Volver al índice Resolución del segundo congreso de la FLTI

Greece, May 5th 2010

News flash…

Long live the revolutionary general strike of the Greek working class!

FLTI emergency appeal to all the World workers organizations and working class.

This May 5th, the Greek working class has put a new milestone in its combat to stop the attack and war declared on workers by the exploiters. The Greek workers have taken in its hands and guaranteed a magnificent revolutionary general strike with combats in the streets, mass mobilizations, and barricades where they confronted openly the police and the shock forces of the bourgeois state. When writing this note, it is getting dark in Greece and the streets combats and barricades continue there.
 All the governments of the imperialist Europe-representatives of bankers, exploiters, blood suckers and killers of the working class and oppressed people all around the world- have stuck together with Papandreau so that him to attack definitely the Greek working class. A sacred alliance- (composed by: from the finance oligarchy of Wall Street to the bankers of Bundesbank ) leaned on the government of the murderous Papandreau attacked the working class all along its gains. The bourgeoisie wants the working class pays for the crisis they have provoked to re-gain the money they stole from Greece. For the exploiters, bankers, and imperialist gangs is a question of life and profits to impose this attack on Greece. It will depend of this fact if the working class pays for the bankruptcy and soften the losses the own bourgeoisie have provoked. Thus, if the bourgeoisie succeed with this plan against the working class in Greece, they will launch a decisive attack against the whole European working class. The English butchers imperialists have already announced “blood, sweat and tears” for the exploited of that country. This is what all the capitalist parasites want.
Among the IMF, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, Merkel, the murderers of the French Fifth Republic, the lords of the British crown, the blood suckers of the Spain crown and the other imperialist gangs with hypocrisy speak about “saving” Greece. It is a lie.  All of them want to save Bundesbank and the finance oligarchy of the parasites of the four blocks of Wall Street by stealing the salary, pensions and with the over-exploitation of the working class. They are the plunderers of the world who stole and re-created fictitiously values wasting 90 billons of dollars that the human labor force has not yet created. 
Greek proletariat- despite and against their leaderships- has carried out heroic combats, from the revolutionary struggles of 2008 to the latest two heroic general strikes of this year. If today the bourgeoisie can launch this attack is because these combats have been led by their union leaderships to put pressure to “moderate the attack” and “soften the adjustment”. These reformist leaderships are the ones that support the government of Papandreau that discharges a brutal counterrevolutionary war over the Greek working class.
The exploiters of the whole Europe concentrated their forces in Greece and today can attack supporting the killer Papandreau because the labour bureaucracies of the imperialist Europe, the traitors of the social imperialist parties paralyzed the forces of the European working class, sold out their combats, their jobs, salary and divided their ranks.
But too many treason and so much water to wet the gunpowder of the Greek proletariat was not enough to set off the spark that today fires again in the magnificent revolutionary general strike that is making the exploiters and their governments shake. Thus, the Greek working class has put itself in the centre of the scene, and in its great revolutionary general strike the working class says who governs and who owns the house: either the parasitic exploiters of the people or the working class. It is an iron alternative. If Papandreou continues in the power, the Bundesbank, Morgan bank, and Goldman Sachs and the other imperialist parasites will be saved. Only by taking power the working class will be able to save itself.
The Trotskyists of FLTI affirm that in the combat of Greece it is at stake the fate of the exploited of Europe and the future of the World working class in the next immediate period.
Weeks ago, confronting a similar attack to that of the Greek working class is suffering, the workers of Kyrgyzstan-due to the 200% increase in prices of basic food basket –took the streets, defeated the police and took the police stattions, kicked out the government, and made justice by their own hands with the ministers- those thieves of the workers salary-. In this way, the working class of Kyrgyzstan stood up and started its revolution.
The revolutionary general strike of the Greek working class poses in the streets of Athens the same motion of Kyrgyzstan. That is the road to the victory in the revolted Greece. The exploiters have declared a brutal and bloody war on exploited. The imperialist butchers of the French Fifth Republic, the German blood-suckers of Merkel and the Bundesbank, the English and Spain crown- plunders of the Latin America and Africa people- deserve, like the killer Papandreu, a revolutionary general strike and a generalized Kyrgyzstan from the Russian plains to Lisbon.
The revolutionary general strike of Greece is more than a spark. It is the fire that must set on fire Paris, Berlin, Madrid or Roma, if the working class wants to live.
The Greek proletariat, despite and against  all its union and parties’ leaderships- that yesterday led workers to kneel down before   Papandreu by making them believe that with elections and sweet phrases the attack of exploiters would be stopped- has occupied the centre of the scene, has fought and as in 2008  is carrying out revolutionary days against exploiters.
The attack of the bourgeoisie must be responded with the worker revolution, with civil war, with a victorious insurrection.
Either them or us!
The REVOLUTIONARY GENERAL STRIKE of May 5th: again a magnificent fight day of the exploited
Hundreds of thousands of workers and students took the streets in Athens, Tesalónica and in all the cities of Greece confronting physically the killer police with sticks, stones and Molotov bombs.
May Day, this general strike was prepared with the workers and their vanguard in the streets. Again, the working class has occupied the centre of the scene. The war of the exploiters has been confronted with a class struggle of exploited.
Now, the Greek workers strive to take the parliament. On May 6th, that then of thieves, representatives of Morgan bank, Goldman Sachs, Bundesbank and other Greek parasites expect to countersign the brutal attack against the Greek working class and masses. They want to give legality to the list of conditions already decided in the negotiations convened at the back of the workers and people on the part of the parasitic imperialists of IMF, European Bank with its manager Papandreau. Down with the Papandreau government, manager of Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan! Down with the puppet parliament, that one that raise their hands each time to vote for imperialist attacks; down with these enemies of the workers and the masses in general! Down with the den of exploiters, thieves of the salaries and work and life of the working class.
The proletariat must not stop its combat till every stone of the institutions of the Greek imperialist regime and its killer state, have been overturned. This is the state that today has launched this brutal war against workers and yesterday, in the ‘70s did not doubt to impose the dictatorship of the killer assassins and massacred the Greek working class.
These murderous colonels have again been prepared and will be used if the working class does not win today in the great revolutionary combat that has started.
The masses, with its class instinct to identify the class enemy, applying maneuvers of combat, attacked the imperialist banks, the buildings of the government and big commerce. Long live the revolt of the Greek masses! Their right to the legitimate defense of the working class and its allies and the right to insurrection are sacred!
To keep in power and defend the prívate property of the capitalists, the killer government of Papandreau responds determinedly against the working class and masses, launching all the force of the murderous police. There are already casualties in the streets. Out the killer Papandreau! Stop the repression! Long live the general strike! We must not stop! The road marked by our brothers workers and peasants in Kyrgyzstan must be followed. The killer police must be defeated in the streets and dissolved! The police stations must be set on fire and destroyed to disarm the killers of people! Let’s not to allow the spread of more workers blood! The generalized arming of the working class must be conquered!
We must extend and coordinate right now the pickets of self-defense that the exploited in the struggle have set up. Sectors of rank and file soldiers have already declared their willingness to join to the struggle. Workers must march over the barracks and call on the soldiers to join to their class brothers and sisters by disobeying any order of repression against the people. On the contrary, sooner or later the killer caste of officials will order a blood bath of workers in the country. Down with the officer caste of the army! Committees of rank and file soldiers must unite, with their weapons in hand, in the struggle of the working class and people! The workers militia must be set up!
The revolutionary general strike has started and posed the question of who owns the house. To defeat the imperialist attack, keep jobs, salaries and life, the working class must set up its own power and prepare a victorious insurrection.
Either them or us!

