September 8th, 2014
On the negotiations of Egypt, Zionism, UN and the political fractions of the Palestinean bourgeoisie
The heroic masses resistance of Gaza and the entire occupied Palestine limited Obama’s and Zionism’s counterrevolutionary action
US working class faced Obama, threatened with taking the intifada and the masses of the Palestinian masses within the imperialist beast
World workers’ action (from USA, Europe, Maghreb and Middle East) took Zionism the power of fire preventing moving forward a genocide in Gaza and the Palestinian nation |
July 26th, 2014
The invader must be expelled from Jordan River to the Ocean!
For the destruction of the fascist-Zionist State of Israel!
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There will not be “peace” or “end of the blockade” until the walls of Rafah, the West Bank and all refugee camps be overthrown in the occupied Palestine; and until all lands are recovered and the occupation fascist state be erase from Jordan river up to the sea!
Regroup the resistance from the occupied Palestine; prepare a counteroffensive, strength working class unity in Maghreb and Middle East and internationally!
Prepare a counteroffensive until the final defeat of the Zionist-fascist state of Israel!
NATO and imperialism must be stopped. They have carried on direct counterrevolutionary interventions in Maghreb and Middle East like in Iraq, Libya and they are preparing one for Syria!
They organize, whether with direct interventions or through different agents, the worst massacres and occupations
50 days have passed of a brutal massacre of Zionism against the Palestinian masses of Gaza. The result is 2,000 deaths, tens of thousands wounded, houses destroyed and devastated infrastructure. Imperialism used Zionism to carry on a genocide and extermination to smash one of the “capitals of revolution” of Maghreb and Middle East: i.e. Gaza. The aim of this counterrevolutionary attack was doing what Al-Assad did in Homs, i.e. genocide and full devastation until the Palestinian people surrender and that they recognize the state of Israel; this very same aim is wanted by Al-Fatah and OLP (that already recognize it) in the West Bank becoming the jailer of their own people. But the masses in Gaza have not surrender.
They have not achieved their goal yet. Zionism’s genocide war machinery was stopped. The Palestinian masses refuse to recognize the state of Israel.
if Zionism’s counterrevolutionary forces have not moved forward in their plan of genocide and extermination due to the Palestinian masses heroism, the fights from the exploited all over Maghreb and Middle East that were threatening to set the region in fire again and especially for the fights of the world working class, especially in USA, that marched in the streets supporting the massacred masses of Gaza.
US working class confronting Obama for his support to Zionism (that was massacring the masses in Gaza) and exploited from Maghreb and Middle East who massively blocked roads against Zionism in Morocco, Yemen, Tunisia, etc. stopped Zionism’s offensive. Imperialism was forced to stop its offensive, since if they keep it the entire region may rise again and especially a new revolutionary uprising may begin in hands of US masses, as a few years ago set up the million men against war march, Occupy Wall Street, etc. There was a big and heroic masses’ resistance in Gaza who faced the massacre of Zionism. It was not the fight between Zionism and military apparatus of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and FDLP, like Stalinism and other World Social Forum currents state. Zionism bombed the masses of Gaza from a long distance, because when its troops tried to enter to the Strip, they faced a huge resistance from the Palestinian exploited and a combat house to house causing more casualties than the ones they suffered during “Cast Lead” operation in 2008.
The Palestinian masses of the West Bank wanted to fight with their borthers from Gaza. They have already started an intifada. They wanted to face Zionism; they started clashing with OLP, which police repressed the demonstrations. The most powerful “missile” launched by this war over the territory occupied by Zionism were not “katiusha” rockets (which by the way were stopped by the Zionist missile defense system “iron come”) but the masses of the West Bank and Jerusalem who clashed against OLP threatening with following the steps of 2000 revolution when they took the weapons from the Palestinian police to face Zionism. The Palestinian masses wanted, during the days of attacks on Gaza, that the battle front against Zionism becomes the entire occupied Palestine.
If Zionism invaded by land, the fight became a classes civil war and there was the threat of the intervention of all the Palestinian masses, when Maghreb and Middle was almost about to set in fire and the US proletariat was facing Obama. After the genocide in Syria, with the borders looked after by the Syrian dog Al-Assad, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the murderous dictatorship of Egypt, the Zionist fascist state of Israel had recovered fire power as imperialism’s gendarme in the region and started a brutal massacre on the Palestinian masses, who started their rebellion.
