Buenos Aires, July 30th, 2010
To the 48th Anti-War International Assembly in Japan
To the Executive Committee of the 48th Anti-War International Assembly in Japan
To the militant students Zengakuren
To the youth Anti-war committee.
Dear Comrades
A year ago, from the FLTI, we were there in the flesh, with a delegate of our International Faction, in the 47th Anti-war international Assembly.
The revolutionary warmth and solidarity with which we were received by you settled the bases for a common fight of our forces, waging together across the oceans, as we did, the fight together with the Peruvian miners attacked by the murderous regime of Alan Garcia and Fujimori; and rising for the Palestine masses slaughtered by Obama and the counterrevolutionary Zionist State. The Israel state, gendarme of imperialism in Middle East transformed Gaza into a concentration camp siege by starvation and opprobrium walls, where they have put the Palestine masses as slaves in their own land.
A year ago, the US working class tried to give an answer to the dismissals in Toyota, in Volkswagen, the movement against the war from the dock workers of the west coast was still alive. Meanwhile in Greece, the working class was fighting against the hated government of Karamanlis
In Madagascar, in Africa, the workers and peasants armed themselves in order to get bread, while in Guadalupe the butchers of the French 5th Republic were trembling seeing an insurrectional strike of the masses from its colonies.
The US command set up a new general staff with Obama at the helm, the continuity of the criminal and genocidal policy of Bush.
In the last year, since we met personally in the previous anti-war assembly, we can affirm that the masses have only fought and tried a thousand times to start a counter offensive before the capitalist bankruptcy, which only desperately looks to burden its crisis on the exploited ones and the oppressed people around the world.
During this year, we could feel in our flesh the Marxist apothegm: For the working class to live, imperialism must die! It has not been defeated by the proletariat and survived sending the civilization to barbarism and reinforcing the super-exploitation against the world working class.
Thousands of combats were waged by the masses and the oppressed people of the world. It was neither the strength nor the intelligence of a rotten system what had saved the financial capital in crisis.
In this imperialist epoch, capitalism survives by buying a layer of the enemy class. A gathering of the treacherous leaderships were centralized to siege and strangle the revolutionary process and to prevent that a counter offensive of the proletariat can move towards the only solution to their miseries, which is no more than to seize power and conquer the proletarian dictatorship over the ruins of the bourgeois regime.
Let’s tell the truth. The working class did not seize power because of the betrayal of its leadership, and so today the masses are paying the survival of this rotten system with dismissals, unemployment, slaughters, very high increase in the production rhythms, plundering and counter revolutionary wars.
It is time to speak clear, before the International working class: today Madagascar and its heroic revolution have been siege by the World Social Forum of Africa, supported by the Stalinist and the renegades of Trotskyism. They have called the enslaved exploited ones of this continent to each of them support to its native bourgeoisie respectively. Unity of the working class in the continent was broken, so millions of pariah, colored workers, are exploited in their own lands whether in the mines or in the plantations by the imperialism. Meanwhile, they are enslaved with double chains in the European imperialist powers, where after being used in the last expansion cycle before the world economic crisis to make the worst jobs, they are now thrown as dogs to the Mediterranean Sea.
The same happens with thousands of Latin American immigrants who are expelled from USA, prisoners in Obama’s jails, meanwhile with fascist methods the wall between USA and Mexico is being raised in order to divide the Empire from its backyard which has been oppressing and exploiting for decades. It is a rotten capitalist system, whose “most developed” countries cannot even give a bed in a hospital or a chair in a school to the workers and their children who are brought in order to exploit in their own land. The rottenness of this system has reach this level, its decomposition is just the lateness of the success of the international socialist revolution.
In Eastern Europe, the people of Glacis were put under plans of submission and plundering by the IMF, while the Russian working class and of the former Soviet republics had suffered all the burden of the crisis with slaughters as in Chechnya and attacks to their living standards. This is so, because yesterday the Stalinist bureaucracy gave the former worker states away and today the union bureaucracy and the European social imperialist parties disorganized the offensive to occupy factories of the French working class, divided the fight of Renault workers from Romania that called their class brothers in France to fight for “equal pay for equal work”; they raised in the workers organizations of England the counterrevolutionary cry of “¡British jobs for British workers”. In USA, with AFL-CIO they betrayed the fight of Toyota workers. And with organizations like Conlutas and ELAC led by the renegades of Trotskyism in the American continent, they strangled the left wing of the working class that rose against the war in USA or in revolutions as in Bolivia and Argentina, and were willing to defeat the coup in Honduras. In that country, the working class was subordinated to the “democratic front” of the Bolivarian bourgeoisies, and today the flag of counterrevolutionary coup, propelled by the US military base, is seen in Honduras where lie the tombs of the workers and peasants who dared to rise against that counterrevolutionary action; and they were sold out for the negotiation between the different bourgeoisie fractions.
