Períodicos Democracia Obrera
El Organizador Obrero Internacional



Suplementos DO

Greece - November 3rd, 2013

It is necessary to smash the fascist gangs of Golden Dawn, who are armed by the bankers, Troika and the transnational companies. They want to give a bloodbath to the Greek working class




In order to smash fascism, it is necessary to defeat the regime and imperialist bankers’ government

It is necesarry to expropiate without payment and under workers’ control the transnational companies and the financial capital that starve people and armed the fascist to kill the worker!

Let’s the crisis be paid by them!

Pavlos Fyssas

On September 18 the fascist gangs of Golden Dawn attacked and stubbed Pavlos Fyssas, a well-known anti-fascist activist and Hip-Hop singer and a steel worker in Keratsini, worker neighbourhood of Athens, close to the Pereos port.

If fascism can move forward to attack the youth and workers is thank to the conditions left by the leadership who are in the worker organizations.

They took out from the streets the revolutionary fight of the mases.  In revolutioanry fights and general strikes were defeated Karamanlis and Papandreu in 2008 and 2011.

Stalinist, social democrats, neo-anarchist and pseudo-Trotskyies expropriated the success of the working class. This victory could have been achieved by going up to the end, setting up working councils, the Partisans of militiamen and the soldiers committees so the revolution started and the “sparkle of Athens set up on fire Europe”. For that reason, the Spanish, English, Portuguesse French workers and the ones from the entire continente were fighting.

In Greece, imperialism concentrated all its forces and put order to all its reformist agents so the revolution did not set up again. These leaderships fenced the path to the mases, who in dozens of strikes and fights in the streets, threaten to defeat the Toika regime, its fake parliament and its Bonapartist president, and as we said before, set up the reolution. That was the time.
In 2011 the chain of revolutions of Maghreb and Middle East started. In Greece they also needed to prevent from exploting the revolution in the semi colonial world into the imperialist metropolis.
Greece was the weak chain of the imperialist domain in Europe. And the reformist leadership, all of them, played a role that in this link will not dislocate that domain chain. 

Stalinism, from the leadership in the unions, closed the path to the mases to the fight to set up the revolutionary consils of the Greek workers. In 2008 the masses fought in the baricades against Karamanlis, CP accussed the workers and students to be agents of CIA.

The Anarchist currents, who talked with a revolutionary speech, with a social democrats and “Euro-communist”, took the huge unhappiness of the exploited ones against the bourgeoisie and they exchanged in the Troika regime, so Papandreu of Pasok continues the terrible attack to the conquest of the working class and the exploited in Greece.

For these currents, during these years, there were never conditions to change the history course. In October 2011, huge revolutionary general strikes started the exploited ones to raise the slogan of “Everyone out, nobody left!” and threaten to expropiate the expropiatoprs and defeat the bandits cave of the imperialist pirates of the Greek parklament again, even with the Stalisnim hitting, they diverted and divided this mass offensive.

Leader of Golden Dawn, Nikolaos Michaloliakos

While Occupy Wall Street fenced Wall Street in USA, Magreb and Middle East was on fire, the working class of the Spanish state was standing up... in Greece the workers were contented and diverted into a great revolutionary offensive of the working class in Spain, Portugal, Romania and Eastern Europe.

The economic crisis, the catastrophe and sufferings of the working class and the exploited ones were worse and worse. The workers were again taken to a parliamentary path, with their fight in the streets already expropiated. More than 20 general strikes shook Greece. These posed who was “the owner of the house”: if the imperialsit bankers or the working class.
The trecherous leadership set up all their forces so the imperialsit gangs were in power... The barbarism and catastrophe fall over the masses: lost of retirements, wages, health system and social security and layoffs.
The working class did not take power; the bourgoisie kept it and throw its entire crisis to the exploited ones.

The siren songs of Syriza promising that with peace and elections “Socialism” will be reached.  They knelt  down the proletariat to the bourgoisie and its regime, again in the last elections. The CP and Pasok of Papandreu fully played their roles as lackeys of the capital. It was the time to Syriza and also, in less measures to Antarsya, to submitt the masses to a new electoral trap and to take them out of the streets.

Demonstration against the murder of Pavlos Fyssas

Again the masses and its revolutions were taken to a death path of the parlamentarism, with new agents and old betrayals.