That is why the momentary paralyzation of Zionist war machinery was due to workers and oppressed peoples of the world and the heroic Palestinian resistance which was carried on despite and against Arab bourgeoisies fractions, linked to imperialism. From the Shiite bourgeoisie in Iran to dog Bashar in Syria, from the Sunnite bourgeoisie and their counterrevolutionary gangs like the Islamic State (financed by Saudi bourgeoisie) the “national salvation” “democratic” and pro-imperialist Tunisian government… every one of the bourgeois fractions lackeys of imperialism ended imposing a fence over the Palestinian masses.
Their turn their backs to the heroic fight and resistance of the Palestinian masses. The huge demonstrations of the masses of Maghreb and Middle East were despite and against those bourgeoisies. They are all behind Egypt’s military dictatorship, UN and Obama to impose a “two state” plan and Palestinian masses surrender. This is why we must be clear. The real “victory” of the Palestinian masses are not the peace negotiations of Egypt, commanded by NATO, Obama, Zionism and Al-Sisi’s murderous military board of Egypt, but the real triumph is the fact that world masses stopped Zionism’s war machinery.
World proletariat fight prevented the overthrowing of one of the “capitals of revolution” in Maghreb and Middle East, i.e. Gaza, as Holms had fallen as the capital of the Syrian revolution. This shows that with proletariat’s international fight counterrevolutionary blows against the masses can be defeated; this also shows the sinister role of World Social Forum completely functional to imperialism. WSF supports all governments agent of imperialism in the area, starting with Iranian Ayatollahs, partners of Hezbollah in Lebanon. They have showed being NATO and Obama’s ground troops to discipline the masses of the region and siege the Palestinian resistance.
Proletariat, despite and against WSF, occupied the streets marching in support of the Palestinian masses and carried on a fight all over the world that stopped the bombings of Zionism on Gaza. Before it, Zionism wants to conquer in the negotiation meetings what its army could not impose: the recognition of the Zionist-fascist state of Israel, with the “carrot” of a “limited end of the blockade” against the masses of Gaza, which character and times are defined by Zionism.
There cannot be an agreement that uses Palestinian masses’ heroism to recognize the Zionist-fascist state of Israel, or that cave of bandits called UN (which founded this state in 1948) over the ruin of the Palestinian masses!
Today an agreement has been signed in Egypt, while they prepare other negotiations.
This agreement is nothing but a momentary armistice where Zionist state –supported by UN, Arab bourgeoisies and imperialism- will try to conquer in the negotiations what it did not conquer in the battle field.
Before this deceptions and conspiracy against the heroic Palestinian resistance, the bourgeois fractions openly collaborationist like the Palestinian Authority, insist that this can be a “starting point” and “historical agreement” to conquer a “durable peace” over the base of recognizing the border agreed in 1967, i.e. based on the recognition of the Zionist state of Israel and the disposal of the Palestinian land and nation since 1948.
This is the starting point set by the Palestinian bourgeoisie, i.e recognize the Zionist-fascist state of Israel… They are negotiating of the blood spilled. The agreement establishes first of all, a cease fire that Zionism was forced to sign for masses imposition. Secondly there would be a “relief on the blockade”. But no one knows what that means or when the blockade is going to be “relieved”. This is not the first time that Israel signs this question to allow some shipments of “humanitarian aid” (after destroying Gaza) and then kept the embargo over Gaza. Both the previous agreements (like the one signed in 2012) and the current one, the occupations forces of Zionism are the ones who will define the degrees of the blockade.
The only position post opened so far is Rafah, in the border with Egypt. But it is controlled, according to the agreement, under Palestinian Authority control. This PA also, while Zionism massacred in Gaza, repressed the Palestinian masses of the refugee camps, who wanted to fight against the fascist aggression of Zionism. According to the agreement Hamas accepts that Rafah border and the rest of the borders remain controlled by “check points” of Zionism and PA, which looks after the interests of the State of Israel, and that they decide whether they end the blockade or not.
Even in the fishing zone of the Strip the agreement says that it will increase the 6 maritime miles, since Zionism blocks Gaza costs with the rest of the world. So, clearly Zionism could not move forward on its genocide plan or occupy the Palestinian territory of Gaza. There is the victory, guaranteed by the world and Palestinian masses, that cannot be stolen to exploited in an agreement where the one who cannot keep its fire power imposes the conditions.
