Períodicos Democracia Obrera
El Organizador Obrero Internacional



Suplementos DO


October 7th, 2014

Statement on the “National Women Summit” in Salta

The church, FpV (Front for Victory, a bourgeois party NT), La Campora, UCR, PJ and other bosses’ parties and their liberal “feminist branches” must be organized in UIA (Argentinean Industrial Union, a boss’ organization), in the Rural Society, in the bosses chambers and with the imperialists of the UN. They are all enemies of the working class!

Open the Road to the Woman Worker!

For women committees in the unions and struggling organizations of the exploited to fight for everyone’s rights!

“29th National Women Summit” will be held in Salta. There will be plenty of “feminist” organizations, political parties, unions, NGOs, cooperatives and civil organizations. The summit is propelled and led by bosses parties like La Campora, UCR, PJ, FpV and their “feminist branches” and also the very same call is financed by companies and “National, State and Local Official” organizations. Further this Women Summit has been declared of provincial and local interest in the Deputies Chamber, Minister of Culture, Minister of Human Rights, the Provincial Government and the Municipality of Salta.
So this “Summit” will be attended by those who sold out the nation to imperialism as the representatives of Cristina, the “serial payer” of Wall Street. There will be the political representatives of the Videlaist judges, led by judge Ruata de Leone and Lembeye who condemned to life in jail the comrades of Las Heras, while the entire Supreme Court have tens of political prisoners as hostages and over 7,000 prosecuted fighters. There will be the bosses parties who lead the murders police, pimps and those who handle sexual slavery commanded by the anti-worker oppressor Berni; there will be the political parties who rule the nation and province on behalf of TNCs and international banks; there will be the representatives of the political parties (PJ and UCR) who supported military dictatorships (who caused one of the biggest femicide in the Argentinean history disappearing and killing 30,000 comrades) and who guarantee traffic and slavery of worker women from Bolivia, Peru and Paraguay. The woman worker has nothing to do with the executioners of the working class!
This “summit” will work with the method of “consensus”. It is a real trap. In the so called “method of consensus” woman worker will always be submitted to the representatives of the bourgeoisie, because if they do not like, there will not be a resolution. For example if the wives of the condemned comrades of Las Heras would like to participate and set the motion to fight in the streets, with general strike and pickets, for the acquittal of the condemned oil workers of Las Heras, for the general amnesty, for the freedom of the prisoners for fighting and against the judges of the oil companies and the torturer and murderous government of Cristina Kirchner, of course the bosses’ representatives will impose the fact that “there isn’t consensus to discuss it” and that’s it. The jailers, oppressors and torturers win. In the “consensus” there will never be an attack against the bourgeoisies’ interests; because the women of La Campora and Cristina have called to condemn for life the husbands of Las Heras worker women. And the anti-workers of UCR called to impose a “exemplary punishment” against the oil workers.
The call to the summit talks about a “democratic” space, but for who? For the bosses parties, companies and liberal bourgeois feminists. Out with FpV, La Campora, PJ, UCR and all bosses parties!
In this “Summit” there will be the representatives of UN covered as NGOs and feminist organizations. That very same cave of bandits that supports the genocide in Syria, the massacre against the Palestinian people, the femicides in Africa and the exploitation and plunder of imperialist Powers against the oppressed people of the world. Out with the representatives of the imperialist butchers! Between them and us there is a blood river!
Furthermore this “Women Summit” has among its 70 workshops there is one dedicated to “Women in the Security Forces”, i.e. “forces” that killed Teresa Rodriguez, Anibal Veron, Kostequi and Santillan, the martyrs of the combats on 2001, December 20th, Fuentealba and many others massacred by the state. Workers’ Organizations has nothing to “debate and agree” with the people’s killer, the women traffickers and those who administrate prostitution with the “Security forces” and Berni. Woman worker and workers’ organizations must fight for: Dissolve the police and all the suppression forces of the bourgeois state!
As we have shown this “summit” is controlled and led by the bourgeoisie through the political parties, like PJ, UCR, La Campora and to take out from the street Rights and submit the woman worker to the slaver parliament and their laws as the call says “…we fight make things come true through the effective application of current laws, through the laws we have conquered and the Law Project who are still waiting for an answer…”. They want to deceive us behind a so called “gender equality” to liquidate the current irreconcilable differences between classes. We cannot allow it. No trust in the bourgeois parliament, which have not brought and will not bring anything good to the working class and poor layers of the country and city! Worker women’s demands will be conquered fighting on the streets!
Let’s say the truth. The “Women’s Summit”, led by the executioners of the working class and the exploited masses, has nothing to do with the interests and the demands of the woman worker. Because they seek to make the woman worker to kneel before the bourgeoisie, the murderous state and all its institutions to support and deepen this “Argentina maquila”, whose main pillar is the triple and over exploitation of the woman worker. Therefore, we are in presence of a reactionary “Woman’s Summit” in which the woman worker has nothing to do.
Woman workers get organized as they want! The woman workers and revolutionary youth, members of Democracia Obrera, call all the workers organizations, unions, shop steward commissions, branches, political parties, etc. to break with the bourgeoisie and to make a COUNTER SUMMIT of the militant workers organizations, a true CONGRESS OF THE WOMAN WORKER that raises: Enough with the triple exploitation of the woman worker! Equal pay for equal work! Free nurseries, laundries and dinning rooms for the worker families! Legal safe free abortion! Expropriation without compensation the whole private health system and place it under workers control, in order to guarantee decent hospitals and medical clinics for the working class! Separation of the church and the state! Expropriation of all the assets of the church! Dissolve all the suppression forces, chiefs of the business of the human trafficking, prostitution and drug traffic! Surveillance and security committees of the workers organizations!

