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And after November 20 what?
To conquer the tax on workers' wages repeal, to stop new rate hikes,
get jobs under convention and decent wages for everybody, and to stop the repression and persecution
against working class, popular and socialist fighters...
Assemblies of the ranks and files to vote this motion in all factories and establishments in the country!
For the the coordinators and the pickets as Mosconi and Cutral-Co again!
For roadblocks and factory occupations as in 2001return!
We must prevent the collaborationist leaders divide the labor ranks of and subordinate workers to the Government, bosses, bankers, soy and their political parties who starve the people!
National Labor Congress of fighting organizations with delegates voted in Assemblies of employed, unemployed, informal,
contracted, outsourced workers, immigrants workers and militant students!
Con el paro del 20/11, la clase obrera reapareció en la escena política nacional
On November 20, it took place the 24-hour strike called by the unions as the CGT of Moyano, the CTA of Michelli and th CGT “Azul y Blanca” of Barrionuevo. The demands were: "non-taxable minimum increase ", "family allowances for all" and "$ 4,000 year-end bonus."
There were more than 200 road blockades across the country. The strongest point of the strike was in the Capital and Buenos Aires suburbs. The streets were empty. Thousands of workers, didn`t go to work taking advantage of strike`s legal status
In the other cities of the country it had less effect, however this labor action took the center stage.
In some industrial cordons, such as the northern suburbs of Buenos Aires, the automotives and auto parts factories did not work. This was not because the SMATA of Pignanelli SMATA or the UOM of Caló, both pro governments have adhered- it did not happen, but because the workers didn’t permit the entrance of production supplies to the plants.y income of inputs to plants. The workers of the automotives, who could not join the strike because their unions didn’t support carnereaban the strike, felt that if they did not go to work they were against their own bosses and their trecherous leaders.
It is very important to point out, beyond the intentions of Moyano, Michelli and Barrionuevo’s bureaucracy, the labor movement is very upset both the best paid sectors who have unions or the lowers layers and the most enslaved workers. All of them feel abuse and theft by the government and bosses.
Most workers even if they had gone on strike or not, feel that during the strike the workers' movement could show again the real weight it has. Beyond the limits imposed by the bureaucracy, the working class showed he can get his hands on the possibility of paralyzing the country, because it makes the country work and produces all its wealth.
200.000 workers on strike worth more than 3 million people from the middle classes, even if they are mobilized and banging pots. Although the strike did not affect the core of the industry, it reaffirms that the working class has a significant weight in the national economy because its role in production.
The strike was a significant effort of the working class. There- were sectors such as graphs workers against their union bureaucracy imposed the strike in several plants and workshops, as an expression of the tendency to unity and coordination to fight existing in the workers ranks.
Paty workers, the meat industry, in their assemblies voted to stop the plant. They, who for years have been fighting for the unity and coordination, are a conscious expression of the feelings deep inside the workers ranks which are pushing to emerge.
If the strike did not have much intensity and did not became the beginning of a real plan to make the bosses, the corporations and the Kirchner’s Government nuzzle, was simply and only because the bureaucracy , and all those who were subordinated to it, as the FIT, did not want to. The strike was an agreement of the union leaders at the working class’ backs. No one called for an assembly of the ranks and files, to set up pickets to guarantee the strike. Thus they took the workers the opportunity to express themselves freely. To be sure that if the labor ranks would have a choice option, it had stopped all the factories and had blockaded al roads of the country, not only on Nov. 20, but every day that are necessary to achieve their demands.
However, Cristina Kirchner and her functionaries’ entourage all recognized the fighting potential of labor movement, even with partial and limited strikes as the one of November 20. They know that the different ways that millions workers adhered the strike, is the way they objectively face the great theft and looting of pension funds (salary deferral) to subsidize the bosses. This workers’ pockets attack, along with 21% VAT (consumption tax), is to pay the parasites of Wall Street dollar by dollar as Kirchner government’s servants claim. So they expressed all their fury against workers’ strike.