Counterrevolutionary fences were imposed against the revolutionary Palestinian masses, where it was bombed and plundered, making the Palestinian nation turn into a ghetto, even worse than that of Warsaw in the Second World War. Gaza is destroyed by the counterrevolutionary hits by the Zionism, meanwhile from Egypt, France, Italy and Turkey (an imperialism now dressed as “Muslim” and “democratic”, but just as murderous of workers as USA) demand to the Palestinian masses to surrender under the threat of bigger counterrevolutionary attacks, and they wanted them to make negotiations in order to recognize the Zionist State of Israel, usurper of the Palestine Nation.
This is the role of the World Social Forum: divide the world proletariat and behave as anti-Semites so then, the capitalist’s bistouries smash the masses.
This has been the role played by the counterrevolutionary leaderships who met in Conlutas and in CONCLAT in Santos, Brazil: to siege the revolutionary process, break the international unity of the working class in its combat, centralize the reformist forces and divide the forces of the world proletariat.
Today, after a year, we must affirm that it is necessary to draw the bitter conclusion that these leaderships isolated the revolutionary Greece that with 8 general strikes is fighting alone and under siege of the social imperialist parties and the union bureaucrats. They are the ones who support the “European Unity” and this bandits plunderers imperialist cave which is Maastricht. These world proletariat swindlers, supported by the renegades of Trotskyism, announced splendidly a “European strike for late September” leaving the European working class before this date would be defeated country by country, union by union and fight by fight.
Comrades of the 48th Anti-War International Assembly, it is time to confront this class counterrevolutionary war which was declared by imperialism and the national bourgeoisies: an open war, cruel against the world working class. A huge financial capital war against the masses which had millions of starving ones, colonial slaves, workers making suicide as in China in the factory Foxconn because they could not resist any more the world conditions, living tie to the machines in order to produce. A counterrevolutionary war with 43 millions of workers without houses, living with 3 dollars per day with the welfare in USA; or with hundreds of dismissals and new attacks against all the gains as it happened with the European and Japanese working class; and the slaughters in Africa, or the ones taking part by the counterrevolutionary troops of Putin and his genocide in Chechnya, with thousands of political prisoners which are real hostages of the exploited ones under the claws of the enemy class.
It is time to declare war of the exploited ones to the exploiters, to prepare a huge counter offensive to confront the capitalists. It is time of the international unity of the international and revolutionary forces of the working class in order to centralize our forces and disperse the reformist forces as well as the forces of the servants paid by the capital who only spend time to disorganize and divide the world working class ranks and its combats.
It is urgent to set up a pole of revolutionary workers organizations around the world so that it can prepare and organize a mass counteroffensive, so it can set up the struggle for the seizure of power by the working class and the overthrowing of the bourgeois states and regimes around the world.
Comrades, every day de Afghan resistance sends dozens and dozens of marines in black bags to USA, as it happened in Vietnam. The occupation troops are already fenced in Kabul, de decomposition of the regime of the protectorate and the Karzai’s government is evident. An enormous class civil war is confronting the invading army.
In Iraq they applied defeats to the resistance with the Turkish imperialism massacring from the North and Al Saadr and the Muslim bourgeoisies entering in the government of the yankee protectorate and giving up the struggle of the Shiite masses, with the support of the cynic Iranian Ayatollahs, massacrers of the working class in their country. It is in Afghanistan where the heroic combatants of Fallujah and the heroic masses massacred and slavered in Palestine will be revenged.
The reformist forces organized in the World Social Forum have regrouped, preventing the synchronization of the international working class to prevent the national Afghan war and the heroic Palestinian resistance from entering the metropolises and the heart of the yankee imperialist beast too.