Let’s be clear. We are before a momentary armistice where Palestinian masses must use to dis-recognize the Zionist state of Israel and centralize the resistance to start an offensive and erase this state of occupation, based on masses demonstration in the region and the world.
Any actions of putting hopes in the negotiation meetings –like Obama’s left and the bourgeois Palestinian leadership do- and not in the fights and combat, means preparing the conditions for a new Zionism’s counterrevolutionary offensive.
The worst thing is that counterrevolutionary offensive keeps the blockade on Gaza and also the imprisonments of Palestinian fighters in hands of the occupation forces that are currently 7000 and new invasions of the fascist settlers occupying Palestinian lands. 400 hectares of the West Bank where Palestinian workers and farmers live and work have been declared “fiscal lands”, i.e. that the State of Israel will take position of them expelling the Palestinians who live and work there, to give those lands to the fascist settlers fully armed. It is the biggest land occupation in the West Bank in 30 years.
In the war against the Palestinian nation the military action of the armies was paralyzed momentary stopped. But Zionism as a fascist movement set up gangs of settlers armed to smash the Palestinian masses. This is a fascist method of arming Zionist middle classes desperate for lands to smash the Palestinian masses with civil war methods, and they want them to occupy and steal lands and houses and expel them from their houses. This was has been increased by the occupation state against the Palestinian nation. This means that any kind of action of creating illusions in the agreements of Egypt that does not start from setting up and centralizing the intifada, from smashing fascist settlers gangs, from destroying their “check points”, ending with Apartheid walls and transforming the intifada in a masses counteroffensive will only have the outcome that the momentary paralyzation of the Zionist war machinery will be a strategic defeat to the masses. The conditions that are being created are to make Hamas (with the huge authority conquered in the national war), and not just OLP, recognize the Zionist State and 1967 borders.
Palestinian masses cannot and will not allow this. Because beyond the pressure of the Palestinian bourgeoisie, UN and NGO of all over the world to recognize the Zionist state, the Palestinian exploited people and those who have been evicted from their jobs and lands understand that without the destruction of Israel state their lives have no future. It is clear now that Zionism did not go further because masses stop them, but they have their war machinery ready to intervene even in the region and in case imperialism needs them to impose discipline and limits to the other agents of the Arab bourgeoisies.
No one can believe that this agreement will end the blockade to Gaza or a “durable peace”. The real break way to end with the blockade over Gaza will come when Rafah wall be overthrown and all the walls on the West Bank, when lands go back to the Palestinians and the invader be expelled from river Jordan to the sea.
Whoever is planning to stop the blockade and reach a durable peace without expelling the Zionist invader recognizes the state of Israel, since they say that Zionism can occupy the lands it is currently occupying, with whom can reach a “durable peace”, and that it will not impose any blockade to the Gaza strip. In any war, according to the force relationship, you can and you even have to sign agreements and circumstantial military pacts if they help to prevent smashes or higher defeats, to take a break and prepare higher military offensives when forces relationships allow it. When the aims that made us lie are not fulfilled we must tell the truth, that we are force to sign those agreements and they were the best we could get with the current forces relationship.
In any military pact, we the revolutionary demand public negotiations. In this case we would put as a condition that we could never recognize the Zionist-fascist state of Israel.
A proletarian revolutionary leadership of the war would call the world masses movement and Palestinian exploited people to not having illusion on this negotiation. It would call the masses of Egypt to rebel against the murderous dictatorship of Al-Sisi. It would call world workers and face the cave of bandits called UN, which imposed in 1948 the occupation Zionist state against the Palestinian nation. We would call the Palestinian masses and in Maghreb and Middle East to prepare a counteroffensive to conquer the only available victory, which is the destruction of the Zionist state and overthrow all the walls of the Palestinian nation.
The disastrous role of the Palestinian bourgeoisie
Both fractions of the Palestinian bourgeoisie, Hamas and PLO, refused to fight for the destruction of the state of Israel, and permanently seek to pact with Zionism.
When the Zionist bombs were falling over the masses in Gaza, PLO prevented that the exploited from the West Bank enter into the fight with their class brothers and sisters in the Strip. Not only the PLO did not take part of the fight against Zionism with their guns. Not only PLO refused to arm the entire people that heroically pushed to fight against the Zionist invader by throwing stones at it. PLO suppressed the demonstrations of the Palestinian masses in cities of the West Bank such as Hebron, when they attempted to enter into the fight together with the people in Gaza.
