Iran - December 12th, 2018
The working class breaks into a revolutionary struggle against the Ayatollahs,
murderers of the Syrian masses and exploiter of their own people
Almost a year ago, the Iranian exploited took to the streets at the war cry “The clerics live as kings while the people live as beggars!” denouncing and confronting a government of billionaires, junior partners of the imperialist powers, while they live with only a 300 dollars monthly wage and face an increased rise in the cost of living and unemployment. They marched every night burning the portraits of the Ayatollah, attacking the banks of the regime and clashing with the forces of repression at the war cry “Death to the supreme leader (Khamenei)!”, “Death to Rouhani (The president)!”. This situation of the mass struggle not only in the capital city (Tehran) but in the whole Iran kept going sometimes massively and some other times latent during the year.
Today, the working class has entered the centre of the scene fighting against the bloody counterrevolutionary regime of the Ayatollahs. The steel workers of Ahwaz (an Arabic region in the Persian Iranian state) have been on strike, with demonstrations and fighting against the bosses, the government and the repressive forces for more than 40 days. There are 28 detainees of this strike and the workers are still standing. The sugar caneworkers of Haft Tappeh (South West Iran) are also on a month-long strike, and they have suffered persecution, as the imprisonment of their leader, who was released thanks to the huge struggle that the workers have been waging. The workers of Hepco industrial complex, in the city of Arak (central Iran) are on a strike and marching on the streets. Municipal workers take to the streets and marched to the municipality in an attempt to seize it, as in Brojured (west of Iran). The truck drivers and teachers are also on strike all across Iran. The students of the public universities marched in solidarity with all these workers struggles.
The demands risen are clear: the payment of wage arrears, wage increase, to secure the jobs and make the dismissed and unemployed get back to work… and against the oppression of the bosses, against the regime of billionaires, tyrants, murderers of the Syrian masses!
The Iranian workers and the people are not willing to keep on paying for the counterrevolutionary work that the clerics do on behalf of imperialism in Syria and the entire Middle East, with their murderous counterrevolutionary “Islamic Guard” which kills the masses on behalf of the British, US, French oil companies that plunder the region, of which they are junior partners. That’s why in every struggle they raise the slogan “Out from Syria!”
Great allies of the Syiran revolution have stood up, the Iranian workers and exploited. They fight against those who, alongside al-Assad and Putin, are killing the masses in Idlib and made a cemetery of ashes and rubble out of the workers’ neighbourhoods of Aleppo, Homs, Ghouta…
The allies of the workers and the people in southern Iraq have stood up, as they fight against those who support the US protectorate regime, against which they have been fighting over the last months.
Long live the struggle of the Iranian working class!
Down with the counterrevolutionary regime of the Ayatollahs!
Down with the Iranian guard, the killer of the Syrian masses! For the dissolution of all the repressive forces in the whole Iranian state! Self-defense committees of the workers organizations to defend from repression!
Out with the Iranian Guard from Syria!
The fight for a decent life in Iran, Syria, Iraq and the whole Middle East is a single one… One single intifada against the same enemies!•