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- IV -70 years after Leon Trotsky’s murder
we say to opportunists and revisionists: hands off the clean banners of the Fourth International!

The Transitional Program of the 1938 Fourth International “declares uncompromising war on the bureaucracies of the Second, Third, Amsterdam and Anarcho-syndicalist Internationals, as on their centrist satellites; on reformism without reforms; democracy in alliance with the GPU; pacifism without peace; anarchism in the service of the bourgeoisie; on “revolutionists” who live in deathly fear of revolution. All of these organizations are not pledges for the future, but decayed survivals of the past. The epoch of wars and revolutions will raze them to the ground.(Transitional Program, “Against Opportunism and Unprincipled Revisionism”) (our bolds)
Today when we see the Trotskyite renegades of every coat and colour gathering together or splitting as is most convenient in order to carry out their acts “paying homage” to Leon Trotsky, turning him into a commonplace character or in a empty icon, that is into a toothless tiger, we can’t help remembering that we are in front of “revolutionists” who live in deathly fear of revolution” .
There is a common trait that unites all the variants of Trotskyite renegades: they all consider Trotsky and consequently pay him “homage” as a “one more of the socialist, revolutionary personalities in the world labour movement” beside Gramsci, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara. The same do to Trotsky the camouflaged left wings of the Castroite bureaucracy as Petras, Celia hart and the rest of the Stalinist wings wanting to pose as combative or leftists and so be able to continue speaking before the international proletariat after the Stalinist big shots handed out the worker states in 1989 and afterwards.
 Many of those currents usurpers of Trotskyism, as the IMT (International Marxist Tendency) of Alan Woods, have just handed out the Transitional Program to Chavez, who in his radio broadcasting “Alo Presidente” devoted himself to tell the masses to please read Trotsky, but remember that today socialism can only be achieved through a peaceful road. And he affirmed that while with his right hand he was sending oil to the US war machine that slaughters in Iraq and Afghanistan, and with his left hand was strangling the Colombian resistance.
Some others that today pay homage to Trotsky are the people from the New Ant-capitalist Party in France, whose leader Olivier Besancenot -attuned to what the imperialist butcher Sarkozy was chanting- devoted time in 2008 to go from one French colony to the other in order to tell the exploited of the colonies that the Paris citizens were not to pay the wage increase those masses were fighting for with their general strikes,
It’s been a long time since the French LCR and the Pabloite European parties declared themselves against the Paris Commune and the communards that gave their lives in that battle. The former are simply the “Euro deputies” in the imperialist Europe of Maastricht, i.e., vulgar social-imperialists. On the other hand, those among them who cannot occupy a seat in the European Parliament are dedicated to voting socialists or Laborists as their representatives in that den of bandits. Thus they prove to be the continuators of the French scoundrel Maurice Thorez, the Spaniard Carrillo, the Italian Berlinguer with his “historic commitment to the Christian Democracy” and the rest of the Stalinist canaille which in imperialist Europe tied the fate of the European proletarians to the fate of their own imperialist bourgeoisies.
All them who pay “homage” –a true and cynical imposture – to Trotsky are those falsifiers of Marxism as the UK SWP and the US ISO that organized the “2010 Socialism” conferences whose main leaders and orators in their meetings and conferences are and have been for years overt or disguised members of the Democratic Party of butcher Obama and his electoral boards, in municipalities and counties and local committees, as mayors and other officials for this imperialist bourgeois party.
They pay “homage” to Trotsky as “a personality that was murdered by Stalinism”, those who gathered together in the “Peoples’ Summit” in Madrid last May, where they voted “unite the European working class to fight for a social and united Europe” (what amounts to cry “Long Live Maastricht and the unity of imperialist Europe!”) and calling for a European general strike for… September 29! In that way they imposed the isolation of the European working class country by country, allowing bankrupt Capitalism to concentrate its whole forces to smash the combats of the Greek masses and make the German, French, Italian, Spanish, etc., proletariats pay for the crisis. Their general strikes have been thought not to be ever called, really, so to give Capitalism time for smashing the proletariat and coming out of the crisis.
 Chancellor Merkel, the Bundesbank and Wall Street are already applauding these “organizers of defeats” of the European social imperialists and their rotten union bureaucrats. By devaluating the euro, by subsidizing its own transnationals, thanks to its very high productivity and on the basis of the ruin and the indebtedness of the rest of the European imperialist powers, Germany has began to grow at a rhythm of 2.2% quarterly and marched to dispute the world. The reformist leaderships contained the proletariat in ruined imperialist Europe, built a fence to isolate the revolutionary Greek and French working classes so that the German butchers are able to emerge victorious from the crisis… And now they dare to pay “homage” to comrade Leon Trotsky?!
You can see, by way of example in this 70th Anniversary of Trotsky’s murder, the PTS’ tiny act of homage to Trotsky in Argentina. The PTS has been for some years criticizing and revising Trotskyism; in 1999/2000 they thought they were before a capitalism in blossom, an imperialism “that was in expansion everywhere at the beginning of the twenty first century, sowing democracy all over the globe”. They announced “left democratic, stable and Third Way governments –as in UK- all over Latin America”. For that reason they delivered their minimum programs to lead the proletarians to fight for minimum demands, hoping to achieve some gains within Capitalism.
While the reformists were telling their fairytale, Bush and his cronies blew up the Twin Towers, invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and smashed Palestine by iron and fire… Far from Third Way governments, what emerged was popular front, bourgeois nationalist governments that expropriated revolutions in the semi-colonial world.
When it seemed that an epoch of peaceful 50 years was in the wake, PTS claimed to be “Gramsci’s continuity”; yes, hard as it is to believe it. So much imposture there is in this 70th Anniversary of Trotsky’s murder, that people who referred to the same Gramsci that in the late ‘20s and from a Italian jail requested Stalin to annihilate all the Trotskyists in the planet, pretend today to be “Trotskyists”! When revisionism puts on the costume of Trotskyists, they do that to destroy Trotskyism, and what is more, they are actually trying to abort the left turn of entire layers of the working class coming to revolutionary Marxism.
Well, in their meeting of some hundreds of workers and youth, PTS went suddenly “Trotskyist”; they conveniently forgot that they had submitted the working class and youth and small sectors of the working class vanguard to their impotent minimal programs designed to pressuring the bourgeois parliament and the capitalists and “convincing” them to give some concessions. This is what they teach: everyday you have to stick to your minimal program, to the submission of the working class to the bourgeoisie, but –in the fashion of the old Social Democracy- “on holidays”, on Maydays, on the anniversary of Trotsky’s murder, on some “special occasions” you of course have to speak of “socialism” and “Trotskyism”.


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