Against the parliament of the imperialist parasites, the bankers and the bosses, there has to be set up a great parliament of the workers and all the exploited sectors, poor peasants and rebellious students of the revolutionary Greece. It is necessary to coordinate and centralize the workers organizations and the masses in struggle, their strike pickets and their self defence committees and workers councils, in each city, in each region and at national level. It has to be set a real congress of rank and file delegates from every workers organization in struggle that today guaranteed this magnificent general strike of March 5th. In this congress it will be able to centralize, develop and strengthen the workers’ militia. The committees of the soldiers that reject repressing the masses will be able to organize and send delegates. The ruined poor peasants and the students, allies of the working class, will be able to send their delegates too.
With this organization and this real power of the wide majority of the nation (that is to say, the working class and its allies), the masses will be able to take the resolution of the crisis in their own hands, beginning with the organization and preparation of decisive combating actions to overthrow, in the streets, the government and the infamous regime of Goldman Sachs, the Bundesbank and the Greek parasitic capitalists. This will open the way for the masses to begin to take in their hands the resolution of the crisis.
Do they want to reduce workers’ wages? Do they want to steal the pensions and jobs? Do they want to rob the health and education of our children? Then, their factories and banks have to be expropriated without compensation to the capitalists and make them produce under workers control!
They, who are associated with the pirates and gangsters of Wall Street and the German Bundesbank, have stolen 320.000 million dollars, they have to pay for the crisis! They have to pay for the debt! The Greek working class and popular sectors cannot recognize as their own this ‘debt’ that has not been caused by them.
Do they want to increase VAT and taxes on consumption? No more! They have to pay with their immense fortunes stolen to the workers and the people! For progressive taxes on the big fortunes! Papandreau, Karamanlis and the representatives of the Greek capitalist parasites have signed secret contracts with the North American imperialist banks to steal the work, the sacrifice and the wages of millions of workers of Greece. Down with the commercial secrets and the secret diplomacy of the imperialist gangs that conspire against the people! This way, the exploited will demonstrate the robbery and the plunder of the imperialist thieves against the pocket of the workers.
The working class must lead the set on feet of a real dual power of the whole exploited and oppressed masses in Greece. This way, from its own workers councils and National Congress of workers, it has to prepare itself to take power with a triumphant insurrection that has to demolish this imperialist state and its dominant classes of parasitic, blood sucking, expropriators of the salary and the work of the working class. This is the perspective and the motion posed by this new revolutionary general strike of the masses and the exploited people in Greece.
Down with Papandreau and the infamous imperialist regime of the managers of JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Bundesbank and the parasitic Greek capitalists! For a workers’ revolutionary government based on the fighting organizations and the armament of the exploited masses! This is the only government that can pull Greece out from being forced to pay for the bankruptcy of the imperialist banks.
The working class cannot let its salary, work and pension be expropriated. The working class cannot let its struggle be expropriated again. It cannot let its combat to be put by the reformist leaderships at the feet of the capitalist politicians and bankers with pacts and agreements signed behind the backs of the masses in struggle.
The immediate task is to convene right now from all the fighting organizations a National Congress of delegates from the base of all the sectors in struggle. The working class in struggle needs a general barracks of the revolution to unify all the exploited to prepare and organize an insurrection to defeat Papandreau, this is the only way for workers not to pay for the crisis of capitalists. The exploited must advance with decisive steps to demolish all the institutions of the regime, take the power and impose a workers’ government to expropriate the expropriators.
The struggle of the Greek working class is the struggle of all the workers of Europe and the world
Our Greek brothers and sisters, who are in the front line of the combat against the imperialist parasites, can not be isolated. The Greek masses have launched their call in the streets: “Spark in Athens, fire in Paris, the insurrection is coming! Against the ‘unity’ of the imperialist Europe in bankruptcy, that wants to make the workers and the poor people pay for their crisis: Lets put on feet the internationalist unity of the working class from Portugal to the Russian steppes! All together with our class brothers and sisters that are combating in Greece!
All the trade union bureaucracies and the social imperialist parties, traitors of the European working class, have said to the workers that they will be saved in each country, submitting them to pacts with the bourgeois governments of the whole Europe. With these pacts, the wages and the jobs of the working class were given away. And worse than that, its combat was expropriated. Those servants of the bourgeoisie, as the ones of the British Trade unions, had the brazenness of going on strike under the cry of “British jobs for British workers”, when imperialist Britain in ruins and bankruptcy today, will take off the jobs of the British workers in the first place. Imperialism has no loyalty to any worker, only to their profits. No more servants and lackeys of the bourgeoisie in the workers’ organizations!
The workers’ bureaucracies and aristocracies, the rests of stalinism and the rotten socialdemocratic parties of Europe, together with their new allies the renegades of Trotskyism, today dressed as “anti-capitalists”, have left isolated the struggle of the Greek working class and allowed the enemy to concentrate all their forces to attack there. But they also have allowed the expulsion of the best contingents of the European workers’ movement, the brothers and sisters immigrants from Africa, Turkey, and Middle East. When the imperialist Europe was in decline, the immigrant workers were necessary as slave working force, and when it went into bankruptcy they were expelled like dogs to the Mediterranean, back to their countries. No sector of the working class will be able to save itself in each country. The workers’ bureaucracies and aristocracies and their parties, with their class collaboration and conciliation policies only divide the ranks of the workers and prepare the conditions for the attack of the exploiters.
In spite of and against these leaderships, on March 1st the immigrant workers carried on a great day of struggle in the whole Europe, showing the whole European working class the way to unite their ranks.
The Greek general strike has put a motion before all the workers of the “old continent”: Down with the workers’ aristocracies and bureaucracies paid by big capital, who tie the fate of the life, jobs and wages of the working class to the exploiters! One class, one struggle!
Stop dividing the working class! Same wage for same job! This was pointed out by the Greek exploited masses with their vanguard, the immigrant workers, when they closed ranks in a common struggle against the exploiters! Stop dividing the European proletariat! Stop the slavery conditions in the maquilas in Eastern Europe under the boot of the butcher Putin, on behalf of the German Bundesbank and the butcher Obama and the rest of the European imperialist gangs! The war cry of the workers of Renault in Rumania: “We want to get the same wage as the workers in Paris!” has to be heard again! The factory occupations taking the bosses as hostages as in France, have to come back! Every factory that dismisses or closes has to be expropriated without compensation and under workers’ control! Again, the young workers have to put on fire the citès to make a Bagdad in Paris every night! The struggle of the public servants has to be generalized to the whole Portugal! The Italian working class must stand up! The British working class must break with the electoral farce of the parasites of the British imperialist monarchy, its servant parties and trade unions, in order to make the bourgeoisie put “blood, sweat and tears”. The workers’ mobilizations that shook more than fifty cities in the capitalist Russia of the butcher Putin, have to come back!
Imperialist Europe has to be confronted with the Europe of the working class. Nor Maastricht, nor European Parliamen! Nor NATO, nor imperialist troops, assassins of the masses in Iraq and Afghanistan!
No more “pacts” and “social agreements”! For the revolutionary general strike in the whole Europe! We are all Greek workers! No more wage cuts, dismissals and labour flexibilization! To make the capitalists pay for the crisis: Raise wages according to the rising cost of living, updated monthly! Sliding scale of working hours in order to allow all the free hands to produce in the machines and factories the capitalists have stopped!
To Maastricht and the den of thieves of the European Parliament, we have to oppose the internationalist unity of the European and world working class! One class, one struggle! From all the workers’ organizations lets put on feet a Continental Congress of all the exploited masses in Athens to prepare the General Strike to shake Europe to its foundations.
To the Europe of the imperialist butchers and of the new bourgeois governments of Eastern Europe and Russia, where the stalinist rubbish has restored capitalism, giving the proletariat of those countries away as second class workers in the maquilas for the imperialist powers, there has to be set in motion the struggle for the Socialist United States of Europe.
While there are combats in Greece confronting the representatives of the Morgan bank and Goldman Sachs; while there are combats and the workers give their life for stopping the attack of this financial oligarchy of Wall Street, the traitors of the AFL-CIO and the reformist left in USA, submit the North American working class to the besmudged Bush of Obama, the representative of the yankee imperialist butchers and their banks. Because of betrayal of these leaderships, labour flexibilization was imposed in Toyota, Volkswagen and the rest of the car-factories in USA, 43 million workers have to live with subsidies of 3 dollars per day of food grants given by the state, with millions of unemployed and with immigrants massacred in the jails and on the border with Mexico.
While the imperialist yankee state guarantees the profits for Goldman Sachs and Morgan banks, the North American working class, submitted to Obama by their leaderships, is the one who is paying for the losses of the parasites of Wall Street. Today, the general strike in Greece brings a new opportunity for the North American working class. There, the masses are fighting against the same executioners, the JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs banks, the real supporters of Bush yesterday and of Obama today. Down with the bureaucracy of the AFL-CIO, servant of the Wall Street bankers!
The North American working class must stand up together with its class brothers and sisters of Greece to confront the same enemy.
Let’s put on feet the March of a Million Workers, together with the immigrants and the movement against war!
Stop submitting the North American workers to their executioners! It will not save itself linking its fate to the imperialist butchers in Iraq and Afghanistan, to those who occupy Haiti and who lead the attack against the world working class. The North American proletariat must retake its struggle joining the combat of their Greek class brothers and sisters.
The role of the treacherous leadership, of the World Social Forum and of this Fifth International of the Chavezes, the Castros and the Hu Jintaos, was to desynchronize the struggle of the semicolonial working class and people from the combat of their brothers and sisters of the imperialist countries. They have submitted the proletariat to the counterrevolutionary pacts in Bolivia and in Colombia; they have isolated the Palestinian revolution, the Iraqi and Afghan resistance. They have imposed the opprobrious regime of reconciliation with the assassins of Apartheid In South Africa and have isolated the revolution in Madagascar. And now, the Castroist bureaucracy, in a pact with imperialism and the native bourgeoisies, consummate capitalist restoration in Cuba.
The fate of the working class of the semicolonial peoples is not in the submission to their native bourgeoisies, either if they are Bolivarian, indigenous, or Islamic. They are all servants of imperialism.
Down with the policy of class collaboration of the World Social Forum and the Bolivarian and Islamic bourgeoisies! Down with the Fifth International of the servants of the bourgeoisie!
To synchronize the combat of the world working class it is necessary to put on feet again the world party of the socialist revolution. The 1938 Fourth International must be refounded!
For the internationalist unity of the world working class! For the working class to live, the capitalist parasites and imperialism must die!
International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction
Integrated by:
Workers Internationalist Vanguard League (South Africa)
Liga Trotskyista Internacionalista – Cuarta Internacional (Bolivia)
Partido Obrero Internacionalista – Cuarta Internacional (Chile)
Liga Trotskyista Internacionalista – Cuarta Internacional (Peru)
Internationalist Revolutionary League- FI (Zimbabwe)
Liga Obrera Internacionalista – Cuarta Internacional (Argentina)