PLO has recognized Israel a long time ago. It was explicit when it signed the Oslo Accords in 1993. Today, once again, it is shown when they declare they want the 1967 borders back, that is to say, for Zionism to “give back the land they took after 1967 war”.
We are before a bourgeoisie that collaborates with the state of Israel and it is it’s accomplice of the massacre in Gaza. This is the first cordon and wall that the Palestinian nation has to prevent uniting its forces against the occupation of the Zionist-fascist state of Israel and against the massacre in Gaza.
After this wall, there’s the cement wall. Then, the Zionist “checkpoints”, after them, the fascist army of Israel and the armed settlers to kill the Palestinian people.
On the other hand, Hamas, with the huge authority gained among the masses in the entire Palestine and the Maghreb and Middle East because of its confrontation against Zionism, it allowed the PLO to keep this collaborationist policy. In the middle of the genocide aggression against the masses in Gaza, Hamas did not call the whole Palestinian people (from Jordan, Lebanon, the West Bank and everywhere) to break away from PLO and enter in a total war against the oppressor. Unfortunately it did not call to stop the massacre of Al Assad that massacred the Palestinian refugee camp Yarmouk in Damascus, a massacre one million times bloodier than that of Zionism in Gaza.
This contributed to the division of the Palestinian people and weakened the struggle of the masses of Gaza. Hamas refused to call the masses of the entire Palestine to break with the notorious policy of collaboration with Zionism promoted by the Palestinian Authority of PLO and Fatah. Further, not only Hamas refuses to do it now, but also it is calling to reinforce “the unity” between it and PLO, and it calls it “the unity of the Palestinian” when it is really the stoppage for that unity, since it is proved that in order to get a single fight against the Zionist invader from the entire Palestine we need to remove the collaborationist PLO.
Hamas program is to “end with the blockade on Gaza”. This is something the Palestinian masses need. But they also need to end with the blockade on the West Bank, which is surrounded with Zionist “checkpoints” and armed settlers that steal the best lands. They also need to go back to their homes, and this is not only for the Palestinian masses in Gaza and the West Bank but also for those in refugee camps in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and the entire world, who were expelled from their lands since 1947/1948 with the imposition of the Zionist state. For that, we need to advance to the destruction of the Zionist-fascist state of Israel and the expulsion of the occupier in the entire Palestinian territory, from the river Jordan to the Sea. This is a task for not just the Palestinian masses but for the entire Maghreb and Middle East.
This question can only be achieved throughout a total war, from all the Palestinian nation and the region, with generalized armament, expropriating all the imperialist oil companies that plunder the region, with the exploited of Middle East retaking the path of mass insurrection against the lackey governments and regimes of imperialism, such as in 2011, calling for the revolution to start in the central countries against Obama that finances Zionism. All the forces and conditions were there, in order to advance in that path, but PLO and the bourgeoisies in the region prevented it, while Hamas, who had the authority to call to do it, confronting those imperialist lackeys, refused to make that call.
Hamas carried out a “war for pressing” on Zionism, since it only wanted the embargo on Gaza to be lifted with negotiation rounds with the fascist state of Israel and not with the destruction of the state of Israel, since it refused to call for a total war when with its authority it could’ve done it. As we said, the arab bourgeoisies, such as Bashar, the military dictatorship of Egypt, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the reactionary forces of the Jordan king among other imperialist lackeys in the region, with their hands stained with workers blood, turned a blind eye while Zionism killed in Gaza.
The Iranian bourgeoisie sent its forces to smash the Syrian resistance, and so did Hezbollah. But they didn’t send a single bullet or any kind of medication to the masses of Gaza. They sent their militias and brigades to smash the Sunni masses in Iraq and did not move a single finger to confront Zionism and Obama.
It is thus clear who are the true military troops of NATO, the arab bourgeoisies of the entire region, lackeys of imperialism. That’s the case of the Saudi bourgeoisie, petty kings colony of London and Britsh Petroleum that sent the “Islamic State” to kill the rebel masses of the “Sunni Triangle” in Iraq and the exploited of the free zone in Syria.
The carácter of the current armistice: its outcome will depend on how much the Palestinian bourgeoisie imposes its policy of conciliation with Israel state and on how much the exploited masses from Palestine and the world prevent it
Zionism has lost fire power thanks to mass actions around the world. It is clear that this was not because of the “military power” (which does not have) of the military devices of Palestinian organizations such as Hamas, but because, as we already said, when an army occupiues an insurrected city the conventional clash between regular armies is over and a civil war starts. In this case, it was between the Zionist occupation army and the Palestinian masses defending their houses, their lands and families.