Cristina Kirchner like all "Bolivarian" and "TLC" governments, are in charge of keeping a tight rein on the working class and guarantee the looting of the nation at the orders of Obama, imposing this way the control of U.S. imperialism of its "backyard”.
The gorilla Kirchner and the bosses are the only extortionists!
Meanwhile the strike was still developing, C. Kirchner came angry ranting against workers. He accused them of "extortionist", "undemocratic" and a great many of other provocations.
The strike of November 20 was a very positive aspect against bosses’ democracy; it permitted a sector of the working class that lives under the fiercest and bloody dictatorship of capital in factories and locations, could exercise its right to go on strike.
C. Kirchner, like any boss, got angry when workers with their pickets picketing workers democracy conquered milestones of workers democracy, a shelter for tens of thousands of comrades who did not go to work.
That's why we denounce the only "extortionists" are the government and all the bosses and their political parties, who have the repressive forces, the judges caste, the prisons, that is the State (as a domain tool against the exploited masses) to exercise its dictatorship against the oppressed masses.
They are who kill us when we go out to fight, those who persecute with their bosses ‘justice more than 6,000 workers and popular fighters, those who sent us to jail, the ones who literally starving, those who take away our health and education, those who steal our wages, they pay billions of dollars to the IMF and other imperialist banks with the hunger of the people who give our nation's natural resources to huge corporations that manage the world economy Long live workers pickets! We would have made not 200, but thousands in each factory and country route, to truly express the will of the exploited people against this government and anti workers oppressive regime!
C. Kirchner has been exposed again. After her "progressive" face, lies a gorilla boss. Her cry accusing workers as "extortionists" was a control command to the judges and policemen to launch a shoot against labor leaders. So the try to terrorize workers who are looking for a path of struggle to meet get their demands.
The hate of the “bolivarian” Kirchner against this partial strike of some hundreds of thousands workers is not surprising at all. C. Kirchner, as Chaves and Fidel Castro, is a friend and supporter of the murderer Al-Assad who massacres in Syria, in the same way she supported the executed Gaddafi, the Libyan murderer dog of Libyan people, guarantor of the imperialist oil companies business. The "Bolivarians" are all enemies of the workers and the toiling masses!
That’s why the working class in each of their struggles to stop the repressive offensive of the government, multinationals and slave trade bosses must raise as its own flag the cry of: Stop massacre, repress, imprison, prosecute and pursue the working class! Freedom for political prisoners and down with the prosecution of over 6000 class fighters, popular and socialist! Stop the persecution against the revolutionary, socialists and internationalists leaders! Down with the Judges Caste! Workers and popular tribunals to judge and punish all murderers of Mariano Ferreyra, Indo Americano workers and all the martyrs of the working class! Dissolution of all repressive forces! For a unique national self-defense committee of all combative labor organizations!
The bureaucracy prevented the strike on November 20 is the beginning of a National Fight Plan against the Government and all the bosses.
The bureaucracy of Michelli and Moyano never wanted to call for a strike against the bosses and the Government. They didn't want to unify the labor movement at all. Therefore they restrained the "official" claim to the unionized sector, with the slogan: "rise of the non-taxable minimum income tax" (which is applied to worker`s salary) as central demand.
This demand, deeply felt in the better paid layers of the unionized working class, leaves out most of workers under slaving agreements or directly working out the books, both terribly flexibilized with average salaries of $ 3.500 per month. We do not mention the workers who are unemployed or "integrated" in the slaving cooperatives of "Argentina Works Plan" of Moreno and C. Kirchner who are forced to live in miserable conditions, eating with $ 6 per day.
Not fighting against this terrible slavery and labor flexibility, is to support C.Kirchner and multinationals ‘plan to turn the country into a real maquila where the terrible living conditions of 70% of workers today are generalized to the 100% of the working class as it is happening with the workers of Paraná Metal, the Steel Cordon, who are earning less than $ 4,000 per month.
