Períodicos Democracia Obrera
El Organizador Obrero Internacional



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November 20th, 2015

La France…"today attacked in Mali"

A new smokescreen to define the UN plan to invade Syria by land

There France already invaded in 2013.
He was to protect the uranium by an invasion and strengthened his military base in Chad, neighbor country of Mali. He also occupies the whole sub-Saharan Africa settling military bases and puppet governments. He shares out the booty with USA.
Who appeared in Mali, colony of France, taking a hotel with hostages and terrorists where always everybody dies? The indispensable ISIS.
Suddenly, a group of 15 thousand former military guard of Saddam Hussein from Iraq and the Sunni bourgeoisie of that country -guards of the oil wells and MNC’s refineries- extend their domain all along Africa, Europe…now they appear in Latin America…after the twin towers of Bush, they are not believable!
The terrorism of ISIS belongs to a bourgeois current, it is bourgeois terrorism. They kill as the bourgeois do. Their terrorism is like that of USA that by nuclear bombs made disappear Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as a sample of his minor slaughtering.
ISIS is as a terrorist as Zionism, Al Assad; they are all bourgeois, slavers of workers. Their role is to kill the slaves when they dare to rebel or when such exploiters fight for their business. They made two world wars among imperialist gangs to dispute the world.
Thus, it seems to be out of reality to explain workers, the anti-imperialist fighters who is ISIS…That his partners explain-all the pirate gangs with whom ISIS makes business, has services of intelligence in common, that is, those who fabricated ISIS to keep the Syrian masses disciplined so them not to reach Damascus to settle account with Al Assad, not to reach Bagdad and to prevent the revolution started in Tunisia from reaching Jerusalem!!!
By this staging that masses always pay for the costs, France is getting ready and Spain goes to help him in Mali What for? To guard his colonies and for the French democracy enters bombing invading Syria by land. …on the condition that UN , that is, USA authorizes it.  They are in the middle of this issue. Mali events, colony of France, are a symbol. If USA allows France, that is, if France pays it a huge share of the pillage, Obama will open the gates of Damascus.
The French imperialism, like London, Wall Street, Bundesbank are in crisis and bankruptcy. The bankers want to make business, to produce and sell weapons, to plunder the wealth. Either the revolution stops it or the barbarism and fascism will come. It seems a joke that the new left keeps speaking and deceiving masses with parliamentary when it is necessary to prepare masses to confront fascism, bonapartism and barbarism that nowadays we are experiencing. 
From Vienna, the imperialism is preparing not the defeat of ISIS who is his minor partner that can be discarded; instead of it they are preparing the final battle to smash in Syria and the whole region the revolutions. That is, the revolutions for bread, freedom and against the imperialist pillage that from 2011 threat with reaching Europe like the refugees have done. These are the two trenches: on one side the working class and exploited masses and on the other side the bourgeoisie and imperialism. The Obama left want us to believe that the alternative is either democracy or ISIS. They are at the feet of Obama and Hollande and sustaining the sables of Putin and dog Bashar. And they are very close to ISIS sitting in Wall Street´s laps.
The astuteness of history usually plays a dirty trick on the ruling classes.  That’s why the contradictions, alchemy, conspiracy, and deceptions the executioners prepare for masses, because hunger and plundering are getting deepened. The exploited were led to the extreme of starving in the Mediterranean…or fighting for their freedom. Today a brutal offensive of repression, fences, confinements and humiliations slash Syrian refugees in Europe after the counterrevolutionary coup Hollande launched with his ISIS in Paris. The “twin towers” of Hollande are so reactionary that the refugees even want to return to Syria.
The resistance, intifada, the heroic Yemeni revolution, the working class from USA, Greece and Paris haven’t surrendered. The sold out leaderships tie their hands to fight and get unified but the hardship sufferings are stronger than their chains.
Today more than ever, the alternative is to fight for the socialist revolution, for unifying the forces of the international working class, and to say the truth -that none of those telling exploited lies can explain: why was ISIS able to enter and control the mass insurrections in Fallujah, Mosul, Raqqa, Deir Ezzor? Why was ISIS able to prevent these insurrections from reaching Damascus and Bagdad when masses were defeating the army of dog Bashar and US protectorate of Iraq? The respond is simple: they entered and controlled from inside those revolutionary actions because they entered burning the US banners and with parchments showing they had fought against yankees when they occupied Iraq.
Today, the social-imperialist left cries for ISIS. But they didn’t send any greeting from the worker organizations they lead, neither a volunteer to fight, nor even alcohol or a band-aid for the refugees camps. Now why do they regret for the beast ISIS if they supported La Habana of Castro selling out Cuba to the imperialism? If they backed Putin and Khadafy. This is what opened the doors for ISIS for them to control the rebel sectors in the Maghreb and Middle East. Before crying for ISIS it is necessary to help masses to get rid of so many lackeys of the imperialism. As much as we can achieve this issue, ISIS will be closer of his extinction.

The resistance in Iraq, Jerusalem, Yemen, Athens, New York, and Paris hasn’t surrendered. Only those who sell out the worker revolution have surrendered such a long time ago. To discard ISIS, it is one more stone on the road that masses will have to move in their revolutionary struggle; a stone as heavy as the stone that means the left…of Obama.

 Democracia Obrera