In Greece: before the crack of the economy, a decisive battle of the war of classes between imperialism and the European and world working class is being fought. It is them or us! For the capitalists to pay for the crisis! 
Uniting the forces of the factory committees, the fighting organizations and the self-defense committees,  
Let’s guarantee the General Strike of May 5th
to overthrow Papandreu 
For the beginning of the revolution! 
From the Union Net, the union of immigrant workers and the factory committees, 
Let’s call for a National Congress of rank and file Delegates from the whole labor movement and the exploited 
For a workers’ and peasants’ government to impose an Emergency Workers’ Plan 
to guarantee bread, jobs , health and education with the expropriation of the expropriators 


The Greek bankruptcy: the tip of the iceberg of the crisis and the explosion of Europe.
The balance between the German mark and the dollar that sustained the Euro and the reactionary utopia of an united imperialistic Europe in a parasitic way brokes

As the explosion of Shanghai sotckmarket in 2007, the explosion of the housing bubble in USA in 2008, and the bankruptcy of the whole imperialistic banking of Wall Street; under the blows of the world imperialist economic crisis that is developing vertiginously, today explodes the Greek bomb. Bomb and bankruptcy that threaten to drag down the whole imperialist Europe into the most serious economic crisis since the postwar period.
As from the galley of a magician, a new rabbit came out the marasmus of this rotten imperialistic system. To hide the parasitism of the international financial capital, every one tries to silence who wasted and how that monumental debt of 320.000 million dollars, that today has declared in a true bankruptcy the imperialist Greece was contracted. The only thing the ruling class the and the parasites of the financial capital put on clear is that there are the working class and the exploited in Greece those who have to pay for it.
When all the Wall Street bankers announced losses for more than 14 trillion dollars, caught in the housing bubble in U.S; when 37% of the assets of all the European imperialist banks were caught in that bubble; when it was clear that a world financial oligarchy had wasted in advance benefits not produced yet for 90 trillion dollars, the bankruptcy of Greece, the Spanish crack, the Irish bankruptcy begun.  The "elks" and “beautiful unicorns” of the imperialist Europe began to become the so called "PIGS" in the language of the imperialist bankers.