With its hands tied, the proletariat and youth were settled one by one their conquests. Ruined middle classes, for the expropriation imposed by the great capital, were used in their desperation that were armed to the fascist gangs. The proletariat could not be a solution to the ruined middle class in the fight, the leadership prevented it. The working and popular alliance supported with the expropriation to the banker, with the cancellation of all usurious loans to petit producers, with the imposition of a tax on big fortunes and the expropriation without compensation of the transnational companies, ending the taxes on people.

The European proletariat leadership, from social-democracy and Stalinism to the renegades of Trotskyism, many of them self-named "anti-capitalist", claimed their struggle for a "more social Maastricht", as if it was possible to socialize Maastricht of the European powers and their imperialist gang.
The bourgeoisie could submit the working class to its bourgeoisie in each country because social imperialist currents and union bureaucrats closed the path to the unity of the European working class, from the workers' uprising in Portugal to the Russian steppes.
With the Greek uprising fenced, and again the proletariat submitted to pacifism and the bourgeois regime, as an expression of the desperate middle classes, the fascist movement Golden Dawn grew up quickly.

The fascist agent of the financial capital did not play games. With its club and guns, it stood up a credible alternative and in the streets for the desperate ruined middle class layers. With fascism, great capital seeks -relying on the desperate middle classes- to put the blame of the crisis on the proletariat and put them pressure with civil war methods to smash and discipline the working class. "The worker in strike is the one to blame for our crisis", "Due to the immigrants, there is no work"; "It is necessary to discipline them."
Fascism stands up. The worker movement does not respond ... it is waiting for next election, hamstrung by its leadership. Immigrants are beat badly and they cannot leave their homes. They beat the striking workers and now kill the best of fighting youth in Greece, as Pavlos Fissas.

The great capital grouped layers of desperate middle classes in armed gangs, at the backrooms, by the police and army officers funded by the transnational companies.

The financial capital knows it has not concessions to give to the masses. They need the masses pay for the crisis and their losses with brutal exploitation, loss of conquests and high tax. In the financial capital’s strategy, it uses its reformist agent to numb the proletariat with pacifism of SYRIZA and with siren songs in the following election will be possible to conquer "socialism", improve the exploited situation and for doing that it is necessary to keep social peace.
Reformism numbs and fascism kills. The strategy of great capital is to give nothing to workers. SYRIZA, who in its last congress disorganized and dissolved all the militant worker currents who decide to stay within that party. SYRIZA has become a new Pasok, as the one of Papandreou. SYRIZA is a scam. Meanwhile, Antarsya seeks to be a new SYRIZA.


The renegades of Trotskyism covered from left this farce of reformism, in all its variations. They did it worldwide, with Obama, the Bolivarian bourgeoisie, with Castroism, with Al Assad, with Gaddafi, and they did in Europe where, claiming the revolution and the People’s Springs, very far away from their cities and without lifting a finger for them- attempt to fight for "moderate the adjustment", to fight for a social Maastricht.

But what came in U.S., Japan and Europe was a brutal class war. It is necessary to talk clearly. No "anti-capitalist" variation overpasses the limits of a Keynesian plan within the limits of the Europe of Maastricht as a program and proposal to give a solution to the crisis. Greece was not the exception.

Fascist gangs of Golden Dawn

Reformism in this way asked for mercy to ask to the state that steals from the people help, when the great capital ruin its life. A farce. Keynesianism is a short-term policy for the rich imperialist countries and not for the defeated imperialist powers in the economic war.
It is and was an iron alternative: the working class takes power or fascism breaks its head. So, the working class must break with reformism and therefore it needs a revolutionary party leading. Whether Europe move forward to the United Socialist States of Europe or "social Maastricht" will take the workers, both from the metropolitan areas and the peoples from where they oppress.
The Greek catastrophe, as the slaughter in Syria, is here. The betrayal of the leadership is paid by the masses. Capitalism does not fall alone, as some fools who support it dream about.

Today Spain, Portugal and even Greece again become new "investments" regions. Capital has depreciated. The wages is worth the same as the wages of a Chinese or a Bangladeshi worker. The defeated imperialist powers from the south of Europe submit and agree to future business with the winner powers who are looking to stay for coins with the installed financial capital... Capitalism will not fall if a proletarian revolution does not defeat it.