Today, the World Social Forum has been put on feet in US, under the slogan of “Socialism 2010”. Under the baton of the British SWP and its US current, the ISO, those same leaders who openly called to vote for the assassin Obama and who were part of the ranks of the imperialist Democratic Party, have regrouped their forces. This people, as servants of the HSBC, the Citibank, the queen of England and the butcher Obama, have the shameless to speak in the name of socialism now.
It is necessary to unmask those who speaking in the name of socialism have all their forces put in saving capitalism, disorganizing the revolutionary assaults of the masses.
Let’s stand up and rise up our fists. For our honor as internationalist revolutionary workers: FOR THE VICTORY OF THE NATIONAL WAR IN AFGHANISTAN¡ FOR THE MILITARY DEFEAT OF THE YANKEE IMPERIALISM AND THE NATO TROOPS! FOR A NEW VIETNAM! Out with the collaborationist leaderships, servants of the butcher Obama in USA! Let’s put on feet the movement for the one million workers march against the war! Let’s expel from the workers’ organizations those servants of the “Republicrat” party, as the renegades of Trotskyism are, who has openly disorganized the ranks of the working class to support the government of Obama, the new assassin and prison guard of Guantanamo, the jails of the CIA, and the major chief of the counterrevolutionary operations in the world!
Today, the resistance must fight back, and even with the many betrayals and shoots from the backs to the world proletariat, it did. The masses are resisting in Afghanistan and taking the offensive. Palestina does not give up. Tenaciously the Greek working class keeps the flame that can put on fire Paris alive; and the Chinese workers have demonstrated, as in Tonghua and Lingzou, executing the exploiters who wanted to sack workers, how to confront the capitalists’ attack.
Comrades, it is necessary to centralize the resistance. It is necessary to prepare the counteroffensive. It is necessary to tell the working class the truth: it is them or us, the exploited or the exploiters; the epoch of the national struggles is over; the leaderships centralized by the financial capital are looking for our defeat in each country. It is time to rise up the motion for the unity of the world working class, expurgating from its ranks all the collaborationist leaderships that destroy everything the masses build up in their struggle.
In this 48th International Antiwar Assembly, we make these two proposals to fight together for them:
As the first motion: Let’s move forward together for an international campaign for, with a policy of the world working class, really defeat the fence against the Palestinian masses, calling all the workers’ organizations to put on feet international workers’ brigades to go to combat in the fenced and martyred Gaza Strip, and together with the Egyptian working class, demolish the shame wall of Rafah. This will demonstrate the world working class that it not with the assassin imperialism as the Turkish one, invader in Iraq and partner of the Yankees, nor with the servile native bourgeoisies as the Egyptian, that the blockade and the isolation of the Palestinian masses will be broken. Therefore we also propose that the 48th Anti-War assembly condemn the Trojan horse convoy of Galloway to Gaza, which goes under the flag of the treacherous Egyptian regime and the imperialist UN, to demobilize the world working class into thinking that the blockade is broken, and thereby once again isolating the Palestinians; the real securing of bread and peace for the Palestinians can only be achieved through the defeat of the Zionist regime and the puppet regimes that prop it up; we need to defeat imperialism in their heartlands;
In Africa, tormented by imperialism, the Palestine Freedom of Movement Campaign have been put on feet. With the WIVL (Workers International Vanguard League) of South Africa at the head, the ILTF took in its hands the call from those committees, to put on feet international brigades of the world workers’ organizations to demolish the shame wall of Rafah that fences and guarantee the massacre against the Palestinian people. Let’s move forward this call in every workers’ organization of Japan and the whole Far East! International brigades to demolish the shame wall! For the destruction of the Zionist-fascist state of Israel!
You, comrades, have a major internationalist obligation. Japan goes with USA in its military adventures, not only in Iraq, but mainly in Afghanistan.
Only three months ago, the revolutionary workers of Kyrgyzstan gave a decisive step forward, arming themselves, overthrowing the hated government of Bakiev and dismantling the state. They have demonstrated how to stop the war. It is in this country where it is placed the yankee military base from which the commands and the attack on Afghanistan are directed.