The imperialist Greece was sustained in its previous expansion cycles and in its "growth" linked with Maastricht, under the signs of the parasitism and the bankruptcy of the imperialistic system in crisis and decadent. Maastricht has been sustained as a fiction, with an Eurus or unique currency financed by dollar.
What could level the value of the productivity of the work of Germany, expressed in the German mark, with the backward Ireland, with the peseta of an second class imperialism like Spain, with the Italian lira only sustained in two or three transnational capitals and the funds of the Vatican, in order to have an unique currency, with a value similar to the former French franc, sustained in the highest productivity of work in branches of the economy like aerospace industry, auto industry, chemistry?
How can an equal sign be established among those currencies that expressed completely different values of productivity in nations that produced goods with different productivity and wealth? How to make that a German mark, that concentrates the machine-tool production with highest technology in the planet, has the same value than the currency of a Portugal whose memory of flourishing country in the world are only its ports are with some caravel of the 19th century as a monument?
The Greek crisis reveals the secret of Maastricht, the secret of the unity of the European imperialist powers. There is a striptease and undresses before the hot fire of life the parasitism with which the capital works in its imperialist epoch.
The Europe of Maastricht was created and sustained on the French-German axis and on the value of mark that gave the measure unit to the Euro. As it is shown it the Greek crisis, what guaranteed the currencies of backward imperialist nations of Europe, that represent smaller value of goods and of productivity of the work, to be equivalent to the value of the German mark, that is to say Eur, was the dollar.
As it comes out from secret accounts of Greece, and also of Spain, Portugal, Italy and of all the "PIGS" now, putting the backward currencies in the same level than German mark and French franc and to put the Euro as a unit of measure of the European currency, was financed by dollar.
It was in secret agreements with all the European governments, except France and Germany, that USA financed the deficits of the states that, to enter the European Union, could not overcome 3%. That is to say that they could not devaluate their currencies. On the contrary, there had overvalue them to reach the German mark, and without deficits of the states. That difference was financed by Wall Street.
As it is demonstrated by the secret agreements with Greece, signed at the backs of the people and the exploited masses -as it was done in Italy, Portugal, Spain, Ireland and, as we will see, also in Eastern Europe- the parasitic Wall Street banks financed the currencies of the European backward imperialist countries with strong loans and credits at high interest rate. The recovering of these 20 or 30 years credits, were guaranteed by the states with the giving away of taxes on exports, imports, customs, casinos, a portion of tax on consumption, earnings, etc.
The question is that, behind the 320.000 millions of dollars Greek debt, appears that the deficit was caused because a third or more of the taxes went to pay JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs, associated to the great bourgeoisie of that country, for the usurer credits with which they stole the wealth created by the Greek working class. Then, Karamanlis yesterday and Papandreu today are former directors and shareholders of Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan. This is the association of Greek capital with Wall Street capital in the looting of Greece and its working class. Up to now, the circuit closed. The “virtuous circle” closed because, at the same time, Germany and France in a lower extent, transformed Europe into their commercial vital space. This is why Greece in its commercial account is fundamentally a big debtor of Germany, and in lower level of France.
Then, what are they the 320.000 million dollars of the bankruptcy of Greece? Nothing but the benefits pocketed by the Bundesbank of Germany and Wall Street banks, that the working class has not produced yet. It is the world imperialist system and their financial capital eating up the benefits that human work has not produced.
In the same way than in USA the business were mortgages of the mortgages on the mortgages that made be worth a well two or three times its value, the Greek bankruptcy today it is nothing but the trillion and half dollars, contracted as debt by Greece in the last 10 years with the Wall Street banking, noted in its balances as “currency exchange for payment of taxes", that dried the resources of that nation that, at the same time, had to pay all the imports from Germany and France to feed its consumption and its production.
We could affirm a year after another, the German, French financial capital and Wall Street parasites put in their pockets two or three times the value produced in Greece.

The Greek crack, as weaker link of the chain of imperialistic domain, undressed that the Europe of Maastricht was nothing Germany, and in a lower extent France, using Europe as a market for its exports, while USA financed with leonine credits the unique currency in the weakest countries.


The international financial capital ate up the benefits, and now the parasites want the working class to pays them for the crisis

May 19 was coming and the loans from Europe and the IMF did not appear to rescue Greece. The German cry was “we will not finance us what the Greeks wore out". The gangs of the Bundesbank knew that if Europe put the money they also rescued the business of Wall Street banks, that already have guaranteed the collection of their secret loans to Greece (and to the " PIGS ") with the collection of taxes put as payment guarantee.
"If we don't help", Sarkozy said, “ we will not recover the commercial debt we have with Greece". And all the "PIGS " united screamed: "let us lend to Greece!". The beards the Spanish monarchy and Berlusconi were rubbed in front of the mirror. All closed lines demanding their partner Papandreu, “we put the 120.000 million dollars and we support the expirations of the Greek debt, with on third from the IMF, if you guarantee to pull up the funds to pay back from the Greek working class taking out the Christmas gifts, firing public employees, reducing wages, imposing the labor flexibilization in factories, sinking pensions". The war cry was “Attack and we lend!".
That is the way that to keep business. The imperialist parasites concentrated on Greece all their forces to smash the Greek proletariat, to maintain the cycle of businesses and to charge their debt.

It is under these conditions that the bourgeoisie launched a brutal attack against the masses, and they have responded preparing the already third general strike imposed by the working rank and file and the immigrants upon the leaderships, the unions and the working class organizations.
A fierce struggle of classes, a war of classes has became in Greece. Bourgeoisie and imperialism have concentrated their forces there, and it is there were the international proletariat has to concentrate its forces.
In this decisive battle that the world proletariat carries on in Greece today, it will be defined who will pay for the costs of the world economic crisis: if the exploited or the exploiters. The war of classes between imperialism and the world working class, entered decisive moments today in Greece. None of the two classes, neither the bourgeoisie neither the proletariat, can cohabit peacefully; none of the two classes in conflict can survive without defeating the enemy class.
The handful of cutting coupons parasites, proprietors of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Paribas, Bundesbank, etc., through Obama, Merkel, Sarkozy and the general staff of the IMF, have given the order to their manager, the socialdemocrat Papandreu, Greek Prime Minister, to attacks with determination upon the Greek masses in order to make them pay for, up to the last cent of the thousands of millions of dollars that the imperialist pirates wore out and that were known with the explosion of Wall Street.