Thus, the “super-powerful” armies are finished, like it happened to US imperialism in Vietnam or Iraq. In those cases, USA couldn’t keep its fire power because the US masses refused to go to die to those wars, since they didn’t consider them as their own.
Even if it has lots of technological armament, an army has to occupy land. And when it does, the war is with the infantry and house to house. In there, the biggest armies are finished. There is no occupation army that can put a gun to the head of each of the inhabitants of an occupied land. This was about to happen to Zionism if its military forces had openly entered to occupy Gaza.
Hamas, a fraction of the Palestinian bourgeoisie, is an army-party, with which that bourgeoisie controls the masses. Its policy to ‘win the war’, as we saw before, was not to call for the uprising of the Palestinian masses let alone from the whole Maghreb and Middle East, not to open all the battle fronts in every border that Arab counrties share with Zionism. The aim of their war against Zionism was to put pressure to get an agreement of ending the embargo so it can make its business deals as independent bourgeoisie... and those interests are not the same of the needs of the masses and the Palestinian people, that want to carry out a combat until the end for the destruction of the Zionist state of Israel, supported in a generalized uprising together with the working class in the whole region and the wolrd.
The Palestinian bourgeoisie has refused to use the most powerful “missiles” that the masses of Maghreb and Middle East have against imperialism and the Zionist agressor: attack the property of the transnational companies, the oil imperialist companies and the big banks. No fraction of the Palestinian bourgeoisie can fire those “ammunitions” –that will quickly define the victory of the war for the masses- because those native bourgeoisies are junior partners of imperialism in their business deals.
The fight for a proletarian leadership of the war is what the Palestinian nation needs since decades. However, beyond all the limits that bourgeoisie imposes to every national war, when this war enters in a civil war phase, as we saw, even the biggest armies enter in deep crisis. This happened, for instance, to Al Assad when its troops defected because the children of workers and peasants under arms refused to suppress their brothers. That happened also in Libya in 2011.
In 2006, a mass civil war caused a brutal defeat to Zionism. In that moment, Israel state was occupying southern Lebanon. But the masses of southern Lebanon militarily defeated the Zionist army in a house-to-house battle, in a class civil war, that made the Zionist troops to run away helter-skelter. But Hezboballh mounted on top of those mass fights, and after that it used that authority to make its business deals, to agree with the UN to “stabilize the situation” in southern Lebanon and from there guaranteed that the Israeli border is not touched.
The Zionist state bombed Gaza once and again and Hezbollah took good care of that border. But, most of all, mounted over the victory of the masses, expropriating it and using it for its own benefit, Hezbollah sent its troops to Syria to reinforce Al Assad and drown in blood the Syrian revolution. So, in 2006 there was a tactical victory of the masses, that later their leadership transformed into a strategic defeat for the masses of Palestine and the whole region, since it didn’t become the starting point to advance in destroying Israel state but Hezbollah used it to negociate its business, support Zionism and smash the masses.
Today, we see the same danger with Hamas, since it is already using its authority to support the PLO (who strives for the recognition of the “two states” with 1967 borders) at the same time that negociates the end of the embargo on Gaza and the stability of its business in the region by placing itself under the orbit of the PLO that runs the border crossing in Rafah.
Hamas is negociating the points of ending the blockade on Gaza separately from the struggle for the destruction of the State of Israel, which means that its negociating its business deals with the Zionist state in exchange of ending up recognizing it, thus becoming an internal openly collaborationist police.
In Egypt, behind the masses’ back, a new chapter of Geneve 2 is being negociated, that is to say, a pact in which imperialism disciplines all its agents to discuss how each one plays its particular role to impose the counterrevolution and how they share the business.
The character of the current armistice and the result of this partial fight against Zionism will ultimately depend on who imposes its mark in the Palestinian nation: either the bourgeoisie and its fractions or the exploited tormented masses, which strive to expel the fascist state of Israel who oppresses them, expropriate their land, houses, work and lives.
The counterrevolutionary Zionist general staff has a political and military dictatorship that answers to its interests. The masses and the occupied Palestinian nation don’t have a leadership that seeks to carry out the fight for the victory untill the finish line. This is the most serious point in the current stablished armistice.
