Períodicos Democracia Obrera
El Organizador Obrero Internacional



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February 3rd, 2015

Argentina: In regards to the "Nisman Case"

Just ending the Kirchners Bonapartista regime... a terrible dispute for the business booty behind the people's back between the government, the right wing opposition and the transnational companies

  • Under the protection of CIA and the US Embassy, of which all the Argentine politicians are employers...
  • Under the orders of Mossad and the Zionist theocracy which have long occupied and still slaughter the Palestinian nation...

It is a War within the Videlista intelligence services under the command of the judges and district attorneys and the corrupted politicians

Workers have nothing to do with all this… neither with their dispute that has reached the shooting-at-close-range stage, around their businesses


Dissolve the intelligence services, the policeand all the repressive forces!

Out with CIA and Mossad, the greatest murderers and terrorists of the world!


¿“Democracy”? ¡MY ASS!
In Cristina's government and with the anti-worker opposition: everything is decided in US embassy ...
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The expansive waves of the attack on the proto-fascist magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris have reached Argentina
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Down with the judicial dictatorship and the judge's caste, heir of Videlaism and supported by the political parties of the TNCs and the slaver bosses!
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Dissolve former SIDE, the Secretary of Intelligence and all the repressive forces!
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FIT: a democratizing left of the infamous Argentinean state and regime
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In the SIDE - cloaked by PJ, UCR and all bosses’ politicians for 30 years – there is the list and the place where the 30,000 “dissapeared” were kidnapped and murdered. They were a great service of whistleblowers and torturers, engine of the Videlista genocide against the workers and youth.  The people should know who is the SIDE!: who handle drug trafficking, kidnapping women to put them on prostitution, the persecution of the working class, and who are at the service of the bosses’ politicians and Wall Street. They are a band of criminals, torturers and killers, yesterday under the command of Videla and today under that of the "politicians, judges and prosecutors of the nation" that use them to suppress the people and defend their businesses.
We workers want to know who those in the SIDE are: we want their names, we want to know their faces, we want to know in which working-class organizations they are acting as provocateurs, we want to know the names and surnames of the whistleblowers of the employers in the factories! We want to know who help transnational corporations to carry on their businesses and to elope million dollars from the country; who guarantee the smuggling at customs; who organize the leaders of the drug cartels and the human trafficking to decompose the youth and then, kill them dead with the murderous police!

Dissolution of the breed of judges and all the prosecutors, who live like millionaires and are just "very brave" to give orders to suppress and massacre the workers and the people!

We want, once and for all, justice for the working class and those who are struggling! 
We call for the live appearance of Julio López(a witness against the police officers and army officers that had kidnapped, tortured and thrown to the La Plata River in chains hundreds of illegally detained by the 1970’s dictatorship, NT) that disappeared during Nestor Kirchner presidency! Judgment and punishment for all the murderous soldiers, yesterday lieutenants and colonels with Videla and today commanders in chief of the armed forces, as General Milani and other genocidal soldiers!
We demand jail to De la Rua, Menem and Duhalde, all of whom GAVE THE ORDER FOR KILLING the 40 martyrs of December 20 (2001), Kosteki and Santillan, Anibal Verón, Teresa Rodriguez and all the other martyrs of the working class! All of the former responsible of the murderous orders were acquitted by the "judges and prosecutors of the nation" to the service of those from the top, of the exploiters, the Wall Street lackeys.

All the "judges and prosecutors of the nation" concealed and released the murderers of the people! This oligarchic caste, in the pay of the capitalist gang, has condemned to life imprisonment and tortured the oil workers of Las Heras... and have still over 7000 workers processed. That's the SIDE, to pursue those who struggle, to make the “black lists” for the employers and help carry or cover the secret business of the politicians.
All the "judges and prosecutors of the nation" endorsed the hand-out of the nation, the larceny and the largest scam to the Argentine people by the IMF and the foreign banks by $ 250 billion! All of them should already be all in prison for breaching the duties of public officials and being accomplices and accessories after the fact of the largest scam to the Argentine people, begun by the military and backed by the bosses’ politicians during the past 30 years!
Together with the "judges and prosecutors of the nation", under the command of Videla and the SIDE of today, the genocide was organized in the ' 70s.

