Períodicos Democracia Obrera
El Organizador Obrero Internacional



Suplementos DO

Argentina October 12th, 2015

Hello comrades,

We are very thrilled after receiving your letter from the prisons of Greece. We forwarded it immediately to our comrades.

A delegation of our comrades of Zimbabwe is right now in South Africa, in the mines of Marikana. There 34 miners were killed by sellout union leaders of the officialist union NUM and police; they were killed during a 5 month strike in 2012, which included 80,000 workers in of the biggest TNCs of the world, Anglo American. We sent the letter you had sent us to our comrades.
They are meeting the members of the strike committee. They will take your note and the need to fight for the freedom in the 5 continents. They are also taking the proposal of setting up an international network for the freedom of all exploited’s people prisoners who are in the prisons of the oppressing regimes and end with all the massacres and genocides of the fighters.

The miners of Marikana and their wives are still claiming for justice, as the relatives of the 43 Mexican students who were kidnapped and disappeared for the “felony” of fight with their pairs, defending the interests of workers and peasants.

We have been following the brave statements of the unbreakable revolutionaries, as the ones of the prisoners of the Greek rebel youth. They set the example.

Also the oil workers of Las Heras in Argentina, convicted for life, are preparing a letter and a salute. There they will deepen the proposal to set up an international network of imprisoned and condemned and to make December 12th the third international day to centralize the fight and hit all together with a single fist demanding the freedom of all political prisoners and end the prosecution of all worker and popular fighters.
They have been propelling this fight for the last two years, together with Human Rights Defenders, who are the spokesmen of the Palestine resistance of Hebron and the committee that organizes the campaign for the freedom of the over 7,000 Palestinian prisoners who are in Zionist prisons and tortured by Mossad. The Palestinian prisoners Samer Issawi and his brothers Medhat or Shireen have done hunger strikes where they have risked their lives. When we saw the hunger strike of comrade Evi Statiri, we immediately send the news to the comrades of Hebron so they can see how oppressed fighters confront the oppressors in the jails of the world. For us it is an honour and privilege contributing to unify and spread these fights all over the world.
The comrades of Las Heras, who were sentenced for life on December 12th, 2013, have organized international days of struggle. On that day from the jails of France the Basque political prisoners and George Abdallah –Lebanese fighters for the Palestine cause imprisoned over 30 years ago- did a hunger strike.
They have also coordinated with the miners of Asturias, who were convicted to jail for their strike of 2012.
Soon in Buenos Aires all the convicted workers of Las Heras will make a public appeal to this year day of fight.

Some of them and their wives have considered you as their children as soon as they heard about your letter. Comrade Claudia Pafundi and her partner Omar Mansilla–he was convicted to 5 years in jail- as well as comrade Rosales –convicted for life- have asked us to let you know this.

We know the courage of your families who fight with you day after day. We do not want to transform our letter in a nostalgic thing, all the contrary. We are very happy and thrilled to hear about your fight and our fight.

We have received greetings for you from the comrades of Brigade Leon Sedov who is fighting with the Syrian masses resistance, in the first line of fire against dog Bashar al Assad and against the bombings of Putin, Obama’s hitman.
In our current there are young men who fought there and who are the internationalist organizers of a current that is on the first line of fire in Syrian cities like Aleppo or Idlib. Right now one of them, comrade Yussef al-Arjentiny, is with us sending and signing this letter.
They are sending a statement of the brigade, which is previous to the Russian intervention, and also some small notes including the last events, which we attach.

Recently we have presented the book “Syria Under Fire”. It has been written with correspondents and spokesmen form within the events. Some chapters have been translated into English. You can find them in

We have received news of your fight defending immigrant workers and Syrian refugees. It is a true example of internationalism and militant solidarity. We know that you defend immigrants in the facts… not only with words. Precisely for this defence and fight against the fascist attackers is that you are prosecuted and many of you convicted to prison.

When the comrades of Middle East and the Commission of Convicted Workers, Relatives and Friends of Las Heras read your note, they asked themselves seriously travelling to Greece and huge you, so together they can help you to set up the international day of December 12th and to coordinate the fight of all the prosecuted fighters and the support to the Syrian refugees. Millions are still refugees in the desert, in tends, dying with their wives and children… forgotten and abandoned to their luck. We cannot allow it!
Thousands of them took to Europe the truth: the one of their sufferings. Today the fence of silence and slanders that their revolution has been suffering is being broken. You protect the refugees. With you we recognize each other on the same trench, of the same battle.

