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August 2013



It was held the fake elections of PASO (Open Compulsury Primary Elections),
a real disguised and a proscreptive trap agaisnt the workers

Reform vs. Revolution, Social democracy vs. Trotskyism...
a sensible balance of the election outcome

On purpose of "parliamentary cretinism" and the mystification of the bourgeois universal suffrage by reformism in Marxism

see more

Justice, which charged 6500 workers and threats to detain hundreds of them,
the genocide Army Forces
and lackyes to imperialism and the boss political parties
who rule the Gendermerie and the murderous police forces who repress the people,
they are all blessed by the church and the pope Bergolio, who blessed before the sworn of Videla.

K and Masse, PRO, UCR and UNEN were with the bosses, bankers and corrputes politicians. They got 95% of the votes


LEFT FRONT (FRENTE DE IZQUIERDA) got 900 thousands and MAS got 100 thousand
in the entire counttry…

A huge layer of the working class and youth seek a path to get into the fight

the votes are already there!
Now it is necessary to organize a great fight in the streets!


In these PASO, Kirchnerism became very weak, politically lost millions of votes, after ten years of revelry and to the K the ones to guarantee all the business for the transnational corporations and bosses.
However, the infamous regime, its parliament on behalf of transnational companies, their anti-working judges, its army forces full of genocidal, its police and killer gendarmerie and his arch-reactionary Constitution have been re-legitimized. Its politicians and political parties have received millions of votes in the country and begin to discuss an order replacement for the government at 2015 to guarantee that Argentina remain under the thumb of Wall Street.
Fidel Castro and the "Bolivarian", with its cartoon of revolution came in 2003 to slow down and steal the revolutionary struggle of the exploited in 2001, supporting Nestor Kirchner not to impose the revolutionary cry of "Everyone out, nobody left”. Twelve years later, all the bosses and their parties and politicians hated by the masses came back: this is a reactionary triumph of the bourgeois in these elections.
Now, Kirchner, Carrio, the right wing of UCR, Binner, Cobos, De la Sota, Massa, etc., with millions of votes in their favor, to organize their forces together, with the anti-labor judges, the police and the murderous gendarmerie intensify the attack against the working class by imposing greater slavery, increased the production rates, wages of hunger and misery, more layoffs and higher unemployment, more imperialist plunder and theft of all our wealth. We must stop it! We must unite the workers' ranks and prepare a great struggle against imperialism, bosses and government!

The politicians of the left got the unity of their parties, hundreds of the worker voted for them
The conquer of the working class will only be conquered with the fight and the success of the socialist revolution

The places where the Left Front ran with worker and fighters candidates, a large layer of workers and youth voted for them. This shows that there are hundreds of thousands of workers who want their demands to be heard, they want to join their ranks, seeking a way to fight and that the working class reweighs in national political life.
We cannot forget that in this election millions of workers voted for our executioners. Therefore, workers and militant youth cannot allow workers follow Massa, who commanded the gendarmerie and the police forces to defend the interests of Warren Buffet and beat up Kraft workers in 2009. Massa talking about "against the income tax" goes with De Mendiguren of UIA, the boss of all bosses who imposed not only the income tax and also slave super exploitation of the workers. The workers of Kraft, LEAR, graphics, FATE, meat processors, who are the Argentinean vanguard working class must lead the fight to take the workers from the hands of Massa-De Mendiguren and all political bosses.

However, Altamira says "We have given to the left their true historical features", MAS proclaimed "historical choice of Left", and the PTS says "The Left came forward":

The ones that have to step forward are the workers and their struggle!

Because the strength of the working class isn’t in voting as an individual in the capitalists’ ballot boxes as they want us to believe; but in its unity as a class, in the assemblies, pickets, factory committees, with their struggle organizations fighting in the streets.

The bourgeoisie hid their gunmen and gangsters of the hated CGT and CTA bureaucracy in the bottom of their lists…

We can’t acknowledge their hunger and misery collective bargaining agreements that leave out
the vast majority of the working class, the under-the-table, contracted and unemployed workers!