This is why our second motion is to fight to break the fence imposed upon the great revolution in Kyrgyzstan and to demolish the yankee base and its Asian command from which Afghanistan is attacked, because from there, the masses will be able to be the decisive vanguard of the military victory of the Afghan exploited masses. It is necessary to stir up a revolt of the European, Asian and world working class against the pogroms organized from the yankee base and the settlement of the Russian counterrevolutionary troops in Kyrgyzstan, to massacre the heart of the revolution in that country. Kyrgyzstan puts on the agenda the struggle for the restoration of the dictatorship of the proletariat under revolutionary forms, there where the Stalinist scar gave them away to the world capitalist economy.
Comrades, let’s make the compromise to fight together to break the fence around the Greek masses. The tragedy of 8 general strikes, and the masses with worst sufferings, puts red hot that if the workers’ revolution does not win and the bourgeois state is not demolished, there is no solution to defend and keep any of the conquests of the international working class.
With their syndicalist cretinism, anarchists, Stalinists and renegades of Trotskyism, after supporting Papandreau, follower of the anti-workers policy of Karamanlis, today they refuse putting on feet, after 8 general strikes, the workers’ and soldiers’ councils. They reject withhold from preparing the Greek working class to demolish the bourgeois state and take power.
Centralized and disciplined by the international financial capital, the so called “Fifth International” has been put on feet (which is no less counterrevolutionary than that of Stalin or that of Kautzky in the twentieth century), integrated by Chavez and the Bolivarian bourgeoisies. In it, the assassin, counterrevolutionary and slavery of its own people, Hu Jintao has a place of honor, together with the Chinese red mandarins. This counterrevolutionary international is fed up by the waste of Stalinism and the Castroist restorationist bureaucracy, that has went forward very fast towards giving away the conquests of the Cuban revolution to the world capitalism, after betraying the Latin American revolution and the wakening of the US working class. Near to them are the renegades of Trotskyism who legitimate the perfidious role of these counterrevolutionary forces and who prepare themselves to demoralize and defeat the left wing of the international proletariat, as the have already been doing.
These counterrevolutionary forces are centralized in Europe, Africa and America. And now, they are getting ready to organize and centralize their forces in Japan next November. They know that the Chinese proletariat has entered in maneuvers of combat. They are conscious that not only the warships are being prepared in the Korean Peninsula, but the North Korean masses have started revolts against the plundering of their wages and the hunger, and that they threaten with joining the Chinese exploited masses, what would open a volcano impossible to stop in this huge maquila into which the countries and the oppressed nations of the Far East have been transformed. The resolution passed in the last congress of Conlutas, about going towards a regrouping propelled by Chukaku-ha in Japan, in November, shows that the Chinese, Korean masses and those of the whole Pacific have entered in combat, and that imperialism needs their servants and agents to contain every revolutionary process in Asia, from Japan.
Comrades, just two months ago the masses of Thailand rose up. Japanese imperialism, in a silent way, together with the yankee imperialism, has fulfilled the Indochina peninsula with maquilas, as they did yesterday in China and South Korea. Today, the Japanese imperialism wants to make its working class believe that the Japanese empire is in bankruptcy, in order to make it stand the crisis. Lies! They are amassing fortunes with their corporations and financial capital, together with the Yankees and their transnationals, in Asia, in China, in Indochina, plundering the Iraqi oil, plundering Latin America and Africa.
The clash of classes which is coming in the Far East will show in history that the combats of Greece, Palestine, Afghanistan were nothing but the first battles of an international war of classes.
It is because of this, we insist, that a congress in Japan is prepared for November, which was voted in the meeting in Brazil, in the “counter-summit” of Madrid and in the World Social Forum in USA by the servants of Obama. It is precisely to put on feet the counterrevolutionary forces to stop the revolutionary assault with which the Asian proletariat threatens, from the combats, the resistance and the revolts in Thailand, Burma, Korea and the martyred China.
Chukaku-ha is the “new star” used as figurehead to disorganize the Japanese and Asian proletariat. In your letter to Conlutas you denounce the way in which these servants of the Japanese imperialist state tried to disorganize the ranks of the proletariat in your country at every step. But it is time to understand that this is what the reformist leaderships do and have been doing to the whole world proletariat. The planet is full of “Chukaku-has” to disorganize and shoot from the backs to the best of the world proletariat. The crisis or revolutionary leadership of the world proletariat does not stop getting worst. The world is overpopulated by counterrevolutionary leaderships, which are needed by capitalism in crisis to save their profits and to defend itself from the proletarian revolution. Today is more present than ever the Transitional Program of the Fourth International, when it affirms that: “All talk to the effect that historical conditions have not yet “ripened” for socialism is the product of ignorance or conscious deception. The objective prerequisites for the proletarian revolution have not only “ripened”; they have begun to get somewhat rotten. Without a socialist revolution, in the next historical period at that, a catastrophe threatens the whole culture of mankind. The turn is now to the proletariat, i.e., chiefly to its revolutionary vanguard. The historical crisis of mankind is reduced to the crisis of the revolutionary leadership.”