Syriza emerges to put out the spark. Reformism wets the hills of the European revolution…fascism raises head. If it is achieved in Greece, the big capital prepares a future of barbarism for the proletariat of the whole continent.
The bourgeois “democracy” that only covers the bonapartism of the imperialist powers is a vestige as well fascism of the capitalist decay. The break with pacifism and the class collaborationist policy is inseparable from the fight for the armament of the proletariat, for setting up his councils and committees of soldiers to smash fascism. In there the conditions to fire the Athens’ spark are present.
We don´t discuss with fascism, we combat it. The alliance with the bourgeois parliamentarism proposed by reformism divides the proletariat from the ruined middle classes, weakens their forces, breaks with the alliance of the exploited against the 1% of parasites who sacrificing the Greek working class. 

The fascism speaks the language of the crisis. For that reason, fascism gets strengthened. The proletariat cannot do so because of the reformist leaderships that ties workers’ hands. It is necessary to speak clearly. In Greece a movement similar to that of Mussoluni is getting prepared. In the Italy of the Socialist Party, 15.000 lumpens, sons of the middle classes,  under the command of the big capital massacred from the South to the North the best of the Italian proletariat, their “socialist” leaderships gave up asking for “peace and freedom”.
If it is not stopped on time, Greece will have to look in the mirror of the massacre and genocide in Syria. The European proletariat must see his current situation from this perspective, if not, poor of him!

The workers who follow Syriza seek a political alternative facing their current catastrophe when they have been already taken out from the streets. But from here to the next elections fascism will not allow them to do so. Fascism is getting more aggressive. It is as aggressive as the attack of capitalists to workers’ pockets. We cannot allow it!
It is a need to return to speak the language of the crisis and revolution. The bourgeois justice will not stop fascism. Those judges belong to the Troika, they know perfectly what TNCs and what generals are arming the fascist gangs. They protect them. The only way-out is to disarm the fascist gangs. The big capital will realize that if they give weapons to the fascists and workers smash them merciless taking out their arms, it would mean to give weapons for workers.
Some youths full of ager and looking for vengeance took justice in their own hands, as an answer to the brutal murder of Pavlos Fyssas. They settle counts with members of the praetorian guard of Golden Dawn in an individual action. In the mean time, the entire reformist left, Syriza and all its friends, insisted that with “justice” and “democracy” would solve the attack of the killers of Golden Dawn. We are far from the pacifist language of reformism. We understand, although we do not share the actions of individual terrorism, the feeling of vengeance and justice of the ones who carried on this action.
The task of the treacherous leaderships of the proletariat is calming down the unsatisfied wish of vengeance of the exploited. But, we affirm that any individual action solve or settle counts with capitalist system and its excrescency like fascism.
This is an action carried on isolated from the masses, which doesn’t solve the question since, as happens with the individual terrorist actions, which let out fight two counterrevolutionary fascists who can be easily renew by tens, paid by big capital. We affirm that those actions, not only do not solve the problem but also keeps further the majority of the working class and exploited people from the chance of solving the problem, since masses will not trust in their forces and will look for “saviors” who solve the problem. They delegate the task, at times that what is needed are millions of toiling masses ending, not only with fascism, but with the excrescency of fascism, but with capitalist system that creates it. This is a task of the entire working class and their struggle organizations.
In order to defeat fascism, which recruits publicly armed gangs, simple measures must be taken. Against the attack of fascist masses must set up self-defense committees and a security guard o militia of all unions, workers’ and students’ organizations. Each of them can put at disposition 500/1000 of the bravest and more militant workers and youth to conquer in every city and centralized at national level a chain of self-defense committees. So, the existence of Golden Down would be a question of days. Not only for their defeat but also because the middle classes will see that the proletariat is determined to go till the end in the fighting against the expropriators of the people.
The task of the self-defense committees would be disarm fast the fascist gangs, thus arming themselves. Big capital then would have the following question: if they give weapons and money to the fascists, they will fall in workers’ hands. This is why setting a national worker guard of defense –of immigrants, youth and militant working class- is the shortest, fastest and with less number of victims, to solve this excrescency of bankrupted capitalism, Golden Dawn and fascism in Greece, which threatens with drowning the proletariat in bood. 

In this way, the Greek situation will change radically. It would create the best conditions to stop the attack of the capitalists, to recover every lost gain. Even, if the vast majority of workers decide to vote for Syriza, they would do it under the best conditions, without risking their lives. The revolutionaries will insist that only fighting for the socialist revolution, setting up the workers’ and rank and file soldiers’ councils, setting up the movement of partisan workers it will be possible to defeat the regime of the Troika allied to Wall Street and Bundesbank. This is how the Greek proletariat lean in position as the beach head of the proletarian revolution in Europe.

