The reactionary utopia of “Socialism in a one island” leads the Cuban revolution to an abyss.
If in the former USSR the policy of Stalinism raised that it was possible to achieve “socialism in one country” developing the productive forces up to overcome and defeat the capitalist productive forces, was a reactionary utopia that led the old workers states to a catastrophic situation; the same policy during 50 years “Socialism in one island” have left the gains of Cuban revolution at the edge of the abyss.
The capitalism is a worldwide mode of production as its economy and productive forces. The conquest of political power by the proletariat and the imposition of a workers’ state don’t leave it outside the world capitalist economy, but it is part of it. So the socialist revolution is in the world arena and if the workers’ state doesn’t become a mechanism for the international revolution, mainly in the imperialist countries where the most advanced productive forces and the basis to achieve socialism are, an isolated workers’ state will inevitably die under capitalism.
The “socialism in one country” theory is completely strange to revolutionary Marxism, it is its antithesis. The Stalinism developed this theory in 1924 after the German and European proletariat’s defeat, as an excuse for the existence of a privileged bureaucratic caste inside the workers’ state. As Trotsky said the Soviet bureaucracy, in its own way, defended the workers’ state but its policy of “socialism in one country” did nothing but destroy it. This would be the bases of the Stalinism’s foreign policy to defeat the world revolution depending on “the march towards Socialism in the USSR” As Trotsky said: By Strangling the worldwide revolution, Stalinism didn’t prepare the conditions to socialism but increased the chances for capitalist restoration.
Trotsky defined the USSR-the first workers’ state- as a “transitional regime”. That is to say when the working class takes the power in one country, it is imposed not the socialism but the proletariat’s dictatorship. This transitional regime between capitalism and socialism combines both socialist elements-the expropriation of the bourgeoisie and the nationalized property; the monopoly of foreign trade, the planned economy- and capitalist elements in the sphere of labour retribution through the bourgeois rule of the salary governed by the law of value. The prevailing shortage in the semi colonial countries due to the productive forces backwardness and the low work productivity can be only solved with the triumph of the world revolution specially taking the power in the developed countries
As Trotsky precisely said “meanwhile the Soviet Union remains more time in the vicinity of capitalism, the decomposition of its social fabric will be deeper. An undefined isolation will bring not the national communism but the capitalist restoration.” To avoidthis prognosis the IV International was found, to lead the socialist revolution in the capitalist countries and the political revolution to defeat the bureaucracy setting up a proletariat revolutionary dictatorship in the workers’ states so that the USSR will be converted again into a lever of the world revolution.
After the triumph of Cuban revolution in 1959, the socialism wasn’t imposed; it was the proletariat dictatorship. From the beginning a petty bourgeois leadership as the Castroism didn’t want such a thing; it was force to do so because the revolutionary pressure of the masses, becoming quickly a Stalinist bureaucracy subordinated to Moscow.
Since 1989 events, the capitalist restoration of the former workers’ states imposed a restoring regime headed by Fidel Castro. If he couldn’t definitively impose the capitalist restoration due to the resistance of Latin American masses, he started interrupting consciously, the transition to socialism. He strengthened the capitalist elements like the “joint ventures”, the dual economy and as a consequence of this a huge social and salary inequality inside Cuba. So the Brothers Castro tied its fate to strangle the world revolution not to “make the socialism in one island” but to turn into a new bourgeoisie as the Stalinism did in the USSR in the past.
The transitional program of the IV international pointed out for the USSR:”... The USSR thus embodies terrific contradictions. But it still remains a degenerated workers’ state. Such is the social diagnosis. The political prognosis has an alternative character: either the bureaucracy, becoming ever more the organ of the world bourgeoisie in the workers’ state, will overthrow the new forms of property and plunge the country back to capitalism; or the working class will crush the bureaucracy and open the way to socialism.”
The crisis of revolutionary leadership, that is to say, the overabundance of reformist leaderships, is the reason the Cuban and world proletariat haven’t been able to get rid of the Castroist scourge yet. So with the farce of “Bolivarian revolution”, the bourgeois has been able to control, right now, the Latin American revolution and the uprising attempts of the American working class. As we will demonstrate in the present article, the Castrism is ready to restore definitively the capitalism in Cuba. It is a task of the world working class to defend the gains of Cuban revolution against the restoration of capitalism that the imperialism and Brothers Castro’s regime are trying to impose.