Michelli spoke at a press conference about out of the books workers, but he never was his intention to unionized workers set up in these sectors’ demands. He didn’t want at all the unions support the out of the books, unemployed, employed and subcontracted workers which went on strike, awaken the enthusiasm of more than 10 million workers who work under very bad conditions.
So Moyano and Michelli organized a strike so as nothing escapes from their control preventing this way self-organization and direct democracy organisms of workers in struggle can emerge. If they emerged, they would have expressed all labor movement’s demands and the day of November 20 had become a real general strike that hit the government and regime’s plexus.
This was the way to prepare the conditions for fighting workers kneel down government and the bosses. Only fighting this way against the war they have declared to us and the threatening catastrophe, ie fighting for all, we can get the more minimum gains
On the contraryt, Moyano, Michelli and other wings of the “opposite” bureaucracy went all together to a press conference with the bosses of the Agrarian Federation represented by Bussi. This is their strategy of pressuring the government and subordinate the labor movement to employers politicians like Scioli, Macri, De La Sota, Duhalde, etc., now "opposite " to K’s Government.
Against this disastrous policy, on November 20 it was raised to "taking the strike our hands", ie the working class ranks and files order and the leaders obey, to conquer THEIR DEMOCRACY, the one of assemblies and pickets, setting up a program that unify the entire labor movement, beginning with the interests of its most exploited layers defense.
Unfortunately the PO, PTS, MAS, IS, etc., applied literally the union bureaucracy’s policy. They gave their "people" to organize certain cuts in places where they lead or have influence within activism. They have obeyed exemplary the discipline mandated by their union bosses. They were enemies of calling workers to take the strike in their hands, to impose assemblies of the ranks and files and pickets, to disobey even the centrals which openly called to blackleg the strike.
So they refused, for example to stop Kraft, where the International Commission led by the PTS, urged Daer’s bureaucracy to "do assemblies", which at this point is a bad joke and a tragedy for food workers (one of the sectors which fight a lot the last three years).
Subordinated to Moyano, Michelli and company, the reformist currents prevented the emergence militant vanguard pole, which lifted a program that unifies the entire labor movement, and thus open the possibility to impose a fight plan and the GENERAL STRIKE.
You can see today Mr. Altamira (PO) and the PTS’s leadership, totally elated and ecstatic with the results of "Parazo" (Huge strike) and "piquetazo" (huge picket). But all these are merely sounding phrases to hide that were subordinated to Moyano and Michelli and not raise an alternative of struggle to the on official one raised by the central unions. Such is the case that, although the PTS shows its leaders appeared on different TV channels simultaneously, they lifted their "pickets" when Moyano and Michelli decided so; this could happen because none of the 200 pickets were voted in a ranks and files assembly. Question that demonstrates the FIT’s leaders are enemies of workers democracy.
With its policy of subordination of the organic bodies of central unions under state control,, the FIT and reformist currents, made it impossible to set up a coordinating Comitee of all internal committees (snatched from the bureaucracy) and combative delegates, to dispute the bureaucracy the struggle’s leadership. Doing this, it would have retaken the tradition of true classism of the'70s, where workers with the coordinating committee of the northern suburbs of Buenos Aires, marching on Panamerican route paralyzing every factory, defied the bureaucracy of the CGT and developed an independent action imposing the general strike against Isabel Peron’s Government and his finance minister Celestino Rodrigo.
National Labor Congress of fighting organizations with delegates mandated by employed, unemployed, out of the books, contracted, outsourced and immigrant workers!
The strike of Nov. 20 showed the working class begins to feel hatred against the government and against the enormous hardship and suffering of every day. It also said he missed the first opportunity to organize a big fight against C. Kirchner, imperialism and transnational corporations, which obviously won’t come from Moyano and Michelli.