Papandreu, gerente de la Goldman Sachs, tan represor, asesino y antiobrero como su antecesor Karamanlis
Es el que hoy comanda el ataque contra la clase obrera griega a nombre y a cuenta de todos los parásitos imperialistas del mundo
Papandreu (Goldman Sachs manager) is as repressor, assassin and anti-worker like his predecessor Karamanlis. He is commanding today the attack against the Greek working class on behalf all the world imperialist parasites

In 2008, the Greek working class banged the table against the assassin Karamanlis –who was already throwing the crisis onto the working class- and it occupied the centre of the picture with general strikes, barricades combats and was cornering the hated regime of Goldman Sachs and Greek financial capital. Therefore, with its streets combats, the Greek working class was not only threatening with overthrowing Karamanlis government, but with opening the Greek revolution. Although that unholy alliance prevented that scenario: on one hand Stalinism, from the leadership of the unions playing a role as scab and counterrevolutionary; on the other hand the unionist and parliamentarist policy of anarchists and renegades of Trotskyism; they prevented the proletariat from overthrowing Karamanlis in the streets, to get ride off from the old treacherous leadership on the unions and move forward in preventing the catastrophe that was about to hit the proletariat and today it suffers completely.
“There aren’t conditions” they cried, “It’s a defensive struggle”, while the rank and file of Thessalonica overthrown the whole union bureaucracy and occupied the union’s main office. They said that in the office they must recite poetry and conquer the world with creative freedom and only to fight defensively for the prisoners. The cowardice of the leadership of the proletariat was proved and they are responsible that today the bourgeoisie tries openly to launch this attack against the masses.
They stated “there aren’t conditions”. Actually, there were plenty of conditions to overthrow Karamanlis with barricade combat and insurrectional general strikes in the streets, as the heroic revolutions of Argentina 2001 and Bolivia 2003 did.
There were so many conditions that the regime held the elections earlier in order to re-legitimize a government which was completely discredited by the masses.
That is how they took the chance to win by defeating Karamanlis in the streets off from the masses. It would have meant destroying the Greek bourgeois regime and the beginning of the European revolution. Also it would have tied the hands of the bourgeoisie to attack again.
Treacherous leaderships tied proletariat’s hands in their first assault. It allowed the bourgeois to change Karamanlis for Papandreu, which is launching today a double attack of the Greek imperialist bourgeoisie.

The Greek workers in 2008 didn’t know that after such a fight they will rob the chance to defeat bourgeoisie’s attack. This was imposed by the leadership that took the proletariat behind different elections fronts, “left unity”, anarchist, renegades of Trotskyism, wastes of Stalinism; the leadership took the workers from the street combats so a liar and pseudo-pacifist wave strengthen the government of Papandreu, just as manager of JP Morgan as Karamanlis.
Papandreu didn’t come with bread under his arm. He came with a pistol and put it in the head of Greek proletariat. His ammunitions are: guarantee the dismissal of tens of casual workers of the state and for 3 years close all kind of hiring; reduce public servants’ wages and pensions 30%; freeze public servants and private companies workers for the next 3 years; increase VAT up to 25%; generalize increase on taxes, fuel, alcohol and tobacco; a generalized robbery to the pensions founds by increasing the age of retirement.
The working class must pay capitalists losses and bankruptcy, after they got all the super-profits and spend it.

The attack headed by Papandreu (Social Democrat) makes Karamanlis to look smaller –also manager of Goldman Sachs- that in order to prevent being overthrown by the masses in 2008, he had to leave his place by much less than Papandreu.
Every day stockholder parasites from the imperialist banks and their representatives, through world bourgeois media, keep repeating that only if Papandreu attacks the masses directly they will bail out with millions of dollars to prevent Greek default, which would mean a terrible hit and would compromise the payment chain of Europe.
Imperialist bourgeoisie tells Papandreu clearly: “you must attack the masses now, to make them pay our crisis.” Every day Papandreu tells imperialist bourgeoisie that he will apply those measures, but so far –even though he dismissed thousand of casual workers and rise VAT from 19 to 21%- he stills needs to impose Greek working class this brutal plunder that will be paid by 3 or 4 generations of the proletariat and exploited masses of Greece.
World imperialist bourgeoisie wants the masses to pay the crisis. They prepared the conditions to achieve victory. But they are absolutely aware that this will be imposed only if the win in the physical class fight.
CONDITIONS HAVE TO BE CONQUERED. Bourgeoisie, with the betrayal role of the treacherous leaderships, wants and fights –with confidence that it will win- to CREATE THE CONDITIONS to smash the proletariat.
The proletariat can’t conquer the conditions for its victory yet because of its leadership and it must fights in the worst conditions. It must goes back and start all over again, now against Papandreu who launches a bigger attack than Karamanlis. Like in the revolutionary fights of 2008, again the proletariat is about to start is 3rd general strike, this time in 2010.
Who is the liar, trickster, servant of the bourgeoisie that can say today that there are no conditions? And that the Greek proletariat didn’t created over and over again the conditions to stop the attack, put capitalists on their knees, put the feet on bourgeoisie chest and start the revolution?
The world working class has to understand that in Greece is their fate.
European and world bourgeoisie need to defeat Greek proletariat. The tragedy is that the proletariat because of the crisis of the leadership can put all its forces –European and from the world- to make the Greek working class achieve victory, to make the revolution in Europe begin.
The counterrevolutionary forces that want to fence the Greek proletariat are: British Labour Party and trade union, which yesterday called for “British Jobs for British Workers”; the traitors of French trade unions that left all by themselves immigrants workers in Paris and the starving youth of the cites; from the Italian and German union bureaucracy, which signed cutting wages and flexibilization for the proletariat; from the traitors of AFL-CIO who sold out US working class and movement against the war to Obama and they let alone immigrant movement to be attacked by Bush in USA.
In the semicolonial world –like imperialist Europe and USA- Greek proletariat is isolated by 5th International that, from Castroite bureaucracy and renegades of Trotskyism, submit the proletariat to native bourgeoisies, to allow financial capital to concentrate its forces and attack on Greek proletariat.
Gordon Brown –Labour Prime Minister that all the “anticapitalist” parties called to vote for “against the right wing”- announced that England, whit an equal or superior deficit than Greece, that for British workers have ahead “a worst adjustment than Thatcher’s one in the ‘80s” that will cost “blood, sweat and tears” like Churchill said.

The Greek working class imposed the general strike on May 5th
Long live the Greek working class!
Long live the general strike!
Down with Papandreu!
Let the Greek revolution begin! Let the European revolution begin!
All the forces of the world proletariat to break the fence of the Greek working class! There is fate of the world proletariat!


