After Obama’s victory in the polls,


On Tuesday, November 6, 2012 elections for president were held in USA. For a second term it emerged as the victor, Obama, that “blackened” Bush, with 303 grand electors against Republican Romney’s 206, in the same deeply anti-democratic elections of ever.
These polls and their outcome are a provisory super-structural success of imperialism, though it should be now settled and imposed in the class struggle both in USA and at a world level.
 US imperialist bourgeoisie is applauding and rejoicing this electoral success of Obamas’. That’s because not only US government has been strengthened, but also with millions of votes the imperialist regime of dominance, thoroughly Bonapartist was re-legitimized, the regime of the “Republicrats” (Republicans & Democrats acting as a single party), i.e., US Bonapartist regime of domination over the entire planet, based on its five military Commands set in all the continents, has been re-legitimized.

The rest of the imperialist powers and the entire world bourgeoisie also celebrate this electoral victory of Obama’s. The strengthening and re-legitimization of the US government and the Republicrats’ regime helps world imperialism in its need for stabilizing the institutions of dominance of the whole of the exploiters, amidst the awkward economic crisis shaking the world and the each time more acute clashes among the classes.

The imperialist pirates enjoy this outcome because they know very well that Obama will be the best in applying against the US and world masses, not Romney’s program, but that of the ultraconservative right wing within the Republican Party, i.e., the “Tea Party”; this would allow them to go on charging to the exploited the full cost of the crisis that the same imperialist parasites created.

Obama and Romney are the same stuff; both are candidates for the “1%”, the parasites of Wall Street’s finance oligarchy who command the worst genocides, massacres, overexploitation and pilfering against the working class and the oppressed peoples in the world. To highlight this, as son as the result was given, Obama called both Democrats and Republicans to “rule for the sake of our country” by forming a united administration.

No doubt, if the working class does not prevent it, what will come in Obama’s hand won’t be “more democracy” for US exploited, but a bigger hell for US working class, whom will be imposed the same enslaving conditions that today endure the workers in Mexico, the rest of Latin America and enslaved China.

Obama has already applied Tea Party’s policies when far from increasing the taxing on Big Capital, he slashed the social budgets, killed subsidies and sacked thousands of state workers, so to reduce the fiscal deficit, a deficit that had been increased by him when bailing-out the super-banks of Wall Street in bankruptcy, making the workers pay for that with their muscles and bones. Today there are much more than 40 million exploited living on only 3 dollars per day, while an 8% of the labor force is unemployed and the immigrant workers are persecuted and suffer terrible living conditions.

With its strengthened political general staff US pirates try to advance new counterrevolutionary offensives

Obama and the Reapublicrats’ regime are already rejoicing that in the middle of the crac of the world economy and the total bankruptcy of the capitalist system, the US pirates are now in better conditions to advance new and superior counterrevolutionary offensives against the masses and the oppressed peoples in the Earth, and also against its imperialist competitors, so as to go on throwing upon them all the burden of the crisis.

Therefore no sooner the votes were counted in USA, and supported on the genocide perpetrated by his agent Bashar al-Assad in Syria, Obama launched immediately a brutal military operative though US proxy, the Zionist fascist State of Israel aimed to exterminate the Palestinian masses in Gaza, with the objective of putting a brake on the revolutionary succession of events in North of Africa and Middle East, advancing in restoring the imperialist counterrevolutionary devices in the region and stabilizing the battered governments and regimes. This is the real face of “democratic” Obama, that butcher determined to bleed-white the masses and oppressed peoples of the world!

It was a reediting of the “Operation Cast Lead” that in 2008 then still president Bush and president in-waiting Obama commanded through the State of Israel smashing thousands of Palestinian workers in Gaza. They try in that way t submit completely the Palestinian masses in order to impose definitively the counterrevolutionary policy of the “two states”, where the fascist Zionist State of Israel is maintained and “legitimized” and the outdoor concentration camps named Gaza and the West Bank, besieged and infiltrated by ever growing ultra-Zionist Israeli settlers are named as “Palestinian State”.

Of course, This Cast Lead II of US imperialism began much earlier with the horrendous massacre that Jackal Bashar Al-Assad on account of imperialism, is perpetrating against the revolutionary masses in Syria since more than a year ago to try and consolidate the counterrevolutionary offensive that imperialism launched against the chain of revolutions in the North of Africa and Middle east.

