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The FLTI un the 50th International Anti-War Assembly in Japan

The FLTI in the 50th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan

An FLTI delegation was present at the 50th Antiwar Assembly held in Japan. We participated in that Assembly constituted by over a thousand worker delegates, emerged from the entrails of the Japanese proletariat, that are active and fight against the murderous and repressive regimen of the coorporations; and by leaders from the revolutionary students movement Zengakuren.

In the second part of this “International Workers Organizer” and in complementary leaflets we will develop the rich experience that our intervention in the Assembly and also in the long meetings that we held with the leadership of the JRCL-RMF (Japan Revolutionary Communist League / Revolutionary Marxist Faction) meant for the Western internationalist Trotskyism.
In these journeys of debate we could verify the huge agreements that we have in order to strike together with campaigns and internationalist actions, as well as we could debate important differences that we keep and that we will develop in debates facing the masses’ movement and with the method of the revolutionary democracy, which will be published the different positions in debate, an issue that is central to start reconstructing the threads of continuity of the revolutionary Marxism.

From the FLTI we arrived to the Pacific Ocean and we were fighting alongside one of the most exploited and repressed proletariats of the planet. With the bayonets of one of the largest US military bases in the Pacific, as is that of Okinawa, and the repressive semi-fascist regime of the corporations; and after grueling battles and also betrayals and defeats, it has been imposed to the Japanese working class a terrible regime of slave labor for the past decades.

We arrived and were in the “dream homeland” of the imperialist multinational companies, where they imposed Toyotism, that labor system of “just in time”, with the worker available 24 hours at the service of the boss.

None of this could have been possible without the open betrayal of the Communist Party that from the end of the Second World War supports the Yalta regimen as the true boss for Japan, settled upon the Japanese corporations totally associated with the “democratic” US imperialism from Wall Street, the winner of this war.

Against the pacifist fools that speak in the name of “revolutionary socialism” and against the henchmen of the imperialist capital that say to proclaim the “freedom” and “democracy”, the Japanese imperialism is a living witness that the imperialist pirates divided the world and their influence zones to themselves at the Second World War, not as gentlemen but with full bombing, in a real human carnage as this war was.
The “democratic” Yankee imperialism subjected, and in the postwar subsumed, the “fascist” Japan, with two atomic bombs in Hiroshima, where hundreds of thousands of persons were killed. US did this, even when Japan had already surrendered in the war, with a double goal: to define who owned the Pacific and to prevent the Japanese workers from rising, since in the streets they claimed for the Red Army to enter and free them from the fascist oppression of the emperor and was beginning a revolutionary process against the bloody and anti-worker regime of the imperialist Japanese monopolies.
Against this, with their servile policy of “pacific coexistence with imperialism”, Stalin and the Japanese CP were the biggest supporters of that pact between the Japanese and Yankee imperialist bandits, acting as a fundamental pillar of the imperialist stability at the end of World War Two in Japan and in the entire Pacific and globally, strangling dozens and dozens of revolutionary processes in the entire planet during Yalta.

As we already mentioned, we were in the imperialist homeland of Toyotism. The imperialist US transnational companies that produce for the war industry with the Fordist assembly line of serial production need to take out from Japan, and today also from China, pieces, microchips, car parts, etc. to assemble their goods and final products “just in time”, that is to say, with the restless work of slave workers under Toyotism.
Japan and the supremacy of US imperialism is the symbiosis between the financial capital from Wall Street and the Japanese multinational companies; and between the slave workers of Toyotism and their “just in time” so that it works with capitalist efficiency and without accumulating stock the fordist production line from US and the imperialist transnational companies in the world.

But the Japanese and North American working class, supported on their class brothers from the oppresednations and particularly in China, will already know to crush the whole imperialist beast in the region.
In the last years that global division of labor has been dislocated. The global crack scourges the planet. Japan has entered a strong recessive period in the past two decades, acting as the great lender to the imperialist transnational companies that invest in China. Today the global economic recession is reaching Japan. In this situation, the increase in prices, the increase of taxes and rates, are not only works of the Khadafys and Al-Assads, but also of the entire bourgeoisie and the global imperialism against the masses, and nowadays this is the engine of a new wave of struggles that is in process.

