May 29th, 2012
We reproduce below the intervention of the comrade Severino Chúcaro from Democracia Obrera [Workers Democracy] in the meeting organized by “Space for the Class Coordination” of Zona Norte [North Zone]
“Good afternoon, comrades:
From Democracia Obrera we are here to honor the comrades from PST, murdered by the fascist bands of Triple A, 38 years ago.
In the ‘70s great clashes were happening in the world. The Yalta Agreement was blowing up, between the dominant imperialist powers that had won the war and the rotten Stalinist bureaucracy of USSR, supported by the false Trotskyists from Pabloism that abandoned the flags of the 4TH Internacional.
Revolution and counter-revolution were facing each other in the streets. Big actions against the oppression of the Stalinist bureaucracy were spreading in the Workers’ States, as in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, as also were happening in the imperialist power, with the “French May”, the “Italian Hot Autumn” and the huge mass demonstrations within USA against the slaughter in Vietnam. Latin America was also shaken by big clashed, like the “Bolivian Revolution of 1971”, the “Chilean Industrial Chains”, the glorious and heroic “revolutionary 35 days strike with factory occupations” by the Uruguayan workers, the “Cordobazo” and all the workers fights in our country.
All these great revolutionary actions of our class were betrayed by the Stalinist scourge, that incarnated in Fidel Castro, for example, went to tell the workers in the Chilean Industrial Chains that they had to hand in their weapons, because “socialism was through the pacific path through elections”, and so it was prepared the conditions for Pinochet’s military coup to be victorious. Meanwhile, as in other parts of the world, in Uruguay the CP was giving away the strike with factories and meat processing plants occupations.
That’s the way in which they opened the way to the counter-revolution. In Mexico, in the city of Tlatelolco, thousands of students were murdered; in Chile the jackal Pinochet was slaughtering the best of the revolutionary vanguard. This allowed the advance of the counter-revolution in Argentina, with Perón organizing the fascist bands of Triple A, together with López Rega and the union bureaucracy in the Ministry of Social Action, that were in charge of pursuing and murdering the revolutionary youth and workers, like the comrades of the PST that were murdered in General Pacheco.
We must honor these young people, as well as the “Peronist youth rank and file” and the deputy Ortega Peña, who was murdered by Triple A for denouncing that Perón wasn’t going to bring democracy to Argentina or the “socialist homeland”, but he was in charged to look after the property and the profits of the national bourgeoisie and of all the imperialist transnational corporations.
Comrades, as it was being said here a moment ago, with the bodies of the PST comrades still warm slaughtered in the PST branch, from the balconies of the branch at 24 de noviembre Street in the Capital, where there were thousands of workers, students and worker organizations, the PST leadership was calling to set up the workers militias to march towards the Ministry of Social Action, where the Triple A was being organized, to crush them. Because there is no discussion with fascism, it has to be smashed, comrades!
The great bourgeoisie publicly calls to arm the fascism, as it is being done nowadays in Greece, where they make rallies with the Nazi swastika calling to kill the immigrant workers, who they accuse of being responsible for the crisis. Just as the bourgeoisie set up fascist bands, we the workers must also publicly call to conquer Self-defense Committees as embryos of the workers’ militias to smash fascism, to which the entire social-imperialist left wing refuses with their cretinous parliamentary policy.
How not to pay tribute to this comrades who embraced the banners of the internationalist Trotskysim and later their leaderships set aside these flags, set aside the call to make the militias and went away with the “Group of 8” to ask for a National Constituent Assembly, in that way, “stop fascism”! it is not like this how to stop the advance of fascism!
In the ‘70s the Peronist youth marched to Devoto prison to release the political prisoners. Nowadays the “Cámpora”, as the youth wing of Kirchnerism –a government that imprisons and kills the workers and popular fighters- beats the workers and occupies their unions by force, as they did in 2011 with ADOSAC in the struggle of the teachers of Santa Cruz.
The slaughter against the working class in the ‘70s was to destroy the claims of the workers who set up the coordinators and eliminated that generation so that nowadays the youth that come out to fight does not know the lessons of what the coordinators were, which were organized to face the bosses and the Government and the union bureaucracy. Here it is talked a lot about coordination, those coordinators and pickets must be set up again so that the things that occurred in the ‘70s never happen again.
Finally, comrades.
Today the conditions of the ‘70s live in the revolutions in North Africa, they live in the workers and popular Libyan militias that executed the jackal Khadafy, they live in the armed resistance to the Syrian genocide, Bashar Al Assad. We must incarnate the continuity of this fight not with speeches but with concrete actions. That’s why we invite all of you to march on June 7th to the Syrian embassy to break the silence, the siege and to stop the massacre that the murderer Bashar Al Assad is carrying on, on account of Yankee imperialism”