Statement of the International Committee in support of the Syrian masses – 26/10/2012 Comrades, We have convened this Public Meeting/Festival from the International Committee in support of the Syrian masses. We are part of an internationalist movement of workers and youth from all around the world that fight in the streets of Syria side by side the heroic exploited and their revolutionary militias.
We are the militia-men from Libya who don´t get disarmed before the threats on the part of the Khadafists of the LNC government, servant of imperialism. We are the South African miners in Marikana that set up a “war committee” to confront the boss and scabs of the Communist Party. We are the workers who tired of super exploitation and slavery executed our bosses like we did with the managers of the Suzuki in India. This Public meeting is part of a campaign we are propelling at worldwide level since March due to the emergency appeal launched by the revolutionary militias in Libya. It was a call on the world worker organizations to break the siege of silence imposed over the Syrian revolution and stop the Al-Assad’s massacre. In Syria the exploiters concentrated their forces: imperialism and lackey bourgeoisies at worldwide level in an attempt to finish the chains of revolutions that started in 2011 in the North of Africa and Middle East. Peleamos en apoyo a los heroicos obreros y explotados de Siria, que aún hoy, luego de más de un año y medio de vil masacre, siguen resistiendo tenazmente contra el genocidio que está perpetrando el carnicero Al-Assad. We fight in support of the heroic workers and exploited from Syria, that even today, after more than one and a half year of vile massacre continue resisting determinedly against the genocide perpetrated by the butcher Al-Assad. We fight for the Syrian working class uses the most power missile the have to defeat the Al-Assad regime and all his imperialist bosses: the expropriation without payment and under workers´control of all the factories, companies and banks of the bourgeoisie. This is the way for the power to pass to the hands of its true owners: the proletariat and exploited masses organized in the Local Coordination Committees and rank and file soldiers’ Committees. Since the war will be won only by the victory of the socialist revolution in Syria and the whole North of Africa and Middle East. The European working class must return to fight like they did in the French May in ´68s and in the Portuguese revolution in ´74: against their own imperialism and in US the working class must take again the fighting path like against the Vietnam war. Today, when it is in fashion -among those who say to be “antiimperialist”- to give support to Obama, we denounce that he is commanding the butcher Al Assad and they all together sustain and give arm to him. Let´s chant all together: Yanquis, Go Home! We fight for the unconditional defence of the revolutionary processes of Maghreb and Middle East that have shaken the world and make slavery bosses, killers and repressors of workers tremble. Long live the workers and youth from Tunisia that defeated Ben Ali and were the revolutionary spark that fired the entire region! Long live the workers from Egypt and their Tahrir Square! Long live the great Libyan revolution! Long live the heroic exploited from Syria! Long live the Palestinian masses and their fight against the State of Israel! We are on the warpath to denounce and confront those butchers of Putin and Hu Jintao that arm Al Assad to the teeth on behalf of the imperialist powers. We denounce and confront Chavez, Castro, Kirchner and other “Bolivarian” bourgeoisies expropriators of the revolution that yesterday supported Khadafy and today sustain the jackal Al Assad, even by selling him oil to fuel the war machine while they call on people to vote for and support openly the pirate Obama. We denounce and confront those officers and coward generals of the Syrian Free Army that never were in the battlefield, that some days ago were with Al Assad and now they “pass” to the resistance’ s side to shoot them from behind. These are the generals that take all what the masses expropriate from the bourgeoisie and they negotiate with the generals of Al Assad, NATO and Zionism how to expropriate the revolution at the back of the exploited ones. Against them, we are part of the Committee we set up to recover the best internationalist traditions of the working class, as it happened in the revolutionary Spain in the 30`s when from hundreds of worker’s organizations at world level went to fight with their class brothers and sisters against the fascism of Franco. We are part of this same fight for the success of the Syrian revolution, there we have thousands of martyrs of the world working class and here imperialism through the fascist judges as Cesar Melazo and the public prosecutor as Maria Victoria Huergo of Argentina chase and intimidate the internationalist socialist fighters that are giving their lives with the revolutionary workers of Syria and Libya. It is the very same justice of this murderous state who killed in Indoamericano Square, in Ledesma (Jujuy), to Mariano Ferreyra, to the Qom peasants and so many worker fighters who were killed. They are the ones that everyday kill the youth in the worker neighbors with the police and the “gatillo facil” (easy trigger). They are the ones that make Julio Lopez, Luciano Arruga and Daniel Solano to disappear. They are the ones that keep in jail the comrades Tapia and Claros who fought for decent housing. They are the ones that condemn to more than 3 years of prison the comrades of Quebracho to repudiate the murder of Carlos Fuentealba. They are the ones that chase to more than 6500 worker and popular prosecuted fighters. For that reason, comrades, we will not rest until the imperialist friends who slander and are allies of the genocide, will be condemn by the world masses.