The time to break the isolation of the revolutionary forces in the world has come. It is time to fight together, with a program calling the world proletariat for the seizure of power and with a courageous call to regroup the ranks of the working class in an International Congress. Because, above all, it is time give joint decisive blows in order to allow the subjectivity of the world proletariat give a leap forward. You and we, and all the organizations that claim to fight for the socialist revolution, have the will of doing it.
Against the call for an international meeting in Japan made by Chukaku-ha and the renegades of Trotskyism, organized in Conclat, in Madrid “Counter-Summit” and the meeting of “Socialism 2010” in USA, led by members of the left of the counterrevolutionary party of the US democrat butchers, in other words to the internationalist call for grouping of the World Social Forum and the Fifth International we have to counter-pose an immediate appeal for a Congress of all the revolutionaries organizations of the world in November in Japan, in order to make the revolutionary fights to occupy the centre of the world scene. Enough with so much treason! One single world class, one single fight! Let’s break the fence against the Palestinian masses! Workers brigades for tearing down the wall that surrounds the Palestinian masses and re-open the path of socialist revolution to destroy the Zionist-fascist state of Israel! Let the million men march in USA return to fight! Let the soviets and arm for the masses rise up in Greece so it may spark Paris! Let the workers and peasant revolution in Bolivia and Latin America rise up again! Let the workers and peasants of the tormented Africa rise together with Madagascar, following the example of the movement March 1st, which organized the continental general strike of the migrant workers in Europe! Let the working class of Vietnam rise again, today submitted to the worst sufferings and slavery in the sweat-shops that the very imperialism has, which was actually defeated militarily in the 70’s and that ran away as a rat, hanging from the choppers, while the US working class was in an uprising! Let Afghanistan become a new Vietnam! Let us combat those who sustain the US military bases in Asia.
Dear comrades,
The world market is narrowing. Maastricht is a dream of the past. The disputes of the different imperialist powers for the loot that is each time smaller will sharpen each time more. As it is shown by the Greek crisis or as the one from Spain or Italy, there are too many imperialist powers in the planet. It is not time for new powers to rise. That is to give a blessing to this declining system as “progressive”. If the proletarian revolution does not stop it, the path for the inter-imperialist war will be opened, since imperialist powers will lose its influence spheres and become more aggressive, dragging human civilization to a new world massacre.
As we see, Wall Street finance capital cannot recover the profits and benefits that world capitalism has already spent for what has not even been produced yet.
The counter-tendency and the expansion cycle in China won’t be able to reconstitute the rate of profits of capitalism in bankruptcy, let alone to recover those 90 trillion dollars that was expended by this infamous system parasitism. If the world market gets narrower and the proletarian revolution does not achieve victory, as the Fourth International would say in 1940 in its War Manifesto, the vultures will dispute the remnants of the capitalist production, and this will mean the path to war, that will start where and how the second interimperialist war ended.
Only defeating the current counterrevolutionary offensive of the dominant classes with the world socialist revolution the path to war can be shut. War is stopped by uniting the ranks of the international working class. War is stopped by defeating the leaderships that subordinates the proletariat to the bourgeoisie, its siren signings, which only try to extinguish the fire of the struggle of the masses across the world.
Let’s strike together!
Let’s break the isolation to the world working class!
International congress of the workers revolutionary organizations in Tokyo in November to fight and combat against the congress of the servants of Obama, the congress of the remnants of Stalinism, supported by all the renegades of Trotskyism!
In Conlutas’ congress in Brazil, together with the Intersindical (called Conclat) which was done less than 2 months ago, the industrial workers of La Paz called to vote to fight against the demagogy of the national bourgeoisies. Their motion was rejected by hundreds of organizations that claim to speak on behalf of revolutionary socialism.