From the SIDE the suitcase full of dollars came to pay the Banelco cards which bought votes in the Parliament to enforce the labor flexibilization (casualization) of the Argentine labor movement at the end of the ' 90s. And all the "judges and prosecutors of the nation" declared “innocent” the anti-worker politicians who, with suitcases full of dollars, plucked the biggest labor gains from the Argentine working class.
From this band of oligarchic judges and attorneys, the "judges and prosecutors of the nation" - that no one has voted, who do not pay taxes and nobody knows with what funds they buy their luxury apartments in Puerto Madero (a very exclusive and for-billionaires-only neighborhood in Buenos Aires City, NT) – emerged the resolutions which gave in 24 hours all the national companies to imperialism in the ' 90s, with the endorsement of Menem, Kirchner, the UCR (major oppositionist party), all the politicians that answer to the bosses and the Supreme Court of Justice of Argentina.
"The judges and prosecutors of the nation", along with the caste of officers and repressive police, are the hard core of this murderous State, sweetened and wrapped - so the people digest it - with this "democracy for the rich". 
"Democracy for rich" just wraps this ferocious dictatorship of the capitalists. Cristina is the head of the SIDE (Servicio de Inteligencia del Estado-State Intelligence Service, NT). The prosecutors and the judges give the orders to the SIDE to repress the people. 
This (Nisman’s case, NT) is about a war. It is a war around the loot at the end of the Kirchners’ Bonapartist decade.

Enough of lies and hypocrisy! That the Kirchner Government does not put the blind eye!
Yesterday these people were with the murderous soldiers of the dictatorship, then with Menem and today are repressing workers at close range.
With the Kirchners the ideological authors of the murder of Mariano Ferreyra (a young worker and student killed by the hit men of the Railway workers Union bureaucracy under the orders of some ministers and parliamentarians, NT) were saved from punishment; conversely under the judges’ warrant four homeless workers and heads-of-family were massacred that tried to put up a shack to have a roof on their children’s heads in the Indo-American Park.
Fuentealba (a teacher protestor in Argentinean Patagonia killed by the back and at close range by a policeman during a teachers strike, NT) is still crying for justice as well as is the blood of thousands of young people killed by the trigger-happy police. Meanwhile, the haves’ attorney Candia in Santa Cruz, when calling for the condemnation to for life imprisonment to striking oil workers, said "a little bag on the head and a couple of slapping is not torture" (when the defenders told the court and demonstrated with witnesses and other proofs that the self-indicting declaration of some of the accused had been pulled out through the use of torture, NT)... would it be that they (the experts in “not-torture”, NT) went too far with Nisman? Anyway it is a problem of theirs, torturers and oppressors of the people. Let them resolve it! They know very well who the performers are!

(Almost 300)Young people massacred in (2004 in) the Cro-Magnon (old shed turned theatre with the authorities’ approval, though not complying with the least security norm, NT) fire and those killed (some few years ago) in the (disinvested and un-surveyed, NT) Sarmiento railway crash are still crying for justice!
The truth about what happened in the AMIA (Jewish Mutual in a very crowded neighborhood that was blown up in 1994 causing around 89 dead and a lot more wounded, NT) will not even be known without before defeating this killer State.


To put an end to the royalist/presidential institution and its absolute powers, with the aristocratic Senate and a judiciary close to the Government that commands at every turn the shock forces for the repression against the workers and the people...

To put up a single chamber with executive, legislative and judicial powers, through the election of one representative per 100,000 inhabitants, who should be recallable at any time by his/her constituents and earn the wage of a worker

-In order to ignore all political, economic and military agreements and treaties binding the nation to imperialism, --To ignoring the fraudulent external debt,
-For the people to be able to eat: we must nationalize and expropriate the lands of the oligarchy without compensation!

About these elementary democratic-revolutionary tasks, it is long shown that the Argentinian bourgeoisie is not capable or interested in resolving them, because it is a junior partner to imperialism in the looting of the nation
We revolutionary socialists assert that a Worker and Socialist Republic is and will always be a million times more democratic than the most democratic bourgeois republics, because in the former the power will be exerted by the vast majority of the population: workers and poor people.

But we know that the possessing classes, the native oligarchies that are partners of the transnational corporations and the imperialist pirates are unable even of taking formal democracy until the end. They - who conspire and do business without the knowledge of the people in embassies, the offices of the intelligence services and the offices of transnational corporations - need the more totalitarian Government and ruling institutions that they can get in order to suppress the people and get it subdued. They are who need the SIDE and the murderous police.
It rests in the hands of the working class to struggle for the most basic democratic demands, including those that the "democratic bourgeoisie" is crushing and defeating at every step.

About backroom conspiracies and scrambles for the business of those situated above us... that they themselves are made responsible for them!

We workers fight for our interests and for breaking with Wall Street and imperialism!

To conquer our demands we must follow the path marked by the 1969 Cordobazo, and by the 2001 revolutionary uprising, when we disowned all judges, bankers, politicians and corrupt Trade Union bureaucrats

The children of the exploited die from malnutrition. We are stolen by the state through the wage tax. In the farcical collective bargaining boards, the bosses and the trade union bureaucracy eat our income with inflation... Meanwhile "judges and prosecutors of the nation" send us murderous policemen, border gendarmes and coastal guards to suppress us whenever we go out to fight.