These elections also expressed that the CGT and CTA union bureaucracy, those wardens to the interior of the workers’ movement have been delegitimized and are deeply hated by the workers, after submitting the working class to the pro-government and opposite bourgeoisie, imposing the slavery wages in their fake collective bargaining agreements and delivering all the workers’ conquests. They are all like Pedraza!
The union bureaucracy was the iron fist with which the bourgeoisie, using it as wardens of the workers’ movement, imposed the maquila Argentina. The under-the-table work and the precarious employment were applied by the Moyanos, the Yaskys, the Calós, the “Momo” Venegas and other bureaucrats and hired gunmen together with the Ministry of Labor, in a holy alliance with the bosses and their government. They handed over the salary, left every struggle of the workers isolated… their internal commissions are true tell-tale offices for the bosses… they’ve won the award of being the sector most hated by the working class in Argentina.
That’s why the bosses got rid of them, so that they wouldn’t make them lose votes in these elections, although they won’t hesitate to use them again when they need to, against the workers’ strikes, as they already did with the UTA gang in the Subways, in the Casino with the SOMU bureaucracy, with Gerardo Martínez in the UOCRA, with the oil-worker bureaucracy tell-telling the oil workers in Las Heras and an endless number of attacks against the workers.
The bourgeoisie is now arguing how to make up their wardens in the workers’ movement. If they legitimate several unions to divide the class in various unions by industry branch to atomize the workers’ movement; or if they reform the Professional Associations Law to “moderate” the most dictatorial clauses of the statutes with which the State controls the unions.
But if the FIT and the left-wing got a million votes, it means that in the workers’ movement and the youth they have an enormous political and social weight in 25% or more of the Argentinian working class’ key industries and establishments. There are 90% of their votes. Now nobody can say that the way to defeat the treacherous union bureaucracy in the streets and in the struggles and to regroup the forces capable of refunding the Argentinian workers’ movement from the bottom to the top, conquering the base assemblies, our pickets, recovering the internal commissions and the body of delegates representative of all our workers, standing up again the pickets’ movement from 2001, as the one that combated in Mosconi and Cutral-Co, and coordinating all those who fight, hasn’t been opened.

Enough with the prison-factories!
Out the Wall Street bankers and MNCs from Argentina!

May the Left Front call now a large Worker Congress of the employed and unemployed to organize a struggle against the government, the infamous regime, the union bureaucracy, imperialism and the enslaver bosses!

We have to set up a Struggle Plan to free the imprisoned workers and get the acquittal of the thousands of fighters!

- Against the tax on wages and precarious employment! For decent jobs and under agreement for all!
- For minimum, vital and mobile salary of AR$9000 for all! Equal work, equal pay for the working woman, the youth and immigrant workers! We can’t acknowledge the wages agreements signed by the bureaucracy; we must defeat the hunger collective bargaining where the salary and our conquests are handed out!
- For the freedom of the workers from Las Heras, Bariloche and Corral de Bustos! For the dropping of all the charges against the 6500 prosecuted fighters!
- For the nationalization without payment and under worker control of every factory that closes, suspends or fires!
-  We can’t acknowledge the fraudulent foreign debt in hands of bankers who expropriate the workers and the Argentinian people!
- We have to break with imperialism! We have to expropriate without payment all the bankers, the MNCs and the oligarchy, so that the working class can eat and live with dignity!

We have to join those who fight and prepare the way to a General Strike!

“Everyone out, nobody left”
Argentina will be Socialist or a Colony!

Although the FIT politicians conceal it, the worker vanguard must regroup its ranks resuming the combat of classism, worker democracy and coordinators as in the 70s and the Argentinazo in 2001.

Today, as in the recent years, they are trying to hide that it was with eight general strikes, with the “Argentinazo”, with the struggle and with martyrs in the streets that De la Rúa was defeated and the “Banelco” law of labor flexibilization was faced. When the bourgeoisie speaks of the “won decade”, they precisely refer to being able to get out of the revolution hell. Now a superior attack commanded by the MNCs is being prepared, and they want the workers to believe that they can face and defeat them with a bench in the Parliament.
And after the PASO, the “Left Front” leaders claim to be setting up a general staff. But in their electoral campaign they didn’t even talked about which class is the one that should rule to satisfy the needs of the workers and the poor people. The PO even raised that what has to be done is a “social reorganization”, when 150 years ago, drawing lessons from the 1871 Paris Commune , Marx had already defined that the State apparatus can’t be “reorganized” but had to be demolished with the socialist revolution.
For its part, the PTS has been filling pages for quite a long time about the “70s’ classism”, but today this seems to be a hoax. With a million of votes and hundreds of leaders in the workers’ vanguard, the conditions to raise the program of the Sitrac-Sitram, and to set in motion a Revolutionary Classist Movement calling to set up again the “Coordinators” as in the 70s, and tell the working class that to conquer their demands we have to fight as in the Cordobazo, the Villazo, the Rodrigazo, are more than enough.
The working class needs a revolutionary General Staff that marks the conditions for the victory: the Fourth International re-founded based on its 1938 program.

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