Meanwhile in Qatar the regional bourgeoisies have sat down to negotiate a government of the “National Coalition” already recognized by most of the imperialist powers in order to stabilize Syria over the blood already spilled by thousands of toilers.

But at the same time, these pirates gauge to the millimeter each step they give against the masses of the planet. In Gaza there were 9 days of intense bombardments which cost the lives of more than 160 new Palestinian martyrs. But thanks to the heroic resistance of the Palestinian masses; to the Egyptian working class taking the streets against the Government of Mursi and his removal of subsidies on basic services and Bonapartist measures; to the exploited Palestinians in Jordan deepening more and more their fights against the dynasty of King Abdullah II (which decreed a brutal increase in service fees while removing all fuel subsidies); today a "cease fire" has been imposed signed by Zionism and the bourgeoisie of Hamas, under the mediation of the Government of the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt. This "cease-fire" will be used by imperialism to create conditions to advance in all its counter-revolutionary plans. However, reality shows that the exploited in the region continue battling and resisting heroically, while their leaderships are which try to impose on them the surrender.
On the other hand, US imperialism, with the re-legitimization of the regime of the "Republicrats", at the same time that it strengthens the dominance of the whole set of the world imperialist bourgeoisie on the planet – being United States the dominant power-, will seek to redouble its offensive, not only in order to impose a "Treaty of Versailles" and make fall on their kneels the bankrupt European powers; but also for guaranteeing the payment of the debts of Greece, Spain, Portugal, etc., through a new round of attacks by the Governments and imperialist regimes against the conquests of the European working class. The European proletariat has tried to wage a thousand battles at the level of the class war declared to them by their own imperialist bourgeoisies; but the proletarian leaderships: Union bureaucracies, working-class aristocracies and social-imperialists parties once and again submitted it at the foot of the Maastricht Covenant of the imperialist butchers.
This is the situation in the battlefield at the global level. The bourgeoisie knows very well that it has not yet defeated or expelled definitely from scene the working class, either in US or in the rest of the planet, a world working class that shocked the world during the entire 2011 with its revolutionary offensive.
Thanks to the actions of the treasonous leaderships of the proletariat -which contained, desynchronized and diverted the great struggles of the masses from North Africa and the Middle East to the streets of Europe and USA against the attack of the capitalists-, imperialism could unleash its counter-offensive against the working class. But the greatest imperialist State is well aware that the masses have not surrendered and that each time new battalions of the proletariat enter combat, as in South Africa, India, China and other foci where the big transnationals have concentrated. There the working class, suffering unprecedented misery, terrible conditions of super-exploitation, wages heroic battles, there where the working-class aristocracies or trade union bureaucracies are not able to control it, and which have left adrift the worst paid sectors of the proletariat of the world.  The working class, as it is clear, has not surrendered. There are the leaderships of the proletariat which bowed, knelt and handed over the fighting of the exploited.

The US political general staff is strengthened with the re-election of Obama, thanks to the unconditional support that Chavez, Castro and other 'Bolivarians' in Latin America gave him
The "Bolivarians", sealing counter-revolutionaries pacts with Obama, guarantee US imperialism the submission of the U.S. working class and a tighter control of the Latin American "backyard"

Obama’s "electoral strategy" sought to "conquer" the votes of the most exploited sector of the American working class: the Latino, Chicano, and African American laborers and other immigrant workers who were beginning to become disappointed and to break up with him, as was expressed by the thousands of young people who, fencing Wall Street, called to fight against that 1% of imperialist parasites. Therefore in his campaign Obama sought to "win over" the undocumented immigrant workers, for example, "forgiving" almost two million University students without papers who were not deported, while Romney deployed all his anti-immigrant verbosity.

 But it was neither due to any speech nor to his own merit why Obama won the majority of votes from Latinos and Blacks workers, crucial to define his victory. The best electoral campaign in his favor among immigrant workers was that made by his "Bolivarian" lackeys in Latin America: Castro, Chavez, Morales, etc. So much so, that the same Chavez through the bourgeois media said: "Had I lived in the United States I would have voted for Obama, as Obama would have voted for me, had he lived in Venezuela!"