We were in an Assembly of enthusiastic young and worker revolutionaries that have claimed before the world working class that “the true enemy is at home”. This enemy is the US and Japanese imperialism, who they face daily in solidarity with the struggle of the working class and the oppressed people around the world.
Unlike the social-imperialist parties from the Europe of Maastricht, who call to transform that cave of bandits into a “more social Maastricht”; and unlike the North American social-imperialist left-wing, that with the excuse of “facing Bush” called to support Obama; the internationalist revolutionary workers from Japan have defined who are they real enemies, which “are at home”, and are facing the imperialist government of Noda, that in the unions and worker organizations counts on the complicity and support of the Communist Party. This happens with the trade union federation Rengo that together with the fascist corporate unions strangle and subject the Japanese proletariat.

In this 50th International Antiwar Assembly there were two distinctive facts.
On one hand, the preparation and the organization, together with other delegates Assemblies that were made in all of Japan, of a march of dozens of thousands of anti imperialist fighters against the US base in Okinawa, that will be held in the first days of September. This issue raises the possibility of a huge international joint action of all the working class to face all the military bases with which the transnational companies control their areas of influence in the planet, as we can also see in Colombia with the 5 US military bases that work under the governments lackeys of imperialism like the one of Uribe and Santos, or in Guantanamo, where the anti imperialist fighters from Middle East are tortured.
In that way, in the Assembly it was shown a video of a huge demonstration of Japanese youths and workers that, while shouting “Down with Noda government!”, surrounded the Parliament against the tax increase and against the high cost of living that the Japanese workers suffer.
In that video we could see how the workers and activists from JRCL-RMF, alongside the brave young fighters Zengakuren broke the fence that the Stalinism and the police had imposed the masses that were engaged in a big political fight against the government. Thus the demonstration ended surrounding the Parliament shouting “Noda Out!”, against that government that poses as social-democrat and “democratic” just like Obama, and is supported by the Communist Party (as does the entire North American left-wing with that “black Bush” that leads the Yankee imperialism).

The second distinctive fact was the intervention of the FLTI in this Assembly around the need to break the fence to the Syrian masses, where we witness a true genocide against the exploited which is developing with the accomplice silence of all the worldwide reformist left-wing, as all the comrades can see in the FLTI speech that we reproduce below.

To this Assembly the International Committee in Support to the Syrian masses sent its flag, that remained in the hands of the anti imperialist fighters from Japan, who will promote it on the streets to fight for breaking the fence to the martyred Syrian exploited. To the revolutionaries of the FLTI we were given a collective flag of struggle with the slogan “The FLTI and the JRCL-RMF fight together to defeat Al-Assad”.
Furthermore, the flag that leaded the march for “Noda Out!”, was also delivered to us by the top leadership of  JRCL-RMF. This is the flag that paraded in the mobilization held up days ago in Argentina towards the Syrian and South African embassy, against these representatives of the transnational companies, murderers of workers in Syria and in the martyred Africa.

As we already said, in the second part of this “IWO” and in special leaflets we will present to the workers the rich experience and the contradictory and labyrinthine development, as it happened in the whole world, of revolutionary Marxism in the Pacific.
We the internationalists have much to learn from the working class from the Pacific and their revolutionary organizations.
 In our travel we could see the City of Tokyo. We saw the huge corporate buildings, and their administrative employees that every morning, just like a human tide, fill their offices almost uniformed of white shirts and dark pants.
We also saw the workers dressed in blue, that proudly look ahead, chewing hate and anger for many suffering and super-exploitation that for generations bear on their shoulders.
So, from one of the strongest sectors of the world proletariat –that when it enters the scene in big revolutionary actions, will move the world, together with the Chinese proletariat-, we have also begun to shout together to the Syrian masses that fight in Homs, Deraa and Damascus, that the workers from the Pacific are joining the fight to defeat Al-Assad.
There, we have denounced that massacres like the one in Syria were developed by dozens in China last year to stop the rise and the revolutionary offensive of the Chinese working class. The imperialism and their henchmen know very well that the opening of a revolutionary process in China would find their allies in the Japanese proletariat. This issue would also shake from its foundations the imperialist domination in the Pacific.
The control of the Japanese proletariat is key and strategic for the imperialism, because of its proximity to the ex soviet Russia, which transforms the country in a hinge between the Pacific and Europe, through Russia.
In Japan are the Okinawa military bases, but also the huge forces of the working class, that when they wake up will shake the world.