The relatives of the 43 students disappeared in Mexico travelled all over the American continent, from north to south, asking for solidarity to find their children. We were all together in the same fight. We learnt from them. Our brothers of the Syrian resistance want to travel to Europe also to collaborate with the refugees and to unify the fight of Middle East, Latin America and Africa with the one of their brothers and sisters of the old continent. They want to organize from Europe and Greece the coordination and support to those who are still fighting in Syria and the millions who are refugee as outcasts in their own land and in the Syrian borders.
They are evaluating the chance of travelling. They are preparing appeals and statements for your freedom. We know that we are also confronting to traders of hopes, who call themselves “defenders of the people”. They are actually supporters and lackeys of the shame regimens of capitalists. They are also the gaolers – as Syriza is for you- on behalf of the big bankers.

Comrades, the international events of Maghreb and Middle East are speeding out. The imperialist counteroffensive is very fierce. Now the Zionist state is moving forward in a fierce massacre against the rebel Palestine youth. The resistance resists in Syria. A holy alliance of lackeys of imperialism joined forces to smash them. Now it is Putin’s turn who have not launched a single bomb against ISIS, while he bombs the resistaance in Hama, Homs, Idlib... and even Damascus, where resistance threatened with defeating Al Assad.
This new aggression of Putin is carried on not only because his partner Bashar Al Assad is threatened but it is also in response to the uprising of the masses of Lebanon (in cities full of rubbish because the state of corrupted officers do not even pick it up, while the people pay taxes); it is also in response to the Palestine youth and the strength of the Syrian resistance.
USA was forced to leave Iraq. Their own workers and their own people prevent Obama –per now- from launching new adventures like Bush. This is why he uses his hitmen: Erdogan, Putin, Bashar Al Assad, Iranian Republican Guard, Zionism and even ISIS, to whom they sent to control the masses in Fallujah, Mosul and northern Syria, where counterrevolutionary regimens had been smashed. The consequences: Middle East massacre, but a resistance that does not surrender.

We think that we can shout together: Imperialism must die in the sands of desert of Maghreb and Middle East and in the streets of Athens, Madrid, Berlin, with the rebelled revolutionary masses!
We send a warm hug to our comrades in the resistance. They know they can be an extra flame to join the fire that will end with exploiters’ power.

We announce you then the steps that different organizations are taking towards the day of December 12th and the fight to set up an international network for the freedom of all the comrades prosecuted and imprisoned for the oppressive regimens of the world and that starts by unifying the fight from now.
We attach documents on the Syrian question so you can read, get to know, but specially we send you a strong hug.
We want you to know that the ones who fight in Syria are the youth, as in any war.
You clash with the fascist of Golden Dawn and denounce the traders of hopes who claim speaking on behalf workers and betray them every day. In Syria we fight against Putin and Bashar Al Assad, the Obama’s “golden dawns”; and we also face the international left who have silenced, slandered and betrayed this heroic revolution, which today is trying to be smashed and that it have not started in Syria but in Tunisia in 2011 and in the fight carried on by the glorious Iraqi resistance, which forced US imperialism withdraw little by little.
We are talking about a revolution that will succeed if Al Assad suffers Kaddafy’s faith; if the Palestine flag flies in Jerusalem; and if, with the spark of Middle East and Athens, sets on fire the Mediterranean sea and the world.

We are in touch with Zengakuren, Japan’s militant student movement. They are fighting to defeat US military bases of Okinawa and the pact of USA with Japan to oppress political, economic and militarily all the oppressed peoples of the Pacific area. They are receiving your letter. We attach pictures and documents where they report their fights against the military bases and Abe’s murderous government.
It is time that the voice of the revolutionary youth from Greece, Japan, Africa, Middle East, Europe be heard all over the world. We need a lot fire to burn down this rotten system where 3 cartels control the world economy and Wall Street, City of London and Bundesbank parasites control the faith of millions of exploited people, to whom they submit to the most cruel barbarism.

We hope we can meet you. We would like to know more about your experiences in the Politecnic of Athens. We know that from there came the fights of the Greek youth.
In your district Exarcheia today there are occupations to give shelter and support Syrian refugees. This thrilled us. We send you a strong hug. We salute your mettle.
You must know you are not alone. Take our fist that is with you in your cells.
Because we know that you are free… more free than anyone, because you fight for freedom and to free the exploited from exploitation. We need you with us in the battle front.
You must be released! This is the first task of the world working class.
For the freedom of the political prisoners!
For the end of exploitation and oppressors!

A hug on fire
Youth of Democracia Obrera
Yussef al-Arjentiny, by Brigade Leon Sedov

