Períodicos Democracia Obrera
El Organizador Obrero Internacional



Suplementos DO

Salutation by comrade Cheo Navarro:

“You, who are attending the presentation of this important book, please receive a revolutionary greeting on the part of the workers and the people of Colombia.
“I am here visiting so we understand what it means to give continuity to the militant internationalism. The internationalist experience emerged with the volunteers in the Spanish revolution of the ' 30; it was continued with the participation of the Simon Bolívar Groupin the Nicaraguan revolution of 1979, which was betrayed by the Sandinista National Liberation Front and the Castro-Stalinism. The same internationalist tradition that continues today with the colleagues of the León Sedov group who are alongside the exploited of Syria facing Bashar Al-Assad's criminal regime,agent of imperialism.
“Today we can see how finally the treachery of the Castro-Stalinism in Nicaragua ends with sellout and treason against the same Cuban people when preparing Cochinos Bay and Playa Gironas a resort to meet American entrepreneurs. It is part of what they are doing in Colombia with the process of surrender and sellout of the peasant insurgency usurped by the FARC and Stalinism to consolidate the penetration of international monopoly capital in the country, within the framework of the FTA.
“Revolutionaries in the world today, we know that the Syrian revolution must be supported under this internationalist precept. The revolutionary program of León Trotsky today is more valid than ever. It is us, the men and women who claim to be "Trotskyists" who have failed to implement that program. The call today is to defend the masses, not only in Syria but also in Africa, America and the rest of the world without distinction of race or nation, as a single class in a single fight.
 “The generation to which I belong should transmit the flag of internationalism militant to current young people of the world, understanding that we are just part of this important process for the victory of the World Socialist Revolution as a response to the genocide and barbarism that is imposed on us by inhumane capitalism.

“Therefore, Comrade Abu Muad I make delivery to you of this backpack that accompanied me in Nicaragua and that I have kept for 36 years, as a symbol of that continuity of internationalist struggle.”