This role played by the "Bolivarians", these native bourgeoisies, junior partners of imperialism, was one of life and death, not only for the US pirates, but for all the world bourgeoisie: If Obama did not return to control the migrant proletariat, the latter could unify with the vanguard of the American working class and youth that faced him from the Occupy Wall Street movement, the dockworkers of Oakland and their anti-war struggle, Wisconsin workers who took the streets shouting of "we must fight like in Egypt", etc. This had begun to shape the conditions so that the lid started to be lifted for the whole set of the proletariat and the exploited in USA, and the fighting for a Socialist Revolution would have started to the interior of the imperialist beast.
This terrible scenario for the bourgeoisie was what Chavez, Castro and company - supported by trade union bureaucracies and reformist leaderships all over the Americas - prevented from being developed, for now, by returning to subordinate the millions of immigrant workers at the foot of butcher Obama.

This is the great service provided by the "Bolivarian" to their US imperialist masters, through the counterrevolutionary agreement they have sealed with Obama at the continental level.
This Pact sits on the massacres imposed on the working class of the subcontinent (such as to the poor peasants in Colombia) and means that the Bolivarian policymakers are in charge of stabilizing Latin America at the service of the American imperialists, preparing the conditions for new counter-revolutionaries blows to the exploited of the region.
This is what they are preparing with the "negotiations" between the leadership of the FARC and the Government of Santos in Colombia, guaranteed by Chavez and Castro, to seal a Pact of surrender and giving in of Colombian resistance, and thus to stabilize US domination in that country with US military bases.

Meanwhile, they accelerate the imposition of a 'new '89" on the continent, thoroughly completing capitalism restoration in Cuba. This is the accurate shot the US imperialism prepares from the hand of Castro and all the "Bolivarians" against the working class of the Americas.
In Venezuela, this Pact was expressed in the outcome of the last presidential elections, where the true winner was Obama, with the establishment of a bipartisan regime (with the emergence of a stronger bourgeois opposition) and the victory of Chávez, which meant a strengthening of the whole of the "Bolivarian" Governments and regimes in the region.
These are the "Bolivarians" who imposed this continental counter-revolutionary Covenant, which means that they have always been and continue to be the guarantors of the application today in Latin America of the old Bush plan, i.e. tying and subdue latin America with double and triple chains of oppression, plundering, super-exploitation, slavery, counter-revolutionary massacres and stuffing US "backyard" of its military bases. The “patriots” of the "Bolivarian revolution" have guaranteed a true FTA with U.S., after strangling and expropriating the revolutionary rise of Latin American workers in Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela, etc. during the first five years of the 21st century.

With massacres, killings, starvation wages and the worst working conditions, akin to slavery, the heads of the "Bolivarian revolution" have transformed Latin America into a large maquila with slave laborers to the service of the imperialist MNCs.
This is also evidenced in Argentina, where the "Bolivarian" Cristina Kirchner regime is subjected to the laws of the courts in New York, from where it is obliged to pay the "vulture funds" US Dollars in the millions so reinforcing the already deep subjugation of that nation to imperialism.
"Bolivarians" proved to be who better apply counter-revolutionary recipes and plans designed by Obama and Wall Street, not only in the Americas but also globally. They were the best defenders of the dog Khadafy of Libya, when the working class and the exploited cornered him with their revolutionary militias, to finally execute him. The same Bolivarians are major backers of genocidal Bashar Al - Assad who has been slaughtering the Syrian masses mercilessly, and they support Obama who commanded the massacre perpetrated by the State of Israel in Gaza. They are who sent condolences to their imperialist master when the execution of his Ambassador and the CIA officials in Libya, at the hands of the revolutionary exploited.

Down with the farce of the "Bolivarian Revolution"! Down with the counterrevolutionary Pact between Obama and his "Bolivarian" agents against the masses of the Americas!
The World Social Forum, once again, re-legitimized the imperialist regime of the "Republic-rats" in United States. All the reformists are Obama’s “left” agents!


The huge step forward given by imperialism concerning to its plan for re-legitimizing the US political general staff and strengthen a second Government of Obama has been also possible due to the treacherous bureaucracy of the AFL-CIO, which called on the working class to vote for Obama and even put a heap of greenbacks to help in the election campaign, a direct proof showing more than anything the servility of the social-imperialist bureaucracy of the AFL-CIO, agent of its own bourgeoisie.

But this electoral victory of Obama’s would have been impossible without the role of the reformist left that after the perfidious policy of "Democratic front" of "everybody against the rightists and the Tea Party", did call to support Obama with the excuse of the "lesser evil". Cynically, they engendered illusions in the masses about Obama’s being "different" from Romney, when both are nothing more than different representatives of the same Wall Street finance oligarchy and the military-industrial apparatus; discussions between them concerning the best way to go to new and superior imperialist offensives to maintain and deepen their dominance in the world.