In Japan, as in China in the semi colonial nations, and in US and other imperialist powers, huge battalions of the proletariat have concentrated. The Japanese transnational company Toyota exploits 1 million workers, even in a city that is called Toyota and with a company president named Toyota. These bosses changed from being textile merchants before World War II, to then making millionaire fortunes together with the Japanese state in the construction of tanks and planes for the war, from which the modern Japanese automobile industry emerged.

We the Trotskyists, who are not subjected to any national bourgeoisie and have no commitment with any exploitation regime in the world, were able to understand what one understands and sees, but needs to be made flesh in the world proletariat: the brutal exploitation of the working class from China, Vietnam, Korea, etc., whose martyrdom, slavery and slaughter of today are unprecedented, is nothing more than the revenge of the exploiters of the world against the working class that more beatings gave the imperialism since Second World War. The masses defeated it in China; made it flee like rats from Indo-China in Vietnam; and made it escape as happened with McArthur troops to the parallel 38° in North Korea, with the masses paralyzed there because of the Stalinist bureaucracy contention dam.
We could see how these heroic revolutionary fights of the proletariat from the Pacific were strangled and betrayed by the Stalinist scourge and their Ho-Chi-Minhist, Maoist, Kim-ning-sunist, etc. variants., who gave away the biggest conquests of the Pacific proletariat, the workers states where the Pacific bourgeoisie had been expropriated.

We have confirmed how the “Western pseudo-Trotskysts”, betrayers of the 4TH International, held on to the Stalinism to cry then in ’89 the fall of the workers states, when they were the ones that supported the Stalinist bureaucracy for decades, and left isolated and to their fate the currents that as the JRCL were bravely breaking with Stalinism when it was crushing the heroic Hungarian revolution in 1956.
The renegades of Trotskyism at the end of World War II were calling to enter the Communist Parties. Pablo and the others liquidators of the IV International announced that the “URSS was going to attack US”. The results of this are already known: that bureaucracy, far from attacking US, stole the rubles, converted them into dollars and took thousands of millions of dollars to the London City and Wall Street.
And while Pabloism supported Stalinism, we insist, it was leaving to their fate the currents that were breaking with Stalinism, because of their betrayals against the world working class and their massacres against the Eastern proletariat in particular.
The program of Trotskyism passed the test; the “Trotskyists” didn’t. That’s what we also went to do in Japan: collaborate, from our struggle, to join the threads of the history of the revolutionary Marxism.

The lessons, learning and contributions of the extensive journeys of debate will be published extensively by the FLTI. But go here the advance of our speech and our combat to break the fence to the Syrian masses.
In Japan we did a huge step ahead to strengthen our struggle for the Syrian masses. Hundreds of leaflets in English with the different positions of the ILTF were bought at a solidarity price by the youths and workers that participated in this Assembly. More than U$S 2.355 were raised and were sent to the anti imperialist militias that went to Syria to combat, returning to the tradition of the workers organization that in the 30s organized collections, gathered money, food and volunteers to combat in the Spanish civil war.
This activity, that we carry on alongside the internationalist Japanese youths and workers, is part of the campaign that we are promoting in the workers and youth organizations in different countries, with which we have raised funds that really support and collaborate with all the volunteers that will take food, medicine and to show solidarity and to fight with the Syrian workers. Also, the International Committee in Support of the Syrian Masses, of which is part our organization, is also leading this campaign and has already gathered funds that have arrived to the comrades that are in the combat frontline in Syria fighting the butcher Al-Assad.
This is part of the international solidarity to the martyred exploited from Syria that travels around the world, like the youths from Germany with their campaign to “Adopt a revolution”, collecting money to send to the Syrian resistance.
We call all the combative workers and youth organizations to take these initiatives in their hands and collect food, medicines, and contributions of funds for the Syrian exploited, that can be delivered in hospitals, in refugee camps, etc.

To this Assembly was taken as a motion to the students movement and all the Japan workers organizations the declaration and call from the Syrian Committee in Argentina to set up an International Committee to break the fence to the exploited in Syria, calling that made their own the combative youths of the High-school Students Coordinating Assembly (ACES) of Chile. Said statement was given an ovation in the Antiwar Assembly and was published by thousands in Japanese language; as it was also published in the last JRCL newspaper (Kaihoh) this intervention speech of the FLTI leadership in the Antiwar Assembly that we here reproduce.


International Executive Committee


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