masses of southern Africa, in a single combat against imperialist monopolies that plunder our nations. Exploited can’t keep fighting submitted to their own bourgeoisie country by country, because that is how they prevent the working class to follow the way that workers, peasants and soldiers of Madagascar showed last year; they went out on the streets, defeated the police, disarmed it and with their combat the won over the rank and file of the army that refused to repress the people and they overthrew the government. Long live to the revolution in Madagascar! They show us that to conquer the bread, land and release the nation is only possible with the methods of the proletarian revolution; fighting for all, against governments and regimes servants of imperialism. In order to go through in this path comrades –which is the only one that will solve any of our demands- first we have to get rid of the treacherous leaderships that prevent the working class and youth to face their executioners, putting them to the capitalist feet and expropriating their combats. The policy of class collaboration must be broken; that is the policy of all union bureaucracy, labour aristocracy and their parties: Stalinists, social democrats and renegades of Trotskyism. They have been recruited by imperialism and 5th International to prevent that the masses defeat the capitalist attack with the proletarian revolution. The “left” wing of this policy is carried out by the renegades of Trotskyism. They are the same parties that today have recycled for example as “anti-capitalist”, which yesterday were grouped in World Social Forum and from ELAC supported the “Bolivarian” governments that contained and diverted the revolutionary and anti-imperialists combats made of the exploited in the American continent at the beginning of the century. The renegades of Trotskyism called to vote and supported them, as they did with Chavez in Venezuela, Lula in Brazil, Evo Morales in Bolivia and Correa in Ecuador. In 2009 after US military coup in Honduras they supported Zelaya, the other agent of imperialism who ended up in a pact with the coupers. They supported Fidel Castro when he came to tell the Argentinean working class in 2003 that they have to support Kirchner and then he will share the wealth. These leaderships have supported Castroite bureaucracy over and over again to prevent a new Cuba in Latin America. They are also who took the most militant sectors of the working class and student movement to the feet of bourgeoisie and its institutions, liquidating all kinds of class independence. Today before the world economic crisis, those parties of the renegades of Trotskyism centralize their forces even more as left wing of 5th International. They did so in May when they did “Madrid People Summit” with governments of Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia; with the “anti-capitalist” parties like French NAP and SWP Callinicos. In Zimbabwe it supports the government of assassin Mugabe through Gwisai’s ISOZ and called to vote LP and Gordon Brown in England, he is who told the working class that it will pay with “blood, sweat and tears” the crisis of the parasites. They call to support the imperialist EU which plunders the peoples of the world, assassin African, Asian, Latin American and Eastern European masses; they supported EU to keep Greek working class - which has been taking part in huge combats- isolated, to prevent that the spark doesn’t set Europe on fire with a revolutionary general strike to stop the attack of the imperialist governments. Only one month after the meeting in Madrid, as continuity of that “Counter-summit” in Brazil, all forces of reformism gathered together again in the International Meeting of CONCLAT. In that meeting, renegades of Trotskyism of Latin America and delegations from USA, Europe and Japan participated and voted a general program “let the capitalists pay the crisis”, to keep saving in particular the property of imperialist monopolies, which are commanding a fierce attack against world working class. They voted to maintain the fence on Greek masses and the program of two states for Palestine, which is servant of imperialism. Before this concentration of counterrevolutionary forces, youth and revolutionary workers organizations must also regroup and centralize forces above national borders. We can’t keep fighting divided! We must join industrial workers and FEJUVE of Bolivia that faced the leadership of CONCLAT after it didn’t want to combat against “Bolivarian” governments and tens of workers delegates broke with that leadership shouting “left bureaucrats”. Lets fight together with them for: An international congress of revolutionary workers organizations and internationalist Marxist currents against the centralization of the reformist (supporters of capitalism) to break the fence imposed to Greek masses, the revolution in Kyrgyzstan and Madagascar, to the Cuban masses that suffer the action of Castroite bureaucracy, which is ready to restore capitalism! Comrades of Zinasu: today you have in your hands the possibility of leading this combat. Zimbabwean youth can spark the revolution, retaking the struggle of the Southern Africa and Latin America, of the best combats of the national liberation against imperialism, against apartheid, the colonial wars and military dictatorships; those fights were betrayed by Stalinism, fake Trotskyists and all reformist leaderships. Those leaderships took all those fights to the feet of the black bourgeoisie in Africa and “democratic” ones in Latin America. In order for the youth to live, the working class must succeed! For the working class and exploited to live, imperialism must die! All the forces of the Trotskyists of the FLTI are engaged in defeating the treacherous leaderships that support capitalism. Therefore we fight for an Organizing Committee of the re-foundation of the 4th International of 1938, the party or the world socialist revolution, so the working class can succeed. Let’s fight together through the borders for a better future for the youth, the working class and the exploited, which will only come with the victory of the proletarian revolution. For a revolutionary and internationalist fraction of the youth that ties its fate to the combats of the exploited of the world! Trotskyist youth of the ILTF |