As the rebel masses shouted in Tahrir Square: Al Assad and Hezbollah looks after the borders to Zionism!
Dog Bashar has increased its genocide and massacre against the exploited masses of Syria. He has doubled the bombings in Damascus and Aleppo. It watched and bombed every border checkpoint in the borders of Israel that were controlled by the rebel masses.
Turkey, when the massacre in Gaza started, announced that “will no longer support” the bourgeois generals of the FSA. Cynically announced that they have stolen millions of dollars that they sent, when that’s what they have always done. This is a lie. FSA was pulled back by Obama and Turkey.
It is clear. Commanded by Obama, they left the control of the rebel areas in hands of the Islamic State to violently discipline the masses of Northern Syria and to look after the oil fields and energy sources for the oil imperialist companies. Bourgeois generals of the FSA pulled back. They have stolen millions of dollars of aid given to the Syrian people.
The Islamic State acts as a guardian of oil imperialist companies while the masses are left alone in Damascus and Aleppo heroically fighting against the genocide made by Al Assad.
There will not be justice for the Palestinian massacred masses if the exploited peoples of Middle East do not settle accounts with the dog Bashar which keeps massacring the Syrian masses and supporting the Zionist state of Israel!
The Syrian genocide is the one that Zionism is trying to impose to discipline the Palestinian masses.
Starving children marching in Yarmouk before the starvation fence that Bashar al-Assas was imposing them
Palestinian refugees looking for food in camp bombed by Assad |
Are these images of the massacred Gaza for Zionism or the West Bank? NO… it is the Palestinian camp of Yarmouk, massacred by dog Bashar Al-Assad in January 2014. The “felony” of the Palestinian children went out with their empty pots to ask for food
The massacre of Gaza started with the genocide of Syrian workers and peasants and the massacre in the Palestinian refugee camp Yarmouk.
Imperialism concentrated all its counterrevolutionary forces in Syria. There, it used the jackal Al Assad to smash the masses that rose in 2011 to conquer bread and end the slavery, from Tunis to Damascus. The massacre in Syria, guaranteed and supported by Putin, Hezbollah and the Iranian military guard, released Zionism’s hands.
Where the masses defeated dog Bashar in Syria, where they defeated the murderous government of Maliki in Iraq or in Lebanon with the worker and peasant revolts in the northern area of the country… Obama sent the Islamic State as Trojan horse, supported by the murderous ‘Republican Guard’ of Saddam Hussein and with the funds of the Saudi bourgeoisie, to control the mass uprisings.
With the Syrian revolution under a bloodshed (and forgotten?) Zionism has its borders safe and exploited’s forces are disorganized up to Tunisia.
In Egypt, with the forces of a demagogy based “democracy” of the Cairo bourgeoisie, it was guaranteed the return of Mubarakist murderous Generals who re-took power by violence and defeating the revolutionary masses of Tahrir Square.
Imperialism set up again the old murderous General Staff of Mubarak’s times as a counterrevolutionary device to look after its interests in the region.
There is a plan which means setting up again the Pact of Camp David, imposed in 1979 when Al Sadat signed the recognition of the State of Israel and carried out the biggest sell-out of the Palestinian nation to the Zionist massacre. Today, in El Cairo, these generals lackeys of imperialism and Zionism are the ones who sponsor “peace” negotiations between the genocide Zionist forces and the Palestinian masses.
Mubarak’s generals, as counterrevolutionary forces, conspire against the rebel masses all over Maghreb and Middle East. They also organize (besides the “peace” agreements in Gaza) the old reactionary generals of the Libyan government to carry on, as they are doing, a counterrevolutionary coup commanded by General Heftar to disarm the rebel militias and militant workers. This coup has been contained so far and defeated by the rebel militias of Libya.
The Palestinian masses won’t get nothing good from the murderers of the exploited that took Tahrir Square
Down with the military dictatorship of Egypt!
Judge and punísh all the generals that sold out the nation and killed workers and subjugated people!
Down with the new “Camp David” of the generals of Mubarak, the murderous dog Bashar, the bloody Iranian Guard, Hezbollah and the repressive Islamic State which is under the sepoy Saudi bourgeoisie!
All the Arab and Muslim bourgeoisies look after the Zionist borders and kill their own people!
The blood spilled by the exploited of Syria, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Gaza won’t be negociated!
The untameable masses of Maghreb and the Middle East do not give up!
Destruction of the Zionist state of Israel!
For a revolutionary socialist worker Syria without murderous generals!
For the socialist United States of the Maghreb and the Middle East!
Leon Sedov Brigade, Syria
Revolutionary Movement of the Rebel Militias,Libya