- X - Under the banner of the Fourth International
In this 70th anniversary of Leon Trotsky’s murder, we what to pay homage to him; and this homage is also an homage to his decisive historical legacy, the foundation of the Fourth International and its theory, the theory of Permanent Revolution and its program, the Transitional Program of 1938. We want to pay homage to the monumental work, the most extraordinary one among all the works that Trotsky contributed to conquer, and which its destructor, detractors and falsifiers have not been yet able to defeat and liquidate at an historic level. Because we are sure the program of the Fourth International and its lessons remember us that the laws of History are stronger than any apparatus.
Reformism supports and defends a decaying system that discards its agents at each step, treating them as squeezed lemons. The reformists cannot solve any of the problems of the masses. Capitalism cannot even give some charities for the reformist to put them as “gains” or reforms. That is why they pay they homage to Trotsky 70 years after his murder, painting their faces as if they were still real Trotskyists so to better denigrate Trotskyism and falsify its legacy.
From the huge contradictions of a system that has long ago ceased to deserve living, in front of the worst unheard sufferings the masses are enduring, the conditions are created and re-created again for the Bolshevism to re-emerge. Small revolutionary groups of today will be able to form and have thousands of opportunities along a period of crisis, wars and revolutions, a period that not only continues opened but will deepen openly and become hotter in the twenty first century.
If the proletarian revolution does not succeed in one or various imperialist powers and in the semi-colonial World, fascism and new imperialist –either local or worldwide- wars will com inexorably. There and under those conditions, reformists will gasp as fish taken out of the water.
The fourth International is not dead! Marxism lives in thousand hundreds of disputes between fractions and tendencies internationally! The fight to re-.found the Fourth international and put it again on its feet matches the necessities of the young generation of the proletariat that wants to receive a program and a stainless banner to fight and succeed!
Only a Fourth International founded again with its method and theory, with the revolutionary lessons of the last 70 years and those drawn from the hottest acid tests in the world class struggle will be able to educate the new proletarian generation and lead it decidedly to victory.
From the FLTI we affirm in that fight for the foundation anew of the Fourth International there will be neither room for opportunists, nor for those that tolerate and support the treacherous leaderships, submit the masses to the popular fronts, the Bolivarian bourgeoisies or the Islamic bourgeoisies, seek a solution near the “democratic” imperialists, so murderous and bloodthirsty as the Hitlers and Mussolinis of yesterday.
We affirm with Trotsky and our Transitional Program that: “The tragic defeats suffered by the world proletariat over a long period of years doomed the official organizations to yet greater conservatism and simultaneously sent disillusioned petty bourgeois “revolutionists” in pursuit of “new ways.” As always during epochs of reaction and decay, quacks and charlatans appear on all sides, desirous of revising the whole course of revolutionary thought. Instead of learning from the past, they “reject” it. Some discover the inconsistency of Marxism; others announce the downfall of Bolshevism. There are those who put responsibility upon revolutionary doctrine for the mistakes and crimes of those who betrayed it (…)The majority of these apostles have succeeded in becoming themselves moral invalids before arriving on the field of battle” (Transitional Program, “Against Opportunism and Unprincipled Revisionism”)
In this tribute we pay to comrade Trotsky in the 70th year after his murder, we from the FLTI affirm, paraphrasing our Transitional Program, that at the early years of the twenty first century false phrophets disguised in fake Trotskyist costumes and through flashing revelations are today treating the world proletariat to old recipes long ago buried in the archives of pre-Marxist socialism. From the FLTI we declare ruthless war in the way of the Fourth International’s program, to the restorationist Castroite bureaucracy, to the Stalinist filth that became in bourgeois and handed over the worker states to capitalist restoration. We declare ruthless war to the gangs of imperialist parasites that dispute among themselves the bounty over the starvation, the misery and the slavery of million of workers worldwide. We declare as our intransigent commitment that of confronting them with the method of proletarian revolution.
We declare war to the Fifth International and to the Trotskyite renegades that support it from the left, orbiting around it as satellites. That is, as the Transitional program reads: we declare a ruthless battle to reformism without reforms, to the pacifist without peace and to the revolutionaries that are mortally frightened of revolution.
We pay homage to comrade Trotsky and with him to the founders of the fourth International, to all those that were brave enough to put in place an international centre under the worst conditions of fascism, Stalinist counterrevolution and war in order to keep alive the legacy of the revolutionary Third International and the most important lessons of revolutionary Marxism in the twentieth century.
We call to continue along that way and to establish the international fraction of the world proletariat so that all the revolutionaries in the world are able to group in a new Zimmerwald-Kienthal. We call for the new revolutionary generations to make good of criticism, to think with their own heads and to seek the truth. So many deceptions, lies and falsifications against Trotskyism, overall those which are made in its own name, cannot remain unpunished in History. And in the same way we call the world working class, more than ever, to refuse to be hand-tied, to trust only in their own strength, to believe firmly that nothing can be accomplished in alliance with the class enemies, the exploiters and their servants.
We call the international proletariat to self-organize, to recover the worker democracy and expel with determination the traitors from within our ranks.
We affirm that the spontaneity and courage which the mass movement has displayed in the class battles have been a million times superior to the cowardice and dog-like servility of the reformist leaderships calling for these masses to submit to the exploiters.
We call the new proletarian generations, especially the most exploited sectors, as the working youth and women, to fight for the Marxist apothegm to come again to the fore: THE LIBERATION OF THE WORKERS WILL BE THE JOB OF THE OWN WORKERS.
Sooner than later the young generation of the proletariat will understand that those who speak in the name of socialism and Trotskyism on “holidays”, actually neither struggle for them every day nor fight for their program trying to lead the proletariat to victory. In this 70th anniversary they make the proletariat promises of victory, but everyday they present it with a chain of bitter defeats.
The tour has come to strengthen an international centre, of putting in place a general staff for the world revolution, of which the FLTI considers itself only a fulcrum to set a lever on in order to conquer an International Committee for the re-foundation of the 1938 Fourth International.
Against revisionism and unprincipled opportunism, while paying this homage to Trotsky we say: “The Fourth International does not search after and does not invent panaceas. It takes its stand completely on Marxism as the only revolutionary doctrine that enables one to understand reality, unearth the cause behind the defeats and consciously prepare for victory. The Fourth International continues the tradition of Bolshevism which first showed the proletariat how to conquer power. The Fourth International sweeps away the quacks, charlatans and unsolicited teachers of morals. In a society based upon exploitation, the highest moral is that of the social revolution. All methods are good which raise the class consciousness of the workers, their trust in their own forces, their readiness for self-sacrifice in the struggle. The impermissible methods are those which implant fear and submissiveness in the oppressed before their oppressors, which crush the spirit of protest and indignation or substitute for the will of the masses – the will of the leaders; for conviction – compulsion; for an analysis of reality – demagogy and frame-up. That is why Social Democracy, prostituting Marxism, and Stalinism – the antithesis of Bolshevism – are both mortal enemies of the proletarian revolution and its morals.
To face reality squarely; not to seek the line of least resistance; to call things by their right names; to speak the truth to the masses, no matter how bitter it may be; not to fear obstacles; to be true in little things as in big ones; to base one’s program on the logic of the class struggle; to be bold when the hour for action arrives – these are the rules of the Fourth International. It has shown that it could swim against the stream. The approaching historical wave will raise it on its crest. (Transitional Program, “Against Opportunism and Unprincipled Revisionism”)
Long Live the Fourth International!
Long Live proletarian internationalism!
For the victory of the international socialist revolution!