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The combat of the working class, the militant youth and the exploited in Chile must come to victory! Let the second Chilean revolution begin!

The combats of the working class, the students and exploited in Chile claim for a great mass independent action that puts into question who’s the real owner of the nation.
This government has shown that won’t grant our demands of decent wages, work, education, health or land for the poor peasant. Nothing will be conquered without defeating Piñera’s government and the civic-military regime with a resolute fight on the streets. Further, the bourgeoisie will give something to the exploited only when it sees its whole property threatened.
We need to launch the REVOLUTIONARY GENERAL STRIKE! So all the murderers of the Chilean people and the ones that sold out the nation to imperialism go away! Out with Piñera! Knock down the government lackey of imperialism, repressor and murderer of workers and youth! Down with the civic-military regime of the Pinochetist murderous military, the right-wing, the Concertacion and the CP! Down with the Pinochetist 1980 constitution! Down with the FTA!

The working class, the youth and the exploited all across Chile rose despite and against the leaderships of CUT and the students’ federations. These leaderships want to reduce the struggle into crumbles. They want to subordinate us to treacherous negotiation tables with our executioners. They want “biding plebiscites”. This way they leave for the “long term” the true engine demands of the struggle, i.e. the renationalization of copper and free education.
Down with the traps of the negotiation rounds! Let’s not allow our historical fight to be sold out for crumbles! The “minimum” demand of the working class and the militant youth of Chile is renationalization of copper without compensation and place it under workers control in order to get free education and decent wages!
The leadership of CUT and Confech showed to be enemies of the unity of the workers ranks with the militant students. They are supporters of the Pinochet-Concertacion regime and of Piñera’s government. Enough with the class-collaborationist leaderships of the CUT and every worker or student organization! Let them break their subordination to the civic military regime of the right wing and Concertacion! Enough with agreements, deals or negotiations with the murderous Piñera government, servant of imperialism!
Despite and against them, the working class and the youth are starting to self-organize. They impose the unity in the streets. They set up their rank and file assemblies with direct democracy, as well as committees in schools and universities which were occupied by the students. They set up joint worker-student’s assemblies. They establish self-defense committees while speaking the language of the barricade all across Chile. The Chilean militant youth has a huge authority to go to the mines, docks, factories and working centres to make an urgent call to the whole workers movement to wage the fight together, not only for education but also to defeat the enslaver Outsourcing Law (labour broking) and put an end to the starvation wages and the sufferings of unemployment. Paralyze the mines, factories, docks and the whole country! Attack the profits and private property of the employers to hit them where it hurts the most!

As it was motioned by the outsourced workers of El Teniente, the Philosophy students of USACH, the students of UPLA (Valparaiso) and sectors of the high school students: we need to set up right now a NATIONAL STRUGGLE COMMITTEE to immediately coordinate and centralize all the sectors in the struggle in each neighbourhood, city, region and in the whole country. This is the way to conquer a NATIONAL CONGRESS OF RANK AND FILE DELEGATES OF THE MINEWORKERS MOVEMENT AND ALL THE WORKING CLASS, TOGETHER WITH THE MILITANT STUDENTS AND POOR PEASANTS TO PREPARE AND ORGANIZE THE GENERAL STRIKE. The mineworkers movement and high school students have the authority to call this congress to transform the national strike called for August 24th and 25th into a revolutionary general strike to overthrow Piñera’s government.
Down with the class-collaboration leaderships of the workers and students movement! Rise the whole working class as the leader of the exploited in their struggle against imperialism and the lackey bourgeoisie! For all the workers and students organizations to break with the bourgeoisie, its regime and government!
In that congress, the exploited will have to organize the setting up of picket lines and self-defense committees of every worker organization, student organization and peasant organization to defend from the repression of the murderous cops and military.

Recover CUT and all the workers organizations, student organizations and poor peasant organizations to put them at the service of this historical fight! Enough of supporting the union bureaucracy of CUT and the students bureaucracy of Confech which sell out our struggle for negotiation rounds to get new make up for the regime! All the workers organizations that speak on behalf of the working class have to break with their policies of ‘putting pressure’ on Piñera’s government, which only ‘grants’ repression, jail, retrenchments, starvation and misery! All the workers and students organizations, as SITECO, the independent unionism, ACES, university federations opposite to CONFECH and the currents that claim to be of the working class and enemies of the government, such as FEL, FPMR, MIR and PTR (former Class vs Class) must put all their forces and influence for these tasks!

To conquer all the demands of the exploited we need to expropriate the expropriators!
Renationalization of copper, without compensation and under workers control! Expropriation without compensation of all the usurer banks, all the transnational companies and the enslaver bosses!

There’re the funds for Free public secular education in every level! Sliding scale of wages according to the cost of living, with a minimum of 700 thousand pesos NOW! Down with labour broking! Everyone to permanent staff! All the available hands to get to work with reduction in the working shifts to work 6 hours and get to have one extra shift in every factory and employment centres! Reinstate the workers that were fired during the strike and the students that were expelled from their schools or universities! Public work plan, under control of the workers organizations to rebuild Chile with the highest anti-earthquake technology and give housing to all the exploited!
The working class can solve the questions of the poor and the poor peasants by: expropriating without compensation the imperialist banks! For the creation of a single state bank, under workers control, to give cheap loans on the poor farmers! Immediate condoning of every debt that the workers families and the poor in Chile got because of sending their children to study! Immediate devolution of every peso spent by the exploited in the usurer university loans given by the state and the imperialist banks!
Expropriation without compensation of the latifundiums and imperialist monopolies in order to give land for the poor peasants, which are mostly Mapuche origined!

It is time to overthrow the infamous 1980 constitution regime that represses us, chases us, slaughters us, puts us in jail and imposes its state of siege with the same murderous officers’ caste of the Pinochetist dictatorship!

Facing the advance of the enormous fight of the exploited, Piñera’s government and the civic-military regime won’t hesitate in taking the Pinochetist Armed Forces out to the streets, if they have to, so they can smash the working class, the students and the mass struggle when they see that their power and property are under threat because of the revolutionary combat, as they did in 1973. The ones ruling Chile today that administrate the infamous regime on behalf of the imperialist monopolies are the continuity of the 1980 Constitution, the copper barons of the army officers and the imperialist transnational companies!
The working class and all the exploited that enters into the Fight must call the rank and file soldiers to rebel and turn their guns around and point to the officers whenever they command the soldiers to shoot against the masses in struggle and against their revolutionary mobilization.
For the destruction of the Pinochetist officers caste! For soldiers committees to democratically choose their officers and get coordinated with self-determination and direct democracy organs of the masses in struggle! Expropriation without compensation of all the properties and business of the officers caste of the armed forces! Down with the reserved law of the copper!
Down with the amnesty law of 1978! Workers and popular tribunals to judge and punish the military and boss politicians, the murderers of yesterday and today! Immediate dissolve the murderous police and all the repressive forces of the regime! Get them replaced by workers and popular surveillance committees! Unconditional immediate release of all the political prisoners! Drop all charges against the fighters! Down with the Pinochetist anti-terrorist law!

As in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya…
Let the second Chilean revolution begin! Let the glorious industrial cordons to be set up again!

Over the rubbles of the Pinochetist regime and the murderous officers caste, we need to impose
Revolutionary provisional government of the workers and poor peasants based on the combat organizations of the exploited, to expel and expropriate imperialism, that plunders and bleeds out the nation! For a workers and socialist Chile, without transnational companies or imperialist banks, without boss politicians of the Concertation or Pinochetism and without genocidal generals! For a Chile of the victorious Industrial Chains (cordones industriales)!




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