This murderous State, with the Law of Professional Associations, buys and corrupts the trade union bureaucracy and state-izes our unions and worker organizations. They use this so corrupted trade union bureaucracy as a true domestic policing to the interior of the labor movement. This ensures the misery of the workers’ salary and the fact that more than 50% of the Argentine working class has to work in black and out of any legal agreement.
And that is a crime committed by all kind of capitalists and their State! 
Where are then the "judges and prosecutors of the nation"? They only defend the property of capitalists. The workers, with our struggle, are the only ones who can defend our property, which are our wages and salaries and our dignified life.

Between the dead that they are throwing themselves from above and with palatial disputes, we are being led to the electoral farce… a new smokescreen to keep the struggle of the workers and the people tied up.
They try to silence every working class and masses’ independent voice. They want to silence the large scale layoffs of the entire fighting workers’ vanguard, as in Paty, Lear, Volkswagen… the misery wages of the teachers, the boys that keep dying for the “trigger-happy”, as yesterday Arruga and today Ismael Sosa in Córdoba, the massive layoffs that are awaiting the oil workers…

The FIT, together with the bourgeoisie and their parties, have diverted the working class towards the electoral trap. The PTS, PO and IS are in a speed race to decide which is the best representative of the left-wing of the arch-reactionary regime of the 1853-1994 constitution. They don’t even dare to fight for measures of the extreme formal democracy. They have placed on their shoulders all the bosses’ parties of this “democracy for the rich”.
Immediate call to elections to a free and sovereign national constituent assembly, to end with the senate of the “fatherland men”, the monarch-president, the justice of judges enemies of the people and the PASO, a true proscriptive law in Argentina, and to break with imperialism and expropriate the oligarchy (which are the minimum democratic demands of every semi-colony or colony oppressed by imperialism)? … none of that.  The FIT claims that with this bosses’ politicians and with this reactionary bonapartist regime of the 1853-1994 constitution we can reach “independent investigating commissions”, laws to impose “that the whole truth is known and to be justice” in the “Nisman case”… A real lie and scam to the people.
The FIT is a left-wing spare wheel of this infamous regime. Their leaders know too well that the Argentinian bourgeoisie and their gangs have placed referees to settle their dispute when the Kirchnerate ends. They know that these are the caste of judges and the SIDE. To dissolve them, or even –as the FIT promotes- “democratize the justice with direct voting” means to openly face this party regime with the proletarian revolution. The limits of the reactionary 1853-1994 constitution aren’t touched for the bourgeoisie or the imperialist bankers.
The FIT want to create illusions to the exploited that in that bandits’ cave of the bourgeois parliament there will be a solution for the workers. They want them to believe that democracy and justice can come out from there.
This is the parliament of the Banelco law! It is the parliament of those who commanded the SIDE and the murderous police! It is the parliament of the bosses’ politicians that promoted genocidal soldiers, judges that initiated their careers being secretaries of judges from the dictatorship! These are the current judges, those who organized the tortures with the soldiers of Videla!
This parliament, with the supreme court of justice and the genocidal Milani, gave a standing ovation to Cristina when she ordered that the workers from Las Heras had to be sentenced to life imprisonment.

The working class must weigh now in the national political life! Otherwise, the workers will continue to be the ones to pay the broken dishes of their disputes for the booty. Because when it comes to attacking, suppressing and starving the people, they forget their differences, put their dead away and unite to kill us.
There are plenty of conditions to organize the Argentinian workers’ and youth vanguard. Thus was proved in the several acts of the left-wing, which was responsible for dividing and splitting the combative vanguard of the working class in three.
The workers can no longer allow to be fooled by the left-wing, making us believe that those institutions of the “democracy for the rich” of the 1853-1994 constitution will give us our demands.  

Enough of dividing those who fight! We must set up a true workers’ front!

Against the "democracy for rich" of the ones from above...
Make way now to the democracy of the ones below!

United Workers’ Congress of the employed and unemployed workers with delegates with mandate of base assembly!

To stop with the hunger collective bargaining, nationalize and put under workers’ control every factory that closes, suspends or fires and prepare a united struggle to conquer a decent wage for everybody.

In the Argentina of Wall Street, the CIA, the terrorists from the Mossad, the imperialist MNCs… the only ones that put the dead by dozens of thousands it’s us, the working class.

That the struggle for the booty between the exploiters is resolved among them! They know who their hitmen and services are!

Enough! Everybody out, nobody left!

Editorial Board