The working class needs a strategy to join their ranks and prepare the path to victory. The forces to do so are already here, because in the labor movement`s depths inflation, rate hikes, the attack on wages, inhumane working conditions, and the endless days of exploitation cannot stand anymore .
To give up the government and the employers’ plan, workers cannot be prisoners of the program " tax allowance raise " proposed by Moyano and Michelli. The salary is not a "gain ¨, is the value of the reproduction of our workforce. So the fight, so they never steal a penny to the workers, this “tax” must be eliminated.
And we have to stop our energies are used to take them at the bosses and their politicians’ feet, both government supporters and opponents. Whenever workers have been subordinated to our executioners, we ended up losing everything, while bosses are enriched.
The strike of 20/11, as it’s been demonstrated, leading by Moyano, Michelli and Barrionuevo was not enough to break the anti-worker plans of C.Kirchner, MERCOSUR transnational companies, and all the slave driver bosses. There was no "rise of tax allowance", there was not "family allowances for all" or "plus of $ 4,000", not the majority of the working class’ demands ... What came after the strike was a redoubled attack C.Kirchner with a new rate hikes and payment compliance of fraudulent foreign debt.
Enough! We must stop the war the bosses and their government declared to the workers! You have to conquer a program to regroup the workers' ranks to unify all our claims!
We must fill the factories and establishments of ranks and files assemblies and factory committees to join effective, contract, outsourced, laid off, suspended and unemployed workers!
The picket movement must break its subordination to the Social Action Ministry and Municipalities, and spread out pickets along all routes! The revolutionary picket movement of Mosconi attacking the property of the capitalists has to return!
Unions and labor organizations must break with the bourgeoisie and its institutions such as the Labour Ministry, the bosses’ Justice, Legislatures and Parliament! Hands off State of workers' organizations! Down with Professional Associations Law!
We must impose workers democracy and recover our fighting organizations Internal committees, delegates bodies and militants sectional snatched from union bureaucracy, like Kraft, graphics in struggle, Subway, Line 60, Railway Haedo, Garrahan, etc., should take the lead to organize this fight. No more time to waste
Down with the fake “parity Comissions” of the b osses, the government and the bureaucracy! Minimum and Mobile Salary of $ 10,000 monthly indexed for inflation! Not an unemployed worker anymore! Distribution of working hours among all available hands!
Equal work for equal salary! Enough Kirchners ‘slave labor and their plan "Argentina Works! Reinstatement of all laid off and suspended workers! Enough illegal work, all under agreement! Nationalization without compensation and under workers' control of every factory that close, suspend or fire! Down with taxes on salaries! Elimination of VAT!
Bosses, bankers and imperialism who steal all dollars must be the ones to pay! Not one dollar or peso, to pay the fraudulent debt!
As the workers and peasants cry in Bolivia, Let our fight for: Outgringos! Smashthe transnational companies!
To conquer all these demands and also health, education and decent housing, multinationals must be crushed. Expropriation without compensation and under workers' control of all imperialists’ factories and enterprises, their banks and property! Expropriation without compensation of all the lands of the oligarchy and big soybean pools to produce in collective farms controlled by peasant workers committees!
Nationalization of Banks under workers control! Progressive taxes on large fortunes, and remove subsidies to the Church and the capitalists, to finance a public works plan for decent housing, and a tripling of the budget for education and public health!
From the workers' organizations in struggle, we must call to set up a National Labor Congress of delegates mandate by employed, unemployed, out of the books, contracted, outsourced and immigrant workers to impose a fight plan and open the way to General Strike.
Only fighting in this way, winning a program to join labor ranks and breaking all organizations with the State Institutions and their politician bosses, bursting with its own methods of struggle, the Argentinean working class can recompose the popular and working alliance and leading the ruined middle class and the exploited social layers of the nation, so the battle cry of the revolution of 2001 "everybody out nobody left!" returns and it can be taken to the victory.
Board Comitee.