October 12th, 2014
29th National Woman’s Summit:
Fire and water do not mix!
Open the road for the woman worker!
Delmi Stadium, city of Salta. Different delegations are arriving to the “Woman’s Summit”. In the middle of celebrations full of colors, we can hear the cheers and songs coming from inside the stadium. The government of Salta guaranteed lights, screens, “native children” signing to welcome all women to the Opening Act.
At the door we talked with a Bolivian worker, who nodded while we asked: what does a woman worker have to talk with a bourgeois woman? Nothing, we immediately deducted. But when we offered our paper “Open the road for the Working Woman”, she told us that she could not accept it since her boss took her to the Summit and she was spying her so she could dismiss her…
Columns of women from different currents, identified with different colors and cheerful songs are leaving after the opening act. Women from the left currents and the bourgeois parties are leaving the opening act. Delmi stadium is surrounded by a big camp where those columns are occupying their places.
The woman worker with whom we talked before is not happy; every day she is submitted to the bourgeois woman and she does not have freedom…
Women from left currents came to “demand” and express their voices. They were happy, because for them is normal and an ordinary situation to be in meetings and places with the bourgeoisie and their spaces… the left parties have freedom and democracy to participate. Every day they go to common places with the bourgeoisie and they join them when the bourgeoisie calls them: parliaments, conciliations, unions, forums, meetings…
In this enormous field, why did not they scream loudly: “women worker will stay here and will discuss THEIR problems which ARE NOT the same problems than the women who represent the bourgeoisie”? Out with bourgeois women and their parties!
What a wasted huge opportunity! And yet we missed it, once again, as every day... That scream did not occur. Instead, every delegation went from that place to discuss “among women” in common workshops…
The woman worker was tied to her boss and did not have a choice… and the left of the system felt happy.
Against the reactionary bourgeois slogan: “Pretty woman, fighting woman”, which sang the reformist women and even had it in tattoo… we shouted loudly: Open the road for the woman worker! Our class is beautiful, even if at time they do not fight, because they are submitted by tens of ties to the bourgeoisie by the action of the reformist WOMEN.
Once again, the program of our 4th International passed the test. Today more than ever: the most immediate task is to throw to the dustbin of history the ugly and horrible reformist left.