September 8th, 2012

The strike of Lonmin mine workers shows the banckrupcy of WIVL of South Africa 

As renegades of Trotskyism at world level, legitimized the Stalinist 5th column.

In Cape Town (South Africa), WIVL as part of the Solidarity Committee with Marikana published a leaflet. It expose generally the Anglo American and Lonmin mines and explain how they loot the nation, WIVL poses an opportunist and reformist program. Their “great proposal to fight” is to call to a demosntration to put pressure from a small “solidarity commettee” to the parliament of Zuma, as in that cave of bandits from the transnationals were the solution of the slaughter of Lonmin!  Any revolutioanry worker know that the solution of the slaughter is in the heart of the strike commitee and the picket of the mineworker of Lonmin.  WIVL shows a opportunist and reformist program without displaying a mass revolutionary path to South Africa and the continent, and it calls generally to overthrow the union bureaucracy. This leaflet does not call to regroup rows to smash the bureaucracy, that is without self defense committee and without workers' militia.
In this way WIVL takes the policy of the upper layers of the workin g class, this is the musty labour aristocracy that eats more and more from the crumbs fallen of the bourgoisie table. WIVL ask Zuma and the murderous regime of the agreement between Mandela and Apartheid, who were the ones who gave the command to slaughter in the mine, to give the demands to the workers and stop the repression.

At the same time they called to march on September 8 with 7 slogans, that beyond that we could criticize any of these slogans and their formulation, the question arises once you finish reading the leaflet is: How these demands are achieved? For them with a demonstration of their “small solidarity committe” to the parliament... it is a pity. This is an impotent policy which denies a revolutioanry strategy of the masses to confront and defeat the bosses and its governemnt.

They do not call a congress with delegates from across the region in Marikana because miners Lonmin demands are the demands of the whole proletariat in the south of the region and the world proletariat. This means that all workplaces, mines, factories and who want to fight send delegates to Marikana to fight alongside Lonmin workers tand set up a National fightig Committee. This struggle committee should stand up the demands of Lonmin workers that are the ones of the entire labor movement for R12500 salary increase, education, health, better living conditions, and it would be the supporting point to expel the union bureaucracy and the traitors of Stalinism from the worker organizations.
This is the real help needed by the mine workers of Marikana! For the victory, the labour movement of the region must take the fight of Lonmin, into a sigle action that unifies the working class to smash the butcher of COSAU and NUM, the killer police, the transnationals companies, Zuma governemnt and the “reconciliation” regime with the Apartheid who kill and hunger workers! For workers' and exploited militias! Down with trade union bureaucracy of COSATU and NUM! Worker and Popular trials to judge and puniosh the killer police of Zuma and the strike breakers of COSATU! Down with the reconciliation regime of Anglo American, which is the continuation of apartheid! Out with Zuma and ANC! For a government of the working class and the exploitd ones in the rural areas and the cities, supported by the strike committee, the self defense committee and the factory committee and the housing committee and other self organised masses! For a Federation of the Black and Socialsit Republic of the entire South of Africa!
This fight is focused today with a revolutionary general strike to go agaisnt the transnational and judge and punish all the killers of the workers of Lonmin.  In the Fighting committee of the miners id the path to expel the COSATU trade union bureaucracy and the NUM and prepare the fight agaisnt CNA-PC government and other millionaires native bourgeoisies and imperialism who plunder the enslaved African. In this way the isolation that the repressive state and the union bureucracy want to impose to the Lonmin mineworkers will be broken.
 At the moment dozens of mines in South of Africa are striking following the example of Lonmin workers.  A strike committee, self defese pickets and a common call is on the agenda.  But for the social democrat reformist of WIVL everything is summed up to a pressure demosntration of their “small solidaruty committee” in front of the parliament of Zuma and other killers of workers. Why is it usefull general slogans in defense of Lonmin workes, if they are going to ask them to the same killers and hungers of the workers to make justuice?

The fake “worker control” of WIVL finish the fight to uprise the workers of the continent agaisnt the imperialist plunder.
For the expropiation without payment and under worker control of the mines, land, banks, factories and properties of the transnationals that plunder Africa

The WIVL in its leaflet calls for "nationalization under workers' control", but does not say it is without payment. So it poses for compensation to the multinationals. This is the same policy of nationalization such as youth leader of South Africa PC, Malema, calls fpr nationalization state-controlled and compensating multinationals. This is not new and is what the Bolivarian like Chavez or Morales do here in Latin America
The only way to get bread, work, better living conditions and national independence is expropriation without compensation and under workers' control of all mines imperialist pirates who plunder Africa, land, banks, factories and properties. This is not done with demonstrations to the parliament but with desicive steps so the working class starts their revolution.  In this way the transnationals would be expropiated and the path to the victory will be open.  In the South of Africa we must fight as in the North of Africa, as in Tunisia, Libya, Yemen... and as in Syria in Middle East.  WIVL deserted from this fight long time ago.