The eyes of the world proletariat today looking at the massacre in Syria on the part of the assassin Al Assad cannot be indifferent, let alone, the European working class cannot be apathetic to the events of Greece.
Because we are all Pavlos Fissas: those who die in the jail-factories in Bangladesh, Mexiso or who starve in the bloody Africa or in the streets of Paris or those immigrants who die in Lampedusa.
We are all Pavlos Fissas, when we are submitted to fierce tortures-that would make Nazis generals turn pale-  in the prison of Guantanamo or the CIA’s jails spread all around the world

History insists once more time that the Greek proletariat and its revolution become the skarp that sets Europe in fire. If not, from the “Social Europe” promised by reformists, will merge tens of Golden Dawn, or with the working class out of the picture, will come “anti-austerity” governments” that, as Hollande in France, show being as anti-worker as the Greek right wing.

The future of the European working class can’t be the rotten Maastricht. It lead the working class to the worst conditions than two World Wars on 20th Century.

The immediate fight is for socialist revolution. There is no other way. All the rest is a lie, a deception. Greek working class has put up many fights. Their forces have been partially weakened and diverted, so far. But this is relative. Greek proletariat and rebel youth have shown their energies and will to fight. Now, a general strike, against the austerity commission of imperialist bankers paralyzed the entire transport in Greece. There are still energies left. Again the question is not on the masses but in what leaders do.

The revolution cannot remain fenced. The combat of the international working class depend, mostly, that Greek working class set up again and will do it breaking all kind of submission to imperialist gangs who claim the anti-austerity, to exploit workers better. This is nothing but demagogy, like French V Republic does, so the higher layers of the working class join it on its military adventures.

It is Merkel’s plan for German workers… so far (apparently the German working class have not been punished severely), because as soon as they have the conditions of productivity and profit rate, German TNCs, on its vital space (i.e. Europe) will jump re-locating factories in the defeated imperialist countries, where they would produce and buy goods in a real sales fair.

It is an obligation of all worker organizations who call themselves “anti-capitalist”, “anti-imperialist”, “anti-fascist” and “socialist” in Europe, endorse and organize with their class brothers, workers in Greece, to smash fascism. We must defend the immigrant workers who are our brothers in the Eastern, used in the maquilas in and out of imperialist Europe, as well as our tormented brothers from Africa and Middle East  who work in the imperialist centers, in the worst slavery conditions. In capitalist Europe, we are all immigrants! A single class a single fight.

Equal job or equal wages. Enough with threatening and chasing immigrant workers in Lampedusa and with Golden Dawn in Greece..

Yesterday, rebel Greece was the weakest link in the imperialist domain, today with fascism and right wing of Troika, imperialist gangs will try to make Greece the hardest link to support the chain that strangles the European and world proletariat. We cannot allow it.

We must set up in Greece a Partisan working movement with their self-defense committees! Murderous TNCs’ judges who kill in Syria, Egypt, Congo, Chine and all over the world, will not defeat or stop fascism. Enough lies and deception.

Freedom to all those imprisoned for fighting! For worker and popular courts to judge and punish all the killers of the working class and the people!
If TNCs, police and Greek Army’s murderous officers arm the fascists, then workers’ children, rank and file soldiers, must organize themselves with the workers to defend them. Workers militias must be set up and smash fascist gangs and prepare the inevitable clash with the soldiers and the army’s murderous officers!
One class! We are all inmigrants! We are all Pavlos Fissas!
The crisis must be paid by bankers: we have to expropriate all of them and TNCs without compensation and under worker control and we have to get it now and for that we have to organize to fight. This is the road to take out the credit from the usurer that oppresses the small businessman from the city and the country.
We must finish the unfinished fight. We must recover the road to victory that expropriated us. Everybody out, nobody left!
Enough with promisses of victories in the future while capitalists starve us and fascists shoot us.
The only road is socialist revolution. For the United Socialist States of Europe!
The spark in Athens must become the flame of the proletarian revolution.
For the government of workers’ and soldiers’ councils, for the Greek revolution become the fire that set on fire capitalism and open the road to the European revolution.
Greece will be revolutionary and socialist or will belong to fascism and capitalist savagery.
We must refound Greek Trotskyism which merged fighting in the black night of European counterrevolution in the ´30s and against Stalinism and who put their best men to smash fascism.

Forward to those who fight. Forward the Partisan workers. Forward to the 4 International.


Fracción Leninista Trotskista Internacional
Collective for the IVth International

