Breaking news - 11/18/2015
France attacked Paris!
Hezbollah attacked Lebanon!
And Erdogan attacked the Kurdish people in Turkey!
After the murder of 130 innocents in Paris, the aggressors and killers of the Syrian people armour themselves and militarize.
In Vienna they set up a big coalition, with USA, Russia, France, England and their gurkas lackeys of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Al Assad and Iran. They want to use the final battle to smash the Syrian revolution.
Under the excuse of the attack of IS, thousands of fascists and reactionary forces are marching in Europe asking the expulsion of the refuges. France, Turkey and Lebanon are being militarized.
If this plan moves forward, the Zionist monster will stand up and will finally slaughter the Palestine nation.
The Syrian holocaust must be stopped!
For a single intifada from Morocco to Tunisia, from Damascus to Mali, from Chad to Aleppo, from Cairo to Yemen to Jerusalem!
Brigade Leon Sedov from Syria