The task is to prepare a great offensice of the masses to defeat the government and the regime and move forward to the power of the exploited ones! It is about to unify into a single fight a single revolution of the entire Africa continent. The hunger slavery and killer governments of the transnationas in the entire Africa deserves the fate of Khadafy, Ben Alli and Mubarak, or as the war cry in Nigeria workers and exploited “Out Jhonatan or die as Khadafy!”.  Out with Zuma, Frelimo, Dos Santos, so on… all servants of the transnationals that plunder Africa! Enough with the slaughter of Zuma, Al Assad, Hu Jintao and Obama! Death to imperialism!
For an international fighting day, led by the colour worker movement of USA and the African inmigrant workers in Europe, to unify the fight of the world working class. The imperialism and the bourgoisie treat us as slaves in Lonmin as in England, in France and the entire Europe! Death to imperiaslim and Long live the colour workes! Death to the slavers!

As before in Greece calling to support Syriza and as part of the siege to the Syrian masses
WIVL of South Africa, as the renegades of Trotskyism, saving the Stalisnim

Today it is about to break the siege of the heroic masses of Syria and the workers of Lonmin.  WIVL and it small committee is a variant that saving the life, not just to the "treacherous leaderships of the unions," but to the CP, which is the one associated with Zuma government and the black millionaire bourgeoisie and the multinationals, all of them continue with the regime of "reconciliation". WIVL is part of the chorus of the renegades of Trotskyism that at world level call in Greece for a government of Syriaza and the CP, so they could rule the Troika hunger regime.  WIVL is part of the left front which have sieged the Syrian masses so they can be smashed by Al Assad on behalf of imperialism, meanwhile in South Africa WIVL marched to the parliament and they do not fight side by side with the strike picket of the workers that fight agaisnt the transnationals. The worker do not only fight against the transnationals,  their fight is agaisnt the bourgoisie because they fight phisically agaisnt the NUM bureucracy, setting on the agenda to overthrow COSATU led by the Stalinist of the CP.  This is what the WIVL program cover and for that reason they cover the left side of the SACP. It is time to set all the forces of the working class of South of Africa to defeat the trecherous union bureucracy and the strike breakers of Stalinism and killers of workers. The Lonmin workers fought agasint the killer police send by Zuma and the CP itself on behalf of the transnationals and the workers set up self defense committees. WIVL position to march to parliament is the position of the whole world left, making rallies to put pressure and are unable to fight in the front lines with Lonmin miners and their fighting orgns.
 WIVL of South Africa together with the renegades of Trotskyism and the World Social Forum
FLTI in the trench of the mine workers of Lonmin, fighting to refound the 4th Internacional

 WIVL that for many years posed the program of “rank and file soldiers committee” now it goes quickly to put pressure to Zuma to the parliament and denied to call to send delegates of rank and file soldiers with their weapons to the fight of Lonmin in order to prevent the slaughter of workers.  This policy they put it under the ground in Libya and Homs streets. It was about days that they put under the ground in South Africa, so terrible.
The same did WIVL with their slogan “worker government”.  Why didn’t “worker governemnt” slogan apperar in the strike committee of Lonmin? Because the fighting mineworkers identify this slogan with the generalization of their strike committee to the entire Africa to executed the bureucrats and the bosss and not with WIVL policy.  They together with the renegades of Trotskysim, call for a “worker government of left unity” in Greece to save the regime of the capitalists.

Stalinims supported by the renegades of Trotskyism who openly betrayed in Chile. In Greece which smashed the workers in struggle. In Cuba, it is preparing to restore capitalism or even in China with Hu Jintao they killed workers on behalf of their great partners the imperialsit transnationas. The WSF preaches “other world is possible” with Zuma and the Stalinism killing workers. We know the type of world that they present to the masses as possible: the one of the transnationals that enslaved them.
Againt the stalisnim, the servants of imperialism and all the ones that support them, the fight of the Trotskyist of the FLTI stands up becasue between the 4th International and the Stalisnim there are a blood river of killed workers, betrayed and sold out by the bourgoisie.  Our banners and program live in the Strike Committee of Lonmin workers.  Let the reformist knee down in front of the parliament of Zuma.  Let the use “socialist fraseology” they want... but they are very far from showing a revolutionary path to the working class of the African continent.


International Executive Committee of the FLTI
Worker International League (WIVL) of Zimbabwe, member of the FLTI


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