Meanwhile, sectors of the renegades of Trotskyism as the SWP (Socialist Workers Party) of the United States, presented themselves candidates in these elections, while openly supporting Chavez and Castro. They told the working class that Obama was "bad", "no votes a Obama", “don’t vote Obama", “vote for our candidates... as we are with Chavez and Castro". But they hid that Chavez had publicly called to vote for Obama! I.e., the US SWP and company, in fact, were -"disguisedly"- campaigning for Obama. Such a bunch of scoundrels!

But this was not an American exceptionality. From around the globe, the reformist left subordinated, in one way or another, to Obama the butcher. From the LIT to other similar ‘internationalists” all over the world to national sects such as the PTS of Argentina, a number of fake Trotskyites stated that in the United States there was a strong polarization and a continued "ideological confrontation" between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, trying to make the combative vanguard believe there are supposedly different 'ideologies' separating Obama and Romney. Scoundrels! The only "ideology" of these imperialist parasites is the will to steal, plunder, crush and oppress the peoples of the world and make their own working class kneel before their institutions in order to dominate the planet!
All these currents repeated the same policy they applied in the 2006 US Presidential elections, when they raised the working class should support “anyone but Bush", in a clear appeal to support the Democratic Party. Then in the 2008 Presidentials they stated that the victory of Obama was "the distorted expression of the struggles of the working class in the USA!" while Mandelite currents "greeted the American people" because, according to them, the popular vote had brought about "a precipitous defeat to Bush and the Republican Party", when in fact Obama’s victory was nothing more than the expression of a counter-revolutionary success in expropriating the awakening of the American working class that had rebelled against Bush facing the war in Iraq and in defense of the immigrant workers, as part of the struggles of the workers in the Americas.
Then, in 2011, these same currents organized a huge mobilization in front of the Capitol to "defend" 'democratic' Obama against the "fascists" of the Tea Party; they were once again spearheading a "Democratic front" to strengthen the subjugation of the American proletariat to butcher Obama, with the –deceitful- alleged confrontation "between fascism and democracy".
Therefore, these currents played their full role to destroy everything that the masses had built in their struggle. These leaderships of reformist currents and trade union bureaucracies were which prevented, for the time being, the deepening of the fight of the workers and youth who surrounded the buildings of Wall Street, of the workers in Wisconsin, of the dockworkers in Oakland, of all the workers who were beginning to break with Obama and the regime of the "Republicrats". All these leaderships are Obama’s left leg!

Facing the re-legitimization of the General staff of US imperialism...
 The American working class should break their subordination to butcher Obama

The American working class is paying dearly the betrayal of the reformist leaderships that, once again, tied its hands and put its combats at the foot of butcher Obama. The Castroites -through their agents in the United States, are trying to co-opt the Occupy movement both in New York and Oakland, organizing trips to Havana.
However, the fighting of the American proletariat, as part of the offensive of the world working class in 2011, left footprints and revolutionary program milestones that must be urgently taken up by the working class.
For this reason, the American working class and youth have two alternatives: either they bow at the foot of Castroites, "Bolivarians" and all their left supporters who subdue the struggle of the workers to the Government of Obama and the regime of the "Republicrats", or they return to the revolutionary milestones conquered in the heat of the battle against Wall Street finance oligarchy.
This is the only way of fighting to conquer the demands of the American working class, which is suffering from a true catastrophe. Therefore, to conquer bread, decent wages, work, housing, free health and education, and all the other demands of the American workers, they must return to the cry of "you are the 1% of imperialist parasites!"
The working class must again stand up, breaking with butcher Obama and the reformist leaderships that bow before him and submit the workers struggles to his government. Down with the trade union bureaucracy of the AFL-CIO and all labor organizations!

The working-class does not have to pay for the crisis of the capitalists! It should be paid for by those who caused it: that 1% of imperialist parasites! The American working class must stand up on their feet to fight for: sliding scale of wages and hours of work! Neither one unemployed more! Reduction of hours per shift and sharing of work hours among all the arms available! Stop dividing the working class in first-class and second-class workers! Equal pay for equal work! Free health and education for all the exploited and their children! For a public works plan controlled by the labor organizations and financed by the employers and the State to guarantee housing and the entire necessary infrastructure to the service of the working class and the masses!
To do this, we must expropriate without payment that 1% of parasites that steal the riches produced by the 99% of exploited! We must expropriate without compensation and under worker control all the banks, factories, land, businesses and properties of the whole imperialist bourgeoisie!
What US imperialist bourgeoisie needs is imposing upon the working class of the United States the same conditions that the proletariat of the colonial and semi-colonial world suffers. American workers should look at themselves today in the mirror of their brothers and sisters of the enslaved Chinese working class, and that of the hard-pressed Latin America and of looted Africa. Therefore, if the American working class does not attach their fate to their class siblings being oppressed by their own imperialist bourgeoisie, awaiting them is more misery, starvation and repression.