Anarchists and renegades of Trotskyism: a front by left to put the proletariat and its general strike as a struggle to pressure its executioner.
On refomists’ unionist cretinism

After the victorious general strike on March 11th, all treacherous leaderships –Stalinism, Anarchists, EEK and the rest of renegades of Trotskyism- said that there weren’t conditions to defeat Papandreu government on the streets.
“So there weren’t conditions to stop the attack”, we should tell this tricksters of the world proletariat. Because either you defeat the government that is launching the attack or there is no solution from the point of view of the economic fight.
Reformist show the proletariat the path of defeat, making it to pressure Papandreu’s government; so he doesn’t “make the adjustment” or “reduce it” or “make it lighter” or at least “make it sweeter”. There is no more room for conciliation. They can’t make alms look like reforms any more!

The economic bankruptcy is here. The only solution for the economic struggle of the proletariat during the crisis and bankruptcy is a mass political fight, overthrowing the government and the regime; making the bourgeoisie to fall down to its knees and move forward to a workers solution towards proletarian revolution. It is combat that will have winners and losers. This is an open class war.
Second general strike on March 11th, imposed by the masses overthrowing bureaucrats, was “the strike” because it posed on the agenda who owns the house: either the working class or its executers of world financial capital. It posed who must rule Greece: if the imperialist capitalist parasites or the proletariat.
The cretinism of reformism put the working class down to its knees before the enemies and tries to transform masses political struggle into a fight to get crumbs when the enemy comes to get the life of our class.

While the bourgeoisie put all its international forces to smash the Greek proletariat, it puts all its forces in two revolutionary waves in 2008 and 2010. It proves –like the Argentinean working class in 2001 and Bolivian in 2003- that they learnt to fight in moments of economic crisis with masses political fight. With political general strikes, which are masses political fights, because there is no worker that thinks that with a general strike they get one single dollar on wages o any economic reform. Those are political general strikes to stop the political attack of the enemy, to weaken the government that attacks the proletariat.
It is a huge political fights that speaks the language of barricade, assembly, factory committee, that gather workers not by trade or profession –like partial economic struggles- but the whole working class; without distinguishing between profession or trade, native or immigrant, official hired or casual-temporary, employed or unemployed, rural or urban worker, public servant or ruined poor peasant.
It is a political mass fight, which needs an organism that the masses have set up as embryo: like the immigrants committees, contracted committees, which imposed to unions and its leaderships 2 general strike this year; and they are heading to a new one on May 5th. Reformist leadership try to run out the energies of the Greek proletariat with pressure struggles.
Unionist and opportunist cretinism of the renegades of Trotskyism –who follow Anarchism-, use the same policy to sell out revolutionary mass actions that their relatives from Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela and USA; to strangle the fight of the proletariat of the American continent and its revolutionary actions.
The misery of opportunism and reformist is completely opposite with what the masses need to win. They need a true organism of self-determination and direct democracy to centralize and coordinate all the struggling exploited in Greece; to set up working class dual power, give the necessary self-defence to stop the police and fascist gangs (who act today with Papandreu as they did yesterday with Karamanlis) to guarantee general strike and victorious generalized actions of the proletariat, in order to overthrow Papandreu government and open the road for a victorious insurrection of Greek working class and to make the revolution begin.

Despite the cowardice of its leadership, the working class has stand up firm and responds to the bourgeois attack

Despite and against all the working class leaderships, facing this attack, the Greek working class has risen up and in its huge fights and said: “NO! We won’t pay the crisis provoked by a bunch of parasites”; “NO! Our wages and jobs are not tied to the IMF plans”; “NO! We are not going to pay the businesses of the bankers”.
As we have already said, since Papandreu’s government together with the IMF and the European Banks announced the agreement to “bail out” and the plan to attack the masses, as they are the guarantee to get the money back and to avoid the default; the working class has been out in the combats with strikes, manifestations, combats in the streets, factories occupations, and it imposed to the Stalinist and Social Democrat bureaucracy the call to an unified action of all the exploited ones in order to hit as a single fist: a new general strike which will follow the path already marked by the great general strike of March 11th. On April 29th the bureaucracy, attempting to contain the force which is being untying, they channel the combative activity of the masses and set the date for the general Strike on May 5th.
The spontaneity of the masses has shown to be a million times more advanced than all the General Staffs of the Greek working class and the entire international proletariat. This is because of its perceptiveness, boldness and predisposition to fight. 
The masses did not wait for the bureaucrat’s calendar to pass by. They anticipated and showed their disposition to fight. On Mayday, the International Workers’ Day, hundreds of thousands took the streets in all the cities of the country with rallies and barricades combats. The masses, without the bureaucracy or any reformist party calling on doing it, set up their own self-defense pickets and with rocks, hits, clubs and Molotov bombs confronted the repression of Papandreu’s police. Tens of police officers ended up surrounded in flames as the whole proletariat could watch from the images broadcasted from Athens and Thessalonica. In that day, the workers and the exploited ones attacked the banks, the public buildings and the big business shops, showing their class hate against the exploiters and pointing correctly who are the enemies of the workers. For that reason in Place Syntagma, downtown Athens, when the masses identified a former bourgeois minister of Karamanlis government and his guards and they bit /smashed them. Despite and against the union leadership, who never called to start now a decisive action and the working class to intervene with their organizations and deploy all the forces; the transport workers, the docks workers and the public health workers continued their strikes. Day after day, after Mayday, more sectors get into combat.
With their febrile activity, the proletariat and the masses show a pre-insurrectional militant state. They have clearly said, and they show it in the streets, they are not willing to pay for the crisis. Because of their own experience, the masses have understood there is no more place for illusions. To the war unleashed by the rich ones, the only respond is with the class war of the proletariat, with its methods: strikes, mobilizations, occupations, barricades, pickets to defend itself of the repression and combats in the streets.
Those actions showed that the exploited ones have learnt to fight under crack conditions. They have been fighting against unemployment, high cost of living, inflation and so on since 2006. Against the successive treasons of the union bureaucracy, the workers learnt how to conquer their own independent organizations in order to fight like Union Network of the contracted workers and the workers immigrants which is ignored by the official unions. The spilled blood of Alexander and Lambros Foundas made understand the necessity to set up self-defense committees before the repression of the murder state, with its police and its fascist gangs attack selectively the working vanguard.
Because of this huge and painful combat –under unthinkable sufferings-, the masses show that they have deeply understood that in order to get bread and jobs, to prevent the next three generations from paying the Greek bankers and world imperialistic bourgeoisie brutal plunder, first of all, it is necessary to defeat the murderous government of Papandreu.
That is the war cry that the Trotskyist put as a motion so the Greek masses take it in their huge general strike that they called on May 5th. There is no another way. It is us or them! Let’s overthrown Papandreu! The revolution should start!

