Declaración del Partido Obrero Internacionalista - Cuarta Internacional de Chile
Integrante de la Fracción Leninista Trotskista Internacional

By blockading routes, barricades, taking over bridges and roads, taking over the police stations and hard combats against the murderous pacos (police TN), the exploited in the Patagonia mark the way for the Chilean working class and exploited to conquer our demands…

Long live the upheaval of the exploited masses in the Chilean Patagonia!
 As the masses in revolt said: “Aysén your fight is our fight!”




Get Out of our mobilizations and fighting organizations the CCP’s bosses, mayors, deputies, and bourgeois politicians of the Concertación and the right-wing!
 They are responsible that despite the “historical growing up” in the Region, the transnationals and their partners, the native boss, only caused plunder, backwardness and misery for the exploited!
Only trust in our own forces!

We are all workers and exploited of Aysén!
No more the rebels from the Patagonia fighting alone!

A National Fighting Committee must be set up immediately in Aysén, with a delegate each 100 bringing a base mandate together with the dock workers- already fighting-, the militant students and all the sectors fighting against the Piñera’s government and civic-military regime of the pinochetist Constitution!  
Let´s strike like a single fist! That all the sectors in conflict vote and send delegates with mandate from the base to put in place that Committee to coordinate and centralize the fights at national level!

Self-defence committees to confront the pinochetist repression! Dissolution of the murderous police!
Worker and popular tribunals to judge and punish the responsible ones for the repression against this mobilization! Immediate and unconditional release of all the political prisoners! None prosecution for all the worker and popular fighters chased by the pinochetist regime! Down with the pinochetist laws of the State’s domestic security and the anti-terrorist law!

 Stop fighting all divided! Stop sustaining the murderous regime and government! Out the CUT union bureaucracy! It is necessary to convene immediately from the Rebel Patagonia a National Congress of delegates from the worker, student and peasant movement to prepare the revolutionary general strike that like in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia, overthrow the Piñera government and open the second Chilean revolution!

Only by this way we can conquer all our demands! Out Endesa (Spain monopoly), ENI (Italian monopoly) and all the transnationals of Aysén and the entire Chile! Renationalization without payment and under workers’ control of the cooper, lithium, and all the natural resources plundered by imperialism! Stop the high cost of living caused by the increase in the fuel! Free Benzine, gas and paraffin for the workers and exploited paid by the state and for a progressive tax on big fortunes! 

Free transports’ tickets for workers and students! Sliding scale of salary and labor hours; reduction of the labor shift to 6 hours with one more labor shift in all the factories and workplaces to get job for all, and a minimal wage of 750.000 pesos! This fight is part of the same struggle posed by the student movement: Free and public education in all the levels!

Fort he beginning of the second Chilean revolution!
For a worker and peasant Government based on the triumphal Cordones Industriales (industrial cordons)!

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