Stop persecuting immigrant workers! All the working-class and popular fighters imprisoned and persecuted by the imperialist State must be immediately and unconditionally released! Immediate release of all anti-imperialist combatants prisoner at Guantanamo Bay and the secret prisons of the CIA in the world!

A people who oppress another one cannot liberate itself! American working class won’t be ever free if it is not, first and foremost, supporting unconditionally the struggles of the peoples oppressed by its own imperialist bourgeoisie.

In Cuba the Castroites -as true “red entrepreneurs”- have condemned the heroic Cuban working class to live on three dollars a day, and have converted Cuba again into a brothel and holiday resort for the world bourgeoisie, such as it used to be in times of Batista. Precisely the American workers and their most exploited sectors, African-American, Chicanos and Latinos, who have in their hands the key to prevent the imposition of capitalist restoration in Cuba; how? Struggling to start a socialist revolution in the United States! That is the only way to deal with the catastrophe that threatens the proletariat.

American workers are capable of (as they were when the Viet Nam war was in full heat, with the battle cry that rumbled in the streets of New York and Washington: "US Troops Go Home!") putting an end to the genocide imposed on the heroic Palestinian and Syrian masses and fighting for the victory of the revolution in the North of Africa and the Middle East. The enemy is at home! Let's stop the imperialist war machine! Oakland workers must return to paralyze all ports! It must be set up again on its feet the powerful anti-war movement! While the Bolivarian bourgeoisies want "America for the Americans", we yell: "Gringos, Go Home!"
The best allies of the American proletarians are the workers who revolt throughout the world fighting against the US MNCs. From Marikana and Gold mineworkers in South Africa to the Suzuki autoworkers in India to the Foxconn electronic workers in China; from the revolutionary militias of Libya which executed US Ambassador to the workers in Egypt returning to battle to the heroic masses of Syria who continue to struggle against the genocidal Bashar Al Assad; from the exploited in Latin America to the martyred Palestinians who resist the offensive of Zionism to the U.S. workers: a single fight for bread against the 1% of imperialist parasites! It is urgent to coordinate and centralize the ranks of the world proletariat against the imperialist offensive.
Only by expropriating the bankers in Wall Street and demolishing the regime of the "Republicrats", and by tying their fate to the victory of the world proletarian revolution, the American working-class will be able to conquer their demands, leaving misery and defeating the 1% of parasitic capitalists, as raised by the working class and youth fencing Wall Street.

 Down with butcher Obama and the regime of the "Republicrats"! We must expropriate that 1% of parasites that plunders the world and have condemned to misery dozens of millions of American workers!

Enough of massacres by US imperialism against the oppressed peoples of the world!  
The American working class must go, just now, to the aid of their Palestinian and Syrian class siblings, fighting for the destruction of the Zionist-fascist State of Israel and the victory of the Socialist Revolution!

US working-class, breaking with butcher Obama, must prevent the capitalist restoration in Cuba by the Castroite bureaucracy and Obama, launching the socialist revolution in the United States! Let revolution come again in Central and South America! For the Socialist United States of North, Central and South America and the Caribbean!

The American working class has identified with certainty the main enemies of the world proletariat: that 1% of imperialist parasites. But if his fight has failed to achieve victory, it is due to the sinister role played by union bureaucracies and labor aristocracies, social-imperialist parties and the Renegades of Trotskyism, which are supporting that that 1%. To conquer the conditions of victory, it becomes urgent that the American proletariat frees itself from these leaderships that bind its hands to fight. To do this, the leadership that the working class needs and deserves must emerge from the regrouping of the forces of revolutionaries, who fight to unite the ranks of the proletariat around the world, on the basis of the defeat of reformism. Let's now set on its feet an international block of revolutionary working-class organizations and principled Trotskyists, to convene an International Conference for the Foundation anew of the revolutionary IV international, under the lessons and the program of 1938 •

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