If we can call a “tactical victory” that Zionism currently stays without immidiate fire power on Gaza –because of the action of the masses of the world and the Palestinian resitance-, we also have to say that this “tactical victory”, because of the bourgeois leadership of the national war can become a strategic defeat and disolve like sand between the fingers, because it can be used to negociate an airport, a border in Gaza and a limited trade controlled by Zionism in exchange of recognizing the state of Israel.
This would mean to keep that outdoor concentration camp Gaza with a Zionist controlled airport and the opening of a border where the Palestinian bourgeoisie makes its business over the basis of starvation of most of the Palestinian people.
To make a balance sheet about the momentaneous character of the result of these combats without taking into consideration the bourgeois leadership of the Palestinian national war is to be a left lackey of the business of the bourgeoisie, just as the members of the World Social Forum and the renegades of Trotskyism do.
Now it is when we have to struggle the most to expell the Zionist occupier
The revolutionary Marxists claim that in every class war momentaneous agreements can be signed, even if they are not beneficial, if there is a situation of extreme grave emergency and the balance of forces is not favourable. But we have to call the agreements by their true names and call the forces of the world working class to rise to continue the fight. No agreement can be recognized on behalf of the Palestinian masses if it legitimates and recognizes the Zionist-fascist state of Israel!
Neither 1967 borders nor Oslo agreements, nor lifting the blockade on Gaza in exchange of supporting the state of Israel can be a solution for the Palestinian masses! Down with the “two states plan” of Obama, Zionism, UN and the murderous generals of Egypt and PLO!
For the destruction of the Zionist-fascist state of Israel!
For a free secular democratic non-racist Palestine in the whole land of the historical Palestine, from the river Jordan to the sea, with Jerusalem as capital city!
The Palestinian bourgeoisie and that of the whole region has proved unable and enema of waging the fight for the destruction of the state of Israel until the last concequences. But the exploited masses haven’t give up in this fight. It is proved that all there were enough conditions to advance into a total war against Zionism for its destruction, and the Palestinian bourgeoisie prevented it. The bourgeoisie is unable of taking forward the fight for national liberation against the Zionist occupier, since it ends up agreeing with it over the basis of the oppression of its own people. Only the working class with its own methods, those of the proletarian revolution, will be able to defeat Zionism and fight for a free secular democratic non-racist Palestine from river Jordan to the sea with Jerusalem as capital city.
The bourgeoisie has no nation! It only defends business! Enough of collaborationist bourgeoisie!
Open the road for the working class, the poor peasants and the exploited masses of Palestine!
Group the resistance to prepare a counter-offensive, reinforce the unity with the working class of Maghreb and the Middle East and internationally! Prepare a counter-offensive until the Zionist-fascist state of Israel is defeated!
Palestinian National Assembly, with one delegate each 10.000, elected from the concentration camps of Gaza, the West Bank and the whole Palestinian diaspora to rise the Palestinian nation to not recognize the state of Israel! One single Palestinian nation! One single revolution!
Today more than ever it is necessary that the exploited masses of Palestine and the whole region take the weapons to fight against Zionism and dissolve the Palestinian police that suppresses and puts in jails its own people. It is time for an open split of the Palestinian masses and its struggle organizations with the collaborationist bourgeoisie of PLO that administrates the concentration camps of Zionism and Obama with juicy business.
As in the 2000/2001 revolution, Take the weapons from PLO, generalized armament in Gaza to openly confront the occupation state! Dissolve the Palestinian police!
For a revolutionary workers and peasants government in the entire Palestine!
In Maghreb and the Middle East, one single revolution!
Without settle accounts with the dog Bashar that killed the exploited Syrian masses and expelled 10 million exploited in refugee camps in the desert, there will be no justice or defeat of the occupation Zionist state
The fight for the destruction of the Zionist gendarme is a fight of all the exploited of the Maghreb and the Middle East. The forces of the world working class have come out to the fight with their class brothers and sisters of Gaza, especially those from the Middle East. It is time to take to the streets once again to burn up the region and end up expelling the Zionist occupier.
As we said, the dog Bashar, as well as Hezbollah and the Egyptian bourgeoisie take care of Zionism borders. USA has sent, together with Saudi Arabia, the Islamic State (ISIS) to control –with blood and fire- the rebbel zones where Bashar was defeated in Syria. Now, USA threatens to attack the Islamic State in northern Syria, as it is already doing in Iraq, after ISIS finished in controlling the revolutionary processes of Fallujah and Mosul. After the dog Bashar killed 500.000 exploited and sent 10 million workers and peasants to refugee camps, now Obama (a war criminal that turned a blind eye to the massacre while secretly he encouraged it) with Al Assad want to recover and directly control the free zones.