FIT and the whole reformist left want to subordinate the woman worker to her executioner, the PJ, URC and the church, with joint “democratic” campaigns with these exploitative
As we will proof in this whole issue of the paper “OPEN THE ROAD FOR THE WOMAN WORKER” everything separates the woman worker from the bourgeois woman. But FIT has discarded this basic rule a long time ago, and it refuses to direct the woman worker towards a policy of class independence, as a guide for her liberation. It has erased the limits and the blood river that exists between the working class and the bourgeoisie, two antagonistic classes. By liquidating the class differences that exist and taking with them all the shop steward commissions and branches of union that they lead is how FIT will participate in the National Women’s Summit, organized by the government of Salta, in which it will be imposed conciliation and “consensus” with the bourgeoisie and their political representatives that call for it.
The class collaboration policy has been deeply incarnated by the leaders and MPs of FIT, as they always look for a “progressive” ally in the opposed class. They make a political block in the parliament with the anti-worker UNEN and UCR against the government of Cristina. And they make a block with Cristina (the chief of the “vultures” in Argentina) “against” the US bosses in Donnelley and the vulture funds.
In the movement for the demands of the woman, FIT prioritizes the question of “gender” and it unifies with all the forces that “fight for the women’s rights” (FIT doesn’t care if those forces are pushing in an opposite way). Once again FIT makes the workers vanguard to kneel down before a class collaboration policy. It is a policy of alliance with bourgeois sectors. Thus FIT turns impotent the struggle for the demands of the woman worker, because not only (as Domitila said) “gender unites us but class separates us”, but the liberation of the worker woman from the triple exploitation, all kinds of oppression and violence caused by the capitalist system, will be done by the workers and socialist revolution. For that revolution we stage fights on the streets, with combat methods of our class against the imperialist parasites and the slaver bosses. To say what FIT says, i.e. we can get our demands with the parliament, is no different of the Castroite-Stalinist theory that we can “get to socialism by a pacific way”. Enough of class collaboration policy!
The workers movement and all the exploited masses have paid a very expensive price because of the impotence and the futility of this policy. None of their tens of law projects that they handed in (in which the workers movement lowers their intentions to ingratiate with the bourgeois representatives) has stopped the blows of the government of Kirchner and the transnational companies (led by Obama and Wall Street vampires). On the contrary, we are worse every day, with the vanguard which is completely divided and suffered hard defeats as in Gestamp, Paty, Lear, teachers and others. We have thousands of fellow workers under legal prosecution because they fought (they are over 7000), with tens of political prisoners as the fighters of Corral de Bustos, 5 workers of ATE-Santa Cruz, Esteche and Lescano (from Quebracho), with the oil workers of Las Heras (which fought against the tax on the wages and for the wage evenness) sentenced to life in jail.
Every day we are worse. We have wages that are not enough to cover our needs, lack of houses, health and public education. We suffer thousands of layoffs and suspensions (the new unemployed). Thousands of children are starving. Our reserves and natural resources are being flagrantly stolen and our nation is more and more subordinated to imperialism. We suffer suppressions each time we go to block a route. We suffer the union bureaucracy gunmen (such as all the Pedrazas but from SMATA, i.e. the green list and fat Pignanelli) rising up and attacking the workers of the auto industry and the auto parts factories to punish severely and discipline all the workers.
FIT has divided the most militant sectors of the working class in different “union” summits, such as that of Atlanta or the one that took place in the office of SUTNA San Fernando, and now they head for one in Luna Park… Nevertheless, the parties that integrate FIT “get together” in the parliamentary seats and now they go all together to the women’s summit promoted by NGOs and the bourgeois parties. Unfortunate…
The attack waged by the capitalists cannot be confronted with law projects (as FIT MPs propose). It cannot be confronted with passive strikes that are at the service of bourgeois fractions “opposed” to the government, as Moyano (CGT), Michelli (CTA) and Barrionuevo (Blue and White) propose; while the scabs, the bureaucrats Calo (UOM-CGT) and Yasky (officialist CTA) support the “national and popular” model of the slaver anti-worker Cristina.
The class war has to be confronted with fights on the streets. Therefore the immediate task is to conquer a National Congress of Employed and Unemployed Workers to organize a serious resolute struggle to break with the division imposed by the bureaucrats of the unions and the leaders of FIT, whose parties will make each one their own “Union Summit” (just to present their candidates for the next elections in 2015).
The woman worker has to be at the head and be the vanguard of this fight, adding all its demands as a struggle banner of all the workers. Open the road for the fighters. Open the road for the woman worker, the assemblies, the factory committees and the self-defense pickets.
The working class has to get moving the forces capable of defeating the union bureaucracy and conquering the GENERAL STRIKE to put the foot on the chest of the government, all the bourgeois fractions, the transnational companies and Wall Street bankers. It’s us or them!
The road to liberation of the woman worker and the whole workers movement is the one we started with “El Cordobazo”, “El Villazo” and the revolutionary struggle of 2001. It must succeed with the workers and the exploited taking power into their own hands and with the socialist revolution. ARGENTINA WILL BE EITHER SOCIALIST OR A COLONY!

Editorial Board