In that motion of the industrial workers of La Paz, in the international fight for the Palestinian cause, in the revolutionary fights in Kyrgyzstan, in the general strikes of Greece and in the fierce fights of the European working class, as well as in the Chinese and Asian proletariat that is starting to fight, those are the forces to convene this international congress now.
You denounce correctly, in a letter you sent to Conlutas, how the Japanese proletariat was attacked by the back in tens of opportunities, as it was done by Chukaku-ha, a matter that for the first time the western proletariat knows.
The world working class should know that in those congresses of the servants of Obama in USA, in those congresses that isolate the Greek and European revolution as that in Madrid, or in the congresses in Brazil from where they subordinate the American working class to the native bourgeoisies, they are introduced as friends of the world working class, when they are actually the ones that have shoot by the back to the Japanese proletariat in tens and hundreds of times.
It is time to expose and unmask such a blasphemy, a lie and hiding of the truth off from the eyes of the international proletariat. The Chinese working class, the working class of Indochina, Africa and Europe needs to know the truth. As Lenin would say, it is needed to shed light, light and more light for the workers of the world to distinguish who are their allies and who are their enemies.
You have in your hands the chance to clarify this before the Asian and international proletariat. For that reason we want to make you one last proposal before saluting the attendance of this assembly and rising our fist right next to you as we have done it for years.
We’ll have to set up an International Workers Committee to research and tell all the truth on the crimes committed against the best elements of the Japanese workers vanguard since 1970s up to now. They were murdered by a true Stalinist fifth column that kills the working class by the back. This is how Stalinism acted during the Civil War in Spain shooting in the back against the best fighters of the working class.
Dear comrades, it is time for the crimes committed against the Japanese working class to be known by the international working class. You should convene to an International Workers Committee to investigate, judge and condemn the servants of the Japanese corporations. The international working class needs to know who are its allies and who are its enemies. This is what the upcoming fight demands. In your letter, you denounce with factual data and proofs the notorious role of Chukaku-ha and how this current was used by the murderous Japanese state. The evidence you produce should be at disposition of a Committee of Revolutionary Workers Organizations of the World to seek the truth and the whole truth. This is how justice for the martyrs of the Japanese proletariat will be done.
Comrades, let’s rise our fists. The national isolated struggle can lead any offensive done in each country to its failure. No working class will save itself in the national field. Proletariat has no borders, only chains to lose.
Workers of the world, unite!
As the Transitional Program of the Fourth International says “The Fourth International, already today, is deservedly hated by the Stalinists, Social Democrats, bourgeois liberals and fascists. There is not and there cannot be a place for it in any of the People’s Fronts. It uncompromisingly gives battle to all political groupings tied to the apron-strings of the bourgeoisie. Its task – the abolition of capitalism’s domination. Its aim – socialism. Its method – the proletarian revolution.”
From FLTI we claim that if the proletarian revolution does not achieve victory, fascism, counterrevolution and war will lead proletariat and humankind to barbarism. But the last word has not been said in history. The proletariat still has not deployed its entire potential. Millions of exploited are entering into the fight. The Chinese workers, the North Korean workers, the Thai workers, which all started to fight, announce that the working class in the Pacific is about to enter in revolutionary maneuvers. The Japanese proletarian vanguard must tie its fate to the fate of the Asian proletariat, where its imperialist bourgeoisie has committed and commits the worst crimes.
So everything depends on the celerity with which the revolutionary vanguard can re-group its forces. The fight for the socialist revolution is in the agenda. These are the banners we want to raise together.
Revolutionary Workers of Japan, we send you our warmest internationalist greetings
Long live the militant and revolutionary youth grouped in Zengakuren!
Let’s strike together against the imperialist beast and the treacherous leaderships that supports it!
Carlos Munzer, Laura Sánchez and Aníbal Vera
For the International Coordination Secretariat of the International Leninist Trotskyist Faction,
Integrated by:
Liga Trotskista Internacionalista (LTI), de Bolivia
Workers Internationalist Vanguard League (South Africa)
Internationalist Revolutionary League- FI (Zimbabwe)
Liga Obrera Internacionalista-CI - Democracia Obrera, de Argentina
Liga Trotskista Internacionalista (LTI), de Perú
Partido Obrero Internacionalista-CI (POI-CI), de Chile
Fracción Trotskista - Vanguardia Proletaria (FT-VP), de Brasil