USA and imperialism are moving to re-gain direct fire power in Iraq and Syria with their counterrevolutionary agents, just as they have given to Zionism to massacre the Palestinian nation.
All the bourgeoisies of Maghreb and the Middle East, junior partners of imperialism in exploitation and plundering of their own nations, have recognized –whether directly or indirectly- the state of Israel, respecting its borders. That’s why they kill their own people, while support Ziuonism, the imperialist gendarme in the region.
Al-Assad, Hezbollah, the murderous military dictatorship Al-Sisi and all the native bourgeoisies havent’t come in support of the Palestinian masses in any way, while they were slaughtered in Gaza. They have imposed a siege for Zionism to act. They are all agents of imperialism, centralized in Geneve 2 to impose the counterrevolution in the region.
The attack on Gaza started when the massacre on the Syrian masses and the partition of that country were imposed. Only then, Zionism was able to launch its brutal attack on Gaza, in the same moment when the uprisings of the exploited in Mosul and Fallujah against the US Iraqi colony were controlled by the military forces of the Saudi bourgeoisie as ISIS, from within.
There will be no justice for the slaughtered Palestinian masses if we do not settle accounts with the dog Bashar, that keeps killing the Syrian masses as it did in Damascus bombing the Palestinian refugee camp Yarmouk! Al Assad takes care of the Golan borders to Zionism, the same way Al-Sisi dictatorship takes care of Rafah wall, while the bourgeoisie of the Palestinian Authority takes care of the opendoor concentration camps where the Palestinian masses are in their own land.
Out with imperialism and every imperialist intervention and military bases! Out with the UN!
They are responsible and the ones that handle and coordinate all the counterrevolutionary forces of the native bourgeoisies, which only aim is to smash and defeat the revolutionary processes that since 2011 are shaking the entire Maghreb and Middle East.
Re-arm the Syrian resistance! Expel ISIS from the free zones! Set up again the Coordination Committees to recover Homs and march over Damascus! Out with dog Bashar, the murderer of the Palestinian masses of Yarmouk and the Syrian exploited!
Re-take Tahrir Square of El Cairo! Down with the military dictatorship of Egypt!
Down with the Jordanian king! Out with Hezbollah from Lebanon which guards the Zionist borders!
Long live the heroic struggle of the rebel militias of Libya that openly confront the pro-imperialist coup of Heftar, the Gaddafist generals supported by NATO and USA who want to increase the plunder of oil and wealth of the Libyan nation!
Yankee out of Iraq! Out with the government of the imperialist power’s protectorate! In Iraq and Iran, one single battle! Neither Shiite bourgeoisie nor Sunni bourgeoisie! Open the road for the insurrections of Fallujah and Mosul! Open the road for the working class! Open the road for soldier committees! Open the road for Shora!
Open the road for the revolution of the exploited!
For the Socialist United States of Maghreb and Middle East!
Take to the streets again in the whole world in support of the Palestinian masses and those of the Maghreb and Middle East!
Today, more than ever, We are all Gaza! We are all Palestinian!
For medications, food and international brigades to be sent from all the workers organizations of the world, to reinforce the resistance of the Palestinian nation against the occupation forces of the Zionist-fascist state of Israel!
Block the ports of the world that support the Zionist state! For million men march to get back in the streets of France, England, USA and the imperialist powers that finance Zionism! Occupy Wall Street! End with the imperialist parasites that bankroll genocidal Zionism!
Increasing the struggle of the working class around the world the exploited will defeat imperialism and its lackeys
Collective for the Refoundation of the IV International (FLTI)
Revolutionary Movement of the Rebelled Militias in Libya /Brigade León Sedov, Syria / Workers International League (WIL), Zimbabwe / Liga Comunista de los Trabajadores (LCT), Venezuela / Grupo Comuneros, Colombia / Partido Obrero Internacionalista (POI-CI), Chile / Liga Socialista de los Trabajadores Internacionalistas (LSTI), Perú / Liga Trotskista Internacionalista (LTI), Bolivia / Comité Revolucionario Obrero y Juvenil por la Autoorganización (CROJA), Brazil/ Liga Obrera Internacionalista (LOI-CI) – Democracia Obrera, Argentina