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Tribute from the Chilean comrades of POI-CI


Comrades of the FLTI

We have received the news of comrade Roque Sanchez decease with dismay. The world working class has lost one of his best fighters for the international socialist revolution. The Fourth International has lost one of its fervent defenders. The FLTI has lost one of his more brilliant leaders.
Comrade Roque Sanchez is leaving today an extraordinary legacy to the world proletarian vanguard. His high intellectual qualities were always at the service of the revolutionary cause. His militant praxis was marked by internationalism. It was not by chance that we came together in the fight for a Conference to re-group the healthy forces of Trotskyism. It was not by chance that we raised the war cry: “we exchange the Peruvian revolution for the victory of the Bolivian revolution”. The comrade was in there, where the forces of counterrevolution are focused, and gave his valuable life at the service of the victory of the exploited masses in Bolivia.
The Comrade, when he passed away, he took in his hands the task of elaborating the best statement for the victory of the working class in the imperialist countries, writing a program for the French proletariat, since the comrade had full conviction that in the barricades of Paris, in the uprising of the working class of the metropolis, there’s the key for the liberation of the oppressed masses of the colonial and semi-colonial world, and for the victory of the world proletarian revolution.
The best tribute we can make to the comrade is to continue his fight. Is to continue our fight for the re-foundation of the Fourth International. The best tribute is to continue, as Roque tirelessly did, the internationalist fight against those who, usurping the clean banners of Trotskyism, sell out every struggle of the proletariat country by country, at the feet of the bourgeoisie; against those who put the Fourth International and Trotskyism to the feet of Stalinism, Maoism, Castroism, the Bolivarian revolution, etc.
The Comrade, as every revolutionary organization, cadre and mostly leader, was submitted to hostile pressures that tend to detour the path. But he always knew how to get back on track, and he knew that the international fight between parties, the international collective elaboration and the Leninist control were the key to make the tactical mistakes become strategic victories, and to fight and defeat those pressures.
We are aware and we understand how hard the blow is that we received with this sad news, mostly for those who daily operate with Roque. But we are totally certain that this hard time will strengthen the deep convictions and revolutionary abnegation of all the comrades.
We want to say it again; the legacy of our comrade Roque Sanchez is that of the fight against the renegades of Trotskyism, those who destroyed our world party, putting it to the feet of the popular front, the “democratic” bourgeoisie, the bastard Stalinist bureaucracy and all its variants, country by country. For that reason he won the hate of all the henchmen that in a Stalinist style expelled him and declared him a “lunatic” just for bravely declaring that he was for the left internationalist wing of the “Collective of the Five” in 2003.
We declare our full commitment to be continuity of the fighting internationalism of Roque, and we take as a duty to transmit the legacy of his short but intense life to the new generations that seek for a path to fight for the international socialist revolution. The best tribute is to conquer the best program for the French and European workers, whose fight was that who kept him awake in his last days. We feel this is the best tribute for Roque.

Till socialism! Long live the fight for re-founding the revolutionary Fourth International! Long live the legacy of the revolutionary struggle of comrade Roque Sanchez!

Partido Obrero Internacionalista-Cuarta Internacional (POI-CI)
Member of the FLTI.

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