It is not strange that the treacherous leaderships were not at the head of the preparation of the general strike on May 5th, coordinating the organism the masses set up in their fight to set up a dual power, the power of the exploited ones. They did not call on a National Congress of rank and file workers, the poor peasants and the soldier’s delegates. They do not want to set up the pickets and the self-defense committees, in order to confront the repression of the murder Papandreau police and the attack of the fascist gangs. They do not want this to be an insurrectionary general strike which overthrows the government, breaks down the regime and starts the revolution. The immigrants, chased by all the European regimes, under the most adverse conditions, ignored and rejected by all the unions, without having any support only their own forces; they set up, call and guaranteed a continental strike on March 1st in the entire Europe.
The reformist left -that in Europe lead unions-, the opposition groups in the union and the student organizations haven’t lift a single finger for the fight of the masses in Greece. Their role was to say to the whole vanguard that they lead that in order to stop the attack in the whole Europe, it is necessary to vote for Gordon Brown against the liberals and the tories in England, for the Socialists against Sarkozy in France, etc. Enough! Break with the bourgeoisie! The workers organizations of all Europe must vote an immediate motion: We are all Greek workers! A single continental fight to defeat the attack! A Continental Workers Congress in Athens to unite our ranks!
For many years, the renegades of Trotskyism and their “anti-capitalist” parties, now truly Social-imperialist parties, have talked about “the unity of the European working class” based on the framework of Maastricht and the European Union, for a “Workers’ Europe”. The Mandelite currents, the supporters of SWP (Callinicos), LCR and their “anti-capitalist” parties, the united lefts in Spain, Refundazzione Communist in Italy, made a thousand and one electoral fronts in France, England, Spain, and Italy. They claim several times for the unity of the European workers every time they launch for elections for their European Parliament Members or the they call to cast a vote for some Labour Party or Social Democrat candidate as the lesser evil.
For many years they made the working class believe that it was possible to have a “Unity and Solidarity Europe” in the framework of Maastricht and this cave of bandits of the European imperialist power. In this way they became vulgar social-patriots.
And now, the fate of the Belgian, German, French and Russian working class is with the Greek working class.  Even so, they have refused to put all the forces to call to get the streets, to march over the unions all around Europe in order to impose a single fight with the Greek workers, to send delegates of the union organizations to be part of fighting days of the Greek working class, in order to set up a big parliament of the European working class under the combat of the Greek workers.
This is the Social Europe that the European working class needs!

In Greece a decisive battle of class war between imperialism and the World working class is being fought

The imperialist bourgeoisie is very conscious of the fact that if it defeats the Greek working class, it will tip the balance in its favour in the class war it has deepened against the world masses. A defeat of the Greek proletariat will put the imperialist parasites in excellent conditions to impose a bourgeois way out for the fourth round of the world economic crisis. They are aware of the fact that if they achieve the Greek exploited pay for the deficit of the Greek state- indebted 123% of its GDP since it paid for the bailout to the parasitic stockholders of the banks and enterprises of Wall Street, London, Paris, Frankfurt-, they will be able to apply this politic throughout Europe beginning with Portugal, Italy, and Spain-the next countries in the list of the most indebted countries in Europe after Greece.  The imperialist bourgeoisie knows that only a defeat over the Greek masses will allow them to impose a way out and equilibrium to stabilize the continent -facing the bursting out of Maastricht-. And from there, to end up imposing on the masses of the whole Europe a brutal attack and defeat them so that  masses pay with “blood, sweat and tears” as Gordon Brown said , the English Labourist Prime Minister.
The International working class and its most conscious sectors also know that their fate is being defined in Greece.
The Greek working class as the advance battalion of the world exploited has in its hands the possibility of opening the road to a mass counteroffensive at worldwide level so that capitalists pay for the crisis. If the Greek proletariat overthrows the Papandreou’s government opening the socialist revolution and the fight for the taking of power to give a worker solution to the crisis, it will mark the road for the whole world proletariat to make capitalists pay for the crisis by defeating the bourgeois governments and regimes. 

Thus, the Greek working class will continue the road marked by the masses of the former soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan who revolted with an independent action of masses, took the weapons, defeated the police in the streets, and occupied the governmental buildings and the parliament and overthrew the government to stop the attack of the president Bakiev, agent of Obama.
That criminal of Bakiev, financed by USA, increased suddenly 200% the prices of the Basic food. The respond was a spontaneous insurrection of masses. The power of the state was left dismantled. Workers took the factories and land. 
The assassin Putin‘s White army ran very fast to advice the Kyrgyz bourgeoisie not to use the army since it will be divided fast and move to the side of the insurrects.
In that point, the capitalists’ attack was stopped and the way forward is that the working class takes power and does not give such power again to the wings of the old Stalinist bureaucracy transformed into a new bourgeoisie, servant of the US base in Kyrgyzstan.
The revolutionary blow of the Kyrgyz masses is where the Greek workers must reach. The reformist leaderships know it. They know if the Greek workers reach up to that point, we would be facing another Prague spring, French May or facing another revolution of carnations in Portugal.
And what it is more important, under these both revolutionary blows of Kyrgyzstan and Greece, the unity of the whole European Working class will be at the order of the day. An European Working class that does not end in Germany but in the Russian plains, that is, in a country where thousands of workers have already gone out to the streets to stop the attack of the Russian Papandreu-Putin- killer of the Chechnya nation.
Without any doubt, the Greek combat will re-open the struggle for the worker revolution in Europe, for the Socialist United States of Europe that only will be conquered with the fight for the restoration of the dictatorship of proletariat under revolutionary ways in the former workers states of Europe sold out yesterday on the part of the Stalinist waste. 

The workers of the entire European continent have their eyes fixed in the fight of their Greek brothers and sisters. The beginning of the Greek revolution will be a huge blow of the proletariat in the heart of the European imperialist powers, a great lever to break the fence imposed by the bureaucracy, isolating them country by country, to stop the attack of the imperialists across Europe. It will be a supporting point from where to centralize the forces of the entrie working class of the continent, of the workers who fight for entereing into the fight against the fierce imperialist attack such as the workers of England against Brown’s government, the workers that in Russia fight against the butcher Putin, the workers of Portugal that seek a fight against the Social Democratic government of Socrates, and the migrant workers, the most exploited sector of the European proletariat, who in March 1st organized a general strike in the entire continent.
The fight of the Greek masses will also be an incentive to rise up again the workers of Ireland, Latvia, Poland, Estonia, where the union bureaucracies signed agreements including dismissals, cut in the wages and freezing wages, and they’ve imposed it to the masses, causing that, for example in Ireland again, as in the 19th century, millions of workers has to run away from the country as slave labour in England and United States.
But the opening of the revolution in Greece not only will move Europe, but it would also cause an electric shock for the US working class to break its subordination to Obama and re-takes the path of the fight of the workers for the right of the immigrants and the Movement of the Million Men March against the war, to fight against the black stained Bush who is already making them pay for the crisis of the bailouts to the parasites of Wall Street.
It can also be a lever to the working class of the whole world, mainly for the Cuban masses to rise up and fight against the million dismissals that announced the restorationist Castroite bureaucracy. A blow against the imperialist powers in the heart of Europe would give a big push forward for the masses in Africa, Middle East, Asia and Latin America, which suffer the brutal plunder and the over exploitation of the imperialist parasites.
The bourgeoisie is aware of the decisive carácter of the battle in Greece. Under its commands, it has deployed all the reformsit leaderships of the masses in Greece and in the continent, centralized internationally from the Fifth International of Chavez, Castro, the “red” mandarins of the Chinese CP, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the renegades of Trotskyism as its left wing. Its aim is to isolate the fight of the Greek masses from their class brothers and sisters from the rest of the continent and prevent that, overthrowing Papandreu, they start the revolution in Greece, which will spark Paris and the entire Europe, from Portugal to the Russian steppes.


Overthrowing Papandreu’s government and the begining of the revolution in Greece is on the agenda

The heroicity of the Greek masses with its fights have put in the agenda the revolutionary overthrowing of Papandreu. That’s the task for the moment to defeat the attack of the imperialist parasites. To make the capitalists pay for the crisis: Down with Papandreu’s government, agent of the parasites JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Bundesbank and the Greek banks!

The workers and the exploited must focus their forces, coordinating the factory committees and the fighting organizations of the working class and the masses to make sure that the General Strike on May 5th would become a decisive hit to overthrow the government and destroy the regime. Let the revolution start in Greece!

To expand, centralize and coordinate the organisms conquered by the proletariat and the masses in struggle, such as the Union Network of contracted workers, the union of migrant workers, the strike committees, we have to call for a National Congress of rank and file delegates that calls the workers and poor peasants to march over the barracks to look for their sons, husbands, boyfriends, brothers to break with the murderous officers’ caste of the Greek army, and together with them set up the workers militia, to prepare to seize the power and impose a workers and peasants government to settle a workers’ emergency plan to make the Greek capitalist and the US-EU imperialist parasites to pay for the crisis.

To have bread, work, health, education and future for the working class and the exploited:
No sacrifice! Expropriate the expropriators!
Equal pay for equal work for all the workers, born in Greece and migrant as well!
Not a single worker sacked! Work for all! Share the hours of work among all the available hands! All workers should be hired full time workers!
No freezing the wages! No wage cuts! Sliding scale of wages according to the increase in the cost of living!
Enough with the secret negotiations between the parasites from Greece, USA and Europe! Down with the business secret! Open the accounting books! Nationalization without compensation of the banks and the foreign trade, and place them under control of the workers!
No pay the debt! Not a single euro or dollar for the JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Bundesbank and their Greek partners, paid with the hunger of the people! Expropriation without compensation of the US, German, Greek imperialist bourgeois companies and place them under workers’ control!
Against the privatizations! Re-nationalization without compensantion of all the public sercives and the privaticed former state companies and place them under workers control!
Dissolution of the pólice and all the represive forces of the state! Set up a workers militia to defeat the murderous officers’ caste of the Greek army!
Workers and popular tribunals to make justice against those who killed Alexis, Foundras and the workers martyrs!

Obama, Merkel, Sarkozy and the entire imperialist bourgeoisie has agreed to support Papandreu in Greece. They have decided to attack the Greek masses as a first step to impose to the working class fo the continent the policy of “blood, sweat and tears”. In Greece, a decisive battle of the European and the world working class is underway.
To break the teeth to this counterrevolutionary unholy alliance of the bourgeoisie, supported by the reformist leaderships, the European working class must rise with a continental action, following the path of the migrant workers, to break the isolation against our class brothers in Greece and make the warcry of “Spark in Athens, Fire in Paris: That’s the insurrection that is coming!” to come true.

For the European working class not to pay for the crisis, the Greek working class must win.
The independent committees of migrant workers and the movement March 1st 2010, together with the Greek workers, must be at the head of a call to a Continental Congress of delegates of the entire Europe, which should meet in Greece to unite all the struggles and prepare a continental strike.

The US working class has been subordinated to its executioner, Obama. The social-imperialist left has subordinated the fight of the migrant workers and the fight against the war to the feet of Obama, and for that way, today the US working class, with millions of layoffs and millions of starving and unemployed, is the one that is paying for the crisis of the bankers of Wall Street. Millions of American workers have seen that the siren singings of Obama and the reformist left and those of the AFL-CIO (which all of them are making the working class pay for the crisis) are good for nothing.
The US imperialist beast, which has invaded Haití now, as yesterday it did to Iraq and Afghanistan, is making the working class of the whole world to pay for its crisis. The US workers, which as the Greek proletariat as its big ally in the fight against Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, must win the streets in the USA and break with the leaderships that tie the working class to Obama.
Just yesterday, the AFL-CIO made the workers of Toyota, GM, VW and from many other factories to accept the retrenchments, wage cuts and the surrender of the pensions.
And all of this was to bankroll the finance oligarchy of Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan. The Greek working class is fighting against these parasites, the same ones that dismissed and left more than 45 million American workers living with 3 dollars a day.
We must defeat those parasites of the four blocks of Wall Street so the world working class may live!
We must set up the million men march against the war once again!
We must set up again the fight of the migrant workers, which are now suffering an attack worst than that of Bush, placing in the first place the demand of “Yankee out of Haiti, of the maquilas in Central America and out of the entire Latin America!

Expropriation without compensation of all the imperialist companies and banks of the entire Europe that plunder our class brothers and sisters in the entire world and place them under workers’ control! Disregard the entire foreign debt of the colonies and semicolonies of the imperialist parasite banks!
Defeat the NATO tropos in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan! Victory for the resistence!
Down with Maastricht agreement, the European Union of the imperialist powers, with its bogus parliament and the common currency of the transnationals!
Down with the murderous regime of the French Fifth republic and the monarchy of Spain and England!
Out Berlusconi, Merkel and the German government of the Bundesbank!
Down with the imperialist Europe!
Restoration of the proletarian dictatorship under revolutionary ways in Russiam in the former soviet republics and in Eastern Europe!
For the Socialist United States of Europe from Portugal to the Russian steppes!

In the barricades of Greece, in the fights of the migrant workers enslaved in the imperialist Europe, in the workers fight against the imperialist attack, the leaders of the proletarian revolution have emerged. They need a party and a program to lead them to victory. In that path, the internationalist revolutionaries of the FLTI will fight to conquer an Organizational Committee for the refoundation of